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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/21 in all areas

  1. Nice hike though Lehigh Gorge - Rockport today
    3 points
  2. Lots of blueberries, raspberries, and beans from this weekend. We’ve also harvested greens twice already and they have been continuously regenerative. We haven’t bought greens or fruit for a few weeks now. Carrots and beets should be next.
    2 points
  3. It's not a toy...it's display piece. You don't just get one at the store and let the kids go to town.
    1 point
  4. Oh it's out. Came in jet mode and took me about an hour to transform... going straight to the display case. The engineering on it is pretty incredible.
    1 point
  5. We’ve re-deployed devices that were previously slated to be “end of life” a few times when newer devices become scarce, but it’s few and far between. But that’s only functional devices that aren’t far behind the latest equipment that can pass the “clean and screen” testing of the (somewhat) local supply chain, which I think is now all outsourced to a 3rd party anyway. Anything that’s truly broken is sent by our supply chain back to the manufacturers where I’m sure they probably refurb some of it in their overseas facilities. Somewhat interesting to me was when I learned a few years ago that there is a robust secondhand market for “obsolete” cable TV technology like modems and cable boxes. While walking the vendor floor of the Cable Expo I saw a couple of vendors with racks of well outdated, from our perspective, equipment. I chatted for a while with one of the booth reps and apparently they buy up the stuff in bulk from the big companies and sell it to smaller operators who can still make use of it
    1 point
  6. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Rockport, being in between glen onoko and white haven and the furthest out, tends to be less crowded. I like Rockport because you get two, very easily accessible waterfalls and a nice, long cascading fall into the river from the parking area. Not as scenic from a mountains perspective as glen onoko but scenic from a water perspective. No where near the zoo that is hickory run.
    1 point
  7. Was the display piece more or less than $100??? I wanna know in case I’m ever on the price is right lol
    0 points
  8. Do you have any other action figures? Maybe He-Man and GI Joe..lol
    0 points
  9. Wow just wow do you keep it next to your tickle me Elmo and and beanie babies.
    0 points
  10. Make sure you get a fresh pair of panties before you read on... The weather has been great for the garden this year. Tomatoes, peppers, and beans are doing incredibly well. As are the root veggies like our potatoes, beets, and carrots. What has really been doing well are our greens. The cools nights has really helped produce tons of lettuce and spinach. We haven't had to buy greens since mid-May and have been have salads daily. The squash and cantaloupe were just transplanted last weekend and are already starting to vine all over. Out early season blueberries are doing great, and the late season blueberries will probably come in when our raspberries do. My dog has now learned how to eat blueberries directly off of the bush. I'm not too pleased about that...
    0 points
  11. This rain really helped things in the garden perk up and the cooler weather this month has helped the greens refresh quickly after each harvest.
    0 points
  12. Pennsylvania's newest crop: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/26/business/lehigh-valley-warehouses-ecommerce.html I'm happy to be mostly surrounded by preserved farmland and away from major roadways out here.
    0 points
  13. Way too early to plant flowers!
    0 points
  14. If it shit in the bed at least it will be good fertilizer.
    0 points
  15. The amount of raspberries I’m still getting is crazy. Just one plant and I’m picking at least one handful a day and have been for the last three weeks. Still plenty more to ripen over the next week or two.
    0 points
  16. Our raspberry bush has been producing like crazy this fall we’ve never had a second harvest from this thing and in the last two weeks we have gotten multiple pints from it. It was also a good day to cut some lines.
    0 points
  17. Harvested about 1/3 of the potatoes earlier and will be making some with dinner tonight.
    0 points
  18. Our beets are coming in nicely this year. We planted a mix of Detroit Red and Golden. This is just about 5% of our total beet crop. Pumped to cook these tonight.
    0 points
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