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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/21 in all areas

  1. Indy Pass is announcing new areas for Pennsylvania, New York, and Canada on Tuesday. Anyone else buy the Indy Pass? Anyone want to speculate on what the PA and NY areas are? I would want it to be Elk but think that it is more likely to be Montage. They need a reason for people to drive past the Poconos. I wouldn't expect it to be Blue/Camelback. They have enough crowds already. Ski Big Bear would be a possibility. For NY I would I want it to be Plattekill. Not sure what other areas it could be.
    2 points
  2. I can assure you that, as of an hour ago, you do not want the whole trip report.
    2 points
  3. Been probably 3 years but shady maple is awesome.. especially breakfast
    1 point
  4. Damn. Haven’t been there since 2008. I think I’ve finally recovered. I’d go back.
    1 point
  5. I hope there's a whole trip report. I've always wanted to check this place out.
    1 point
  6. Noice! Went Father’s Day weekend. Don’t miss the craft soda fountain instead of the Pepsi
    1 point
  7. New Covid-19 cases are surging in southern and Midwest states where vaccination rates are low. Florida had over 5,000 new cases on Tuesday and 6,000 new cases on Wednesday. The US was over 35,000 new cases yesterday after dipping below 20,000 daily cases a few weeks ago.
    0 points
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