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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/21 in all areas

  1. I blocked out my place for PASR use from 1/19-2/28. So make your plans in that time window gents.
    5 points
  2. i got mine too, which is sort of interesting, since i think i just gave them a deposit of some sort. Not that really matters, but..... Cant wait to abuse the fireplace privilege's at @Barb place!
    4 points
  3. The caveat being I myself will be there all or most of that time. So sleeping arrangements are the loft (AKA Bert and Ernie beds) and the sofa bed. We could probably squeeze 2 air mattresses on the floor if needed. It’s a tight fit so keep all your man smells to minimum. Many thanks
    3 points
  4. Two days +15% off 3rd day I think. I am definitely getting Indy now, this is pretty rad You also got blue knob and shawnee on it as well as some of the coolest new England hills If I get Indy and then just hit up night skiing like at bear creek or blue that'll be plenty of cheap skiing for me. Get hype
    3 points
  5. Or at least refrain from posting pictures with incriminating evidence.
    3 points
  6. Make sure you use a coaster for your drinks, too.
    3 points
  7. Montage def boosts Indy appeal big time for the NJ/E.PA skiier.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Montage is officially on... The Indy Pass is adding Titus Mountain in Malone NY to its lineup of New York ski areas. The news came as part of a four resort addition including Titus, Montage, Ski Marmot Basin and Snow Valley. New York passholders will now have access to six Indy resorts in the state: Catamount, Greek Peak, Swain […]
    2 points
  11. It's 25% off 3rd day
    1 point
  12. Phillycore it cost you $2500 not costed you..I hope you ski this winter. You spend that much on your cat and probably that much more on an engagement ring, buy a blue pass, some new boots and maybe take a trip with Dan and Dom
    1 point
  13. At least it’s not a model train set.
    1 point
  14. I might take you up on that! Got the epic this year so hoping to spend some time in Colorado.
    1 point
  15. The stoke market is rising.
    1 point
  16. That’s the picture from that fake ID from Hawaii Mr. McLuvin
    1 point
  17. me too! They used the picture from me from like 2007 🤣
    1 point
  18. my dog, Wally, has been detonating farts that are, by far, the worst thing I've ever smelled. Took him to the vet and it turns out he swallowed a nail. I wonder if they'll also find any pebbles from the blue mountain parking lot in there. (but who swallows nails?!!) Also, considering changing his name from Wally to Wallet.
    0 points
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