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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/21 in all areas

  1. Speaking of CB - did you see this @Barb?? https://www.instagram.com/p/CRomDkHlb_g/?utm_medium=copy_link
    4 points
  2. I would like to like your post, but i dont. still cant figure out what people have against getting vaccinated. But, i guess at the same time, i was vaccinated for everything as a kid, being a product of people in the medical field. i still get every vaccination i can get my hands on. The tin foil hat that thinks theres something more to a vaccine, than a vaccine, just doesnt fit me right. One guy in our office wont get the vaccine. I guess this decision follows every other poor decision he makes in his life.
    3 points
  3. Who says you’re the only one who benefits? 😏
    3 points
  4. I'd pay to watch this reality show.
    2 points
  5. Devil's advocate: Let it go sideways as long as it doesn't cause the hospitals to overflow again. At this point people are actively choosing to not protect themselves and that's entirely on them.
    2 points
  6. I think some people hear the survivability rate and say they don't need the vaccine .... and there are people that think it takes X number of years to develop a vaccine.... I like to think medical science advances pretty quick so maybe they can develop them quicker now....Then there are people who just full on distrust anything that comes out of Washington... But I'm with Dan..I don't understand why people will not get vaccinated ...
    1 point
  7. Lo que Dijo!!! Jajajajajaja
    1 point
  8. Now that’s fucking funny!
    1 point
  9. This is going on in the Poconos too. Unfortunately my development has gone from "vacation community" when i bought, to "rental community" now. The influx of STR's is insane. It used to be owners basically renting their homes a few weeks and weekends here and there to offset the cost of the home. i did it for a little while and determined i hated it, and would never do it again. Now there are a bunch of people with multiple homes, purpose built for rentals. Owners with no intent of ever spending one night in the home. i mean, we are talking 6-8 bedroom homes claiming "sleeps 25", which is causing issues with the amenities in the community that havent been expanded upon. Not that i like the beach, but you should see what it looks like here on the weekends.....its just packed beyond reasonable capacity. People like to say this is good for the "local" economy, and i think you would agree, the local economy of Albrightsville, and Crested Butte are two completely different things. I think the CB economy is based more heavily on tourism then Albrightsville. People go to CB to hike, ski, watch birds, look at flowers, walk around town. I guess you could say the same for Albrightsville, but i do believe its a completely different clientele.
    1 point
  10. This was a big issue in Vermont..google Act 60. Essentially second homeowners had to pay a much higher property tax rate.
    1 point
  11. Yes I have been following the local politics of this closely. As with every mountain town, CB has a housing shortage. The locals have their pitchforks out for people like me, assholes who short term rent their homes. Their proposed solution is to impose a $10,000 per year ‘community preservation fee’ tax on people who do not live in their homes more than 6 months per year. I understand this is a problem, but it didn’t get created in one season and it will not get solved in one season. It is creating quite an “us vs them” mentality in the valley. But this is true of the country as a whole right now it seems. The rub with their logic is that even if I did not short term rent my home, I would not rent it long term to locals because then I could never use it. Also, the people who rent contribute to the local economy by going out to eat, buying t-shirts, renting mountain bikes etc. I, as a person who cares about the community, have given generously to local causes in the area as have many other second home owners. I am also happy to contribute to a housing fund, but do not think it is fair to put this burden solely on second homeowners. City governments and their policies over the years have played a major role. It will be on the November ballot whether to impose the tax and, of course, only locals will be voting on it.
    1 point
  12. We call those .22 target practice out here
    1 point
  13. You can sleep in one of the Bert and Ernie beds next to JFDan
    1 point
  14. there ya go. thats what it is. they are horrible creatures too. I always laugh when i see the PA lottery ads where they have that groundhog as a cute and cuddly creature. They are pretty far from cute and cuddly. more like disgusting and smelly. My dog could find them with his eyes closed, and a stuffy nose.
    1 point
  15. How do I get help from the local Valley Housing Fund? I am decidedly in need of housing in Crested Butte.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Kids under 12 arent actively choosing not to protect themselves. They can't because they're unnable to get vaccinated. If an anti vaccine person gets my kid sick I'm gonna be pissed the F off. Not to mention school last year was a nightmare. If it's virtual again it's gonna be a problem for a lot of families. If it goes sideways again it's a huge problem.
    1 point
  18. I never remember you being so Altruistic. Does your wife ever take a girls trip? If not that’s her fault..you’d allow it.
    1 point
  19. my dog, Wally, has been detonating farts that are, by far, the worst thing I've ever smelled. Took him to the vet and it turns out he swallowed a nail. I wonder if they'll also find any pebbles from the blue mountain parking lot in there. (but who swallows nails?!!) Also, considering changing his name from Wally to Wallet.
    1 point
  20. Kids can wear masks and maintain social distancing. Most don’t.
    0 points
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