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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/21 in all areas

  1. Montage addition has me contemplating getting Epic + Indy passes for me and just Indy passes for the girls - who ski with me only half the time as they split time with their mom and like Montage a lot. Ski the more crowded Epic places when I go solo and can use singles lines and the less crowded Indy places when with girls. Save a good amount of $ compared with 3 Epic passes and Montage is a real nice option that is closer than Hunter for a day trip or could be combined with Greek for a weekend with some variety. Also I could check out lots of places I have never been - Jay, Bolton, Magic, Greek, B.East.
    1 point
  2. big day for me today. paging @saltyant
    1 point
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