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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/21 in all areas

  1. Now that blue is under new ownership, I got a letter last week my houseboat had to be removed from the fishing pond. Apparently its an eyesore the new owners did not like. Just picked it up in case it will be needed tomorrow as an arc. I suspect by 6pm tomorrow there should be enough water for me to float down and pick you up?
    4 points
  2. At least the snowmaking retention pods will be full!
    2 points
  3. Damn! Hopefully since you both have been vaccinated symptoms will be minor. Speedy recovery to your wife.
    2 points
  4. Update: So my wife was feeling like shit on Sunday and went for a test. It came back negative so probably just asthma or something she was thinking. I got my test on Monday and was negative so hooray. The hospital my wife works at wanted her to come in for an additional test which she did this morning and she tested positive. I've been sharing a bed and smooching, etc for the last 3 days so I'm now second guessing my test a little. I feel great though, so maybe my vaccine is working and good immune system. Who the hell knows!
    2 points
  5. Yeah, sadly that's pretty much par for the course with telecommunications companies, when the starting pay for a call rep is barely above par with a fast food worker. Follow the script no deviation -- never mind how many time's you have unplugged it and plugged it back in.
    2 points
  6. I realize on a forum for a relatively expensive sport like skiing there's probably not much use for this, but everyone's situation is different so figured it was worth dropping a link to the Emergency Broadband Benefit website in case anyone qualifies for it: https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit I know at Comcast, a LOT of people qualify for our Internet Essentials program even with household income you would think would not qualify, and all of those people automatically qualify for the EBB.
    1 point
  7. There is a 50-50 chance that at this time tomorrow, I will walk into my storage bedroom to see the ceiling completely collapsed, had some nice new leaks during the 30 minute red cell last week and it is starting to bow. Luckily my sleeping bedroom is leak free. Getting buckets set up around the house tonight
    0 points
  8. Looks like I’m getting vaccinated against my will. Pretty pissed off but I’m the best man in a wedding requiring vaccines. Wanna get the J+J so I can be one and done. Completely bitch move on my part, but I’m a very selfless person and will just have to suck it up and go against what is in my best health. I hope the vaccine gives me Covid and kills me, so on my death bed I can point my fingers at the world and on my last breath yell “I told you the vaccine was bullshit!”
    0 points
  9. sort of. i lost half pow. whatever uses 240 wasn't working, not enough current. like a bad leg but not really, issue is the main breaker. so, we have power on all of the low voltage stuff so that's good. fortunately the fridges and freezers are still working. no water though is what sucks the absolute most. wait nevermind, what sucks the most is shelling out 2k to replace it.
    0 points
  10. @Robert2time to remove your shit from your locker at Blue!!
    0 points
  11. Has everyone built their arc for Wednesday? I finished mine last night but won’t have time to get the animals
    0 points
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