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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/21 in all areas

  1. If you ever have trouble with your service, please let me know.
    1 point
  2. I am finalizing all the covid hoops I have to jump through for my trip next week. Had to upload our vaccination cards, then fill out a very detailed form for contact tracing purposes. Was then emailed a QR code I need to scan to enter Switzerland. We have a layover in Frankfurt and Germany just increased their levels of restrictions. Since we will not be entering Germany, I just have to fill out another form. I also made our appointment for our covid test to reenter the US as there are only 3 places in Zermatt that offer this service and I didn't want to wait until we got there, just in case. The airline did not send me any of this information, it just said it was the travelers responsibility to know all entry requirements of the countries traveled to. I admit, it was not an easy process to figure out, and I hope I have everything I need.
    1 point
  3. My wife got covid and is vaccinated, and for her it has just been like a mild cold. Maybe it would be much worse if she weren't vaccinated. I'd say go to the gym and workout and as long as you aren't hanging out with a high risk unvaccinated person you are all good. You've done your part by being vaccinated, and keeping healthy by exercising is important too. If you are worried or extra cautious you could always stick to running or do bodyweight exercises outside.
    1 point
  4. 😂😂😂 the radicalization of TP4 has begun
    1 point
  5. There are two categories of people: those who have had Covid, and those who will have Covid.
    0 points
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