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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/21 in all areas

  1. I meant to post this yesterday when I saw it. I came across this beautiful blue jay while running that stopped me in my tracks. It’s been a while seen I’ve seen one with such vivid colors and it let me get within a few feet for a picture.
    5 points
  2. I'm glad they are changing the name, I found Coming Soon offensive.
    3 points
  3. Got it. Like when my wife get's "reverse mad" at me when I'm mad for something she did and then she's mad because I'm mad. Then I get mad because she's "reverse mad".
    2 points
  4. Another good quote from Doug in regards to 3,000 innocent murder victims “Shut the fuck up about 9/11 nobody cares about it!” -Doug
    1 point
  5. Here are quotes from people who lost children or parents at 9/11 It's a shame," he said. "Are they kidding me? 3,000 people died, plus we have more people dying from the air that was down there … They're comparing it to score points politically. The families are really [angry]. When I talk to them, when they compare it to that, they find that outrageous." "It’s unfortunate because we’re coming up in the 20th anniversary," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother Charles Burlingame was murdered while piloting American Airlines Flight 77, the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. "There are a lot of young people who have no living memory of 9/11 … When you have all these comparisons and analogies, which are inflated and ridiculous, it minimizes what actually happened, and that’s what’s happening here. It’s a deliberate ploy." Burlingame penned a scathing Wall Street Journal op-ed about comparing the dates in May, noting the staggering "destruction and heartbreaking loss" on 9/11. "It is deeply offensive and sad that the brutal and harrowing memories of the worst terrorist attack in American history are being deployed by political partisans," she wrote. They just dehumanize our families for political gain," he said. "I guess they call it gaslighting. They can say these things that will make people believe that these riots were worse than the worst thing that happened on American soil. Either they're ignorant or they're just really devious and clever, and you can put nothing past them, because if you're willing to lie to that degree … It's a disturbing trend to me." "I saw people jumping out. I saw the sides of the buildings explode. I saw papers floating in the wind, and i tried to call my cousin," he said. "No one picked up … The terror, the carnage, the horror of 9/11, 20 years ago. They've forgotten or they think the rest of us have forgotten." Don Arias, whose brother Adam died on 9/11 while working on the 84th floor of the South Tower, told Fox News it makes his "blood boil" that anyone of any political stripe would make that comparison. "Clear thinking people see these inflammatory statements as the bulls--t they are," Arias said. "There’s no comparison." Riches' son died on 9/11, but it wasn't until March 25, 2002 that he and his three other sons carried pieces of Jimmy's body out of the rubble at Ground Zero. More than 1,000 other families never got remains to bury. In contrast, after the riot was quelled in January, the Senate finished its business that night and certified Biden as the president-elect. @mbike-ski, @toast21602, @NMSKI, @mute1080
    1 point
  6. You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to be offended that the offensive name is being changed because of the original offense. I think?
    1 point
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