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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/21 in all areas

  1. It will always be Coming Soon to me. All those names are completely lame.
    2 points
  2. Time change is here boys and girls. Ski season is "coming soon"!
    2 points
  3. As soon as there's a connector/bypass around that steep bit, I bet it does get split from Two Tickets to Upper Ticket and Lower Ticket. For all the tiny trails at Blue, at least there aren't upper/lower pairs that can't have one part open without the other (IE Lower Main St can open without Upper, Nightmare doesn't have to be open to ski Dreamweaver, etc.). Shockingly, lower Lazy Mile could be a separate trail and isn't. Personally, I'm in favour of Valhalla for "Paradise for badasses" but they obviously aren't taking suggestions.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Grate news thanks for posting salty
    1 point
  6. @GrilledSteezeSandwich This is grate, but what about @ridge?
    1 point
  7. Plunge and free fall are as generic as it gets. Terrible. Two tickets is Terrible too "hey guys....I'm heading over to two tickets". Wtf. I voted for big dipper because I like astronomy. Not crazy about that for trail name but is the best of the bunch I guess.
    1 point
  8. exciting that a new trail will be opened up at Blue, with possibly one of the lamest fucking names for a trail ever. Plunge/freefall? like there is some crazy steep on this trail? no. Ray of sunshine? its never sunny at Blue. Those names all suck. They should go back to the drawing board with them. That trail should have this marker - Blue square with this symbol in it, for whats gonna happen at the intersection of Paradise.
    1 point
  9. Plunger !!! That way we can call the backcountry line the toilet bowl
    1 point
  10. All of those names are meh except the Plunge, that one is just awful
    1 point
  11. I'm not opposed to Big Dips
    1 point
  12. Say good bye to getting anything outdoors done after work.....
    0 points
  13. The Freedom days are over I think.
    0 points
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