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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/21 in all areas

  1. I believe that. 7 springs just posted this:
    5 points
  2. Hadn't had the Mazda out since mid August. Took a ride up to Blue to run some gas through it, then filled the tank up...Ready to be put on stands for the winter...
    4 points
  3. Saw Warren Miller’s movie at Academy of Natural Sciences with @Schif tonight. Here’s a little trip report. at 6:15pm, we were sipping drinks at my house and decided to go on a whim. By 6:30, we left my house and 15 min later, we showed up in a room full of dinosaur bones. You walk in and to your right was a t-rex And straight on - some polar bears and more bones. but I knew I was in the right spot for the sheer number of people wearing Patagonia. tickets were $22 at the door. the guy at the door was like you can venmo me - eh it’s fine, you can just go in. Here’s a ticket. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So can’t complain. I’ve been to maybe 10 or so ski movies - basically annually + some one offs… once in San Fran for Pretty Faces and the rest were at the Boulder Theatre & Paramount in Denver around 2009-2015 with a group of old friends from tgr or with my brother. They were always sold out shows and the energy was electrifying. It was a huge event. In Colorado, they use to give out skis, jackets, base layers and toss Hestra gloves to get the crowd hype. At the show tonight, a blind guy with a strong arm threw out about 3 Warren Miller shirts and a beach ball. I always love ski movies. It gets me super hyped and makes me want to firm up my ski plans but …. I have some thoughts on the movie itself. It felt very 2020. has anyone else seen it?
    3 points
  4. 2 points
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