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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/22 in all areas
Today was the best blue mountain day of the season...I do declare!!! (Office reference) 10 out of 10! the stunt ditch is so so good and really Everything was great today...from the carpet on switch sweet sleepy hollow glade runs to Stalin's stunt ditch...today was blue in all it's glory. Great ski day!11 points
Today was sooo good, we had a whole politburo going down Vladimir Shreddin. Our comrade Ridge racer has joined the revolution on a most fortuitous day. Most excellent crew as always but I super enjoy watching other people's creativity and how they ski it and thieving my favorite parts. Mute going left of the tree, toast tree airs, dirtwolfs pure speed in the trench etc etc there are a billion ways to ski it all super fun, scrappy, loose knees tight cheeks skiing. For all the fun it brings they should just turn that whole trail into a series of trenches. Unreal pattern we've been in, the other trails are perfect, even the glades where pretty good. I always feel lucky to be a skier, even more so with the blue crew but the last month has been like hitting the lottery lucky.10 points
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7 points
TR 1-29, I lied yesterday when I said it was the best conditions of the year! Today blew it away. First chair today, first civilian tracks on F chair side in 4 to 5 inches of wonderful fluffy soft powder. Just WOW! TImberline was exceptional, Grizzly, Broadway, Polar Bear all exceptional also. Not crowded at all, thought I was skiing weekday until around 11 or so when people started to show up. I ran quite a few runs on the edge of skiers left on Timberline, nice powder stashes to pop in and out of. Same thing on Polar Bear skiers right- great play stuff! More than JADIP!6 points
I’ve been pretty lax on the reports because every day here has been like groundhogs day. Jackson hole mountain resort received 20 feet of snow, most of it falling in late December and early January. A lot of it was heavy Pacific Northwest snow which filled in and pasted every nook and cranny of the mountain which has made for excellent coverage from top to bottom. North facing areas like Bivoac, Crags run, 10 sleep bowl and some cold lower mountain terrain like Slalom run has been nice chalk while south facing stuff has been a lot stiffer. The first ski day on Wednesday was extremely empty and had the best snow so far. Zero liftlines at all and Thursday continued with zero liftlines and I skied the Hobacks that day which had nice coverage but pure moguls, nowhere I could really let my skis run...the days generally began with an amphitheater from the gondola summit to the bottom of Thunder which the first three days was Boner Doner, today not so good more like Blues grooming. Laramie bowl and Grand have mostly been good, Rendevous trail is a clusterfuck..Bivoac I’ve skied every day was huge chalk and slick bumps day one..groomed day two loose snow flying everywhere and still chalky days three and four. The Casper lift has been closed the entire time so far which has made the Teton lift a bit busier but terrain in the Casper area has been emptier because you need to get to it from other lifts. Today did at least three nonstop top to bottom Teton lift laps which are like 3.5 minutes up and 2 minutes down and had some serious burn. Apres vous area has been crowded and cold... Everyday of this trip has been freezing at the bottom like -15 to -20 warming into the single digits while up high has been in the teens mostly. The first day was partly sunny and last three have been full sunshine. It hasn’t been frantic at all, we’ve been leaving the hotel at 8am and getting on the first or second civilian gondola everyday and I’m usually pretty stoned for the lucky people who get to hear about the tombstone industry and about pros and cons of pow days vs non pow days. Today after skiing had lunch at Osteria in the Hotel Terra..Caesar salad and Bolognese, two tables over was Kai Jones, pro skier and son of Teton Gravity research founder Jeremy Jones. Also got to chat with a Portland guy who is originally from Long Island who is living at the Antler Inn this winter for $1200 a month and has a $1080 senior citizen season pass along with an air fryer. Wintertime wnd the livings easy. He used to work for John Lennan, Billy Joel and Jerry Seinfeld..fucking legend.6 points
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Great day today. Got on snow a bit late about 9:40 but didn’t quit until after noon. Made 13 runs from Paradise to Widowmaker. Not a bad run to be had. See everyone tomorrow. Breakfast for lunch!5 points
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3-5 here in Pennsburg, hard to tell with the wind and fluffy snow. Shoutout to my lazy ass neighbors who trampled all over the front sidewalk while walking their dogs rather than actually shovel it. I loathe lazy people. Just got done shoveling and helping some people shovel. Fun 2 hours out in the snow. That’s it for my weather TR. lol.4 points
Getting a little icy on the blacks and thighs getting a bit tired. Gonna try to find somewhere to xc and then I'll come back here later and Alpine. They have some surprisingly large terrain features on Delaware. Woods are skiable but there is a lot of logs and low branches except off Delaware which is pretty good actually. Zero lines since they opened the 2nd quad including the Tomahawk express, they are doing a good job pairing up groups on there. Most people I have talked too are here from NJ or Long Island where they claim 2 ft of snow.4 points
I think not quite 3 hours I left a bit after 6:30 stopped at Sheetz. Stopped to check tire pressures twice because the light came on but they were fine. Normally takes 2. Skied around this pond and up Mt. Minisi, the AT was too rocky but there is a logging road or something going up next to it that worked pretty well. Passed a big group of people they were like wtf you doing. I had to take off the skis a couple spots on the way down that were too steep and too rocky to snowplow. I'm not sure if it was better or worse that the group packed all the snow down, at least I could see where the rocks were better. Did like 6 laps at Shawnee or so, I got my alpine skis tuned up properly at the shop a few weeks ago and wanted to check them out. Yuge improvement cutting into the hardpack I definitely should avoid cheaping out and get them professional tuned more often.3 points
3 points
Today was fantastic. Some days I just think, man I'm lucky to be able to ski. Today was one one of those days.3 points
3 points
>95% chance they are the same people who don’t return shopping carts?3 points
I'm pretty sure that there are rules in the manifesto about saying anything further.3 points
A little swirly in philly. Won’t make first chair but I never do 😂 i live on a main artery near City Avenue so it was mostly plowed. once on 76, I was behind 5 snowplows & salt truck that formed a V formation. the trucks were slow but it got me hyped. might ducks style. The salt trucks were my flying V3 points
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Careful with your comments, you don’t wanna ruffle any feather around here. In all seriousness, does Shawnee have any high speed lifts?2 points
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"bweep bweep bweep cart narcs here" i tried linking the channel but my phone opens it in youtube and i cant find it. if you dont know about cart narcs on youtube, it is absolute gold2 points
Can’t really disagree with any of this. So much fun today. Such a good crew of people slaying and stunting in the trench.2 points
Fun day so far. Woke up and cleared the driveway with the snowblower, then a snowy drive on snow covered roads, been cleaning snow at work, then will do my parents house. I actually enjoy snow removal2 points
Using the old eye ruler id say we got around 2.5” here in chesco2 points
Forgot to mention ... it was -20F on the way to the mountain today. The second coldest drive I've ever had here.2 points
2 points
You should ski tomorrow...conditions won’t be as good next weekend1 point
1 point
Way to get after it..and on the lift at JH today me and Atomic Jeff were talking about how the good snow at Blue will be over when return for next weekend. Oh well three more ski days here. Have fun guys.1 point
At first glance I thought this was a pic of the 6-pack as there was a similar situation happened when a bunch of girls on snowboards (obviously 1st timers) tried to get on the seat before it even made the turn! Of course one fell off the chair and it went right over her!1 point
It's called just the tip.....like Ivanka Trump I awoke this morning to a surprise two inches. NOAA said a half inch but the keen eagle eye of BenM was the first to spot patrols deeper tracks on Razors. A solid 2 made razors a dream and light for pa, if you didn't look down you didn't know it was even there. Next up was CS, with snow Mao Pow was in full effect and held excellent untracked soft snow all the way to the Berlin wall. Not surprising given the quality of his inaugural run but BenM has joined the glorious revolution. You can stay deep in the trench you can play high on the wall you can even grind the spine shit is all spectacular. Everything else is tits Mcgee but after two more on switch and widowmaker the untracked was gone. Fucked with blue bomber glades which were so nice I decided to fuck with the switch woods which were a luge track with some fluff so more time for the woods woods to be in. Super super nice sleeper morning with snow that skis really really nice even after it's all cut up. You can't hear people skiing from the lift, the skis are throwing up cold smoke and there is adventure in the skiing. Outside of the real snow days it's as good out there as it ever is.1 point
no but i will check it out thanks. dr phil prob thinks the guys behavior is abhorrent but then again dr phil is a dbag1 point
1 point
Agreed. The Siouxsie and the Banshees version of dear prudence also destroys the Beatles version1 point
1 point
No time for such trivial things when you’re having a blast riding Jack’s Sin Hole.1 point
I was actually waiting to see how long it would be until somebody said something lol. Not much other than skiing 10k of vert an hour and no liftlines until late morning today. Lightning fast groomers, demanding bumps, slick areas, frozen toes, sharing Gatorade, overtipping mangy moose waitresses, sweating from every pore in my body skiing the hobacks yesterday and getting yelled at by ski patrol on day one. Again the normal. NMSki has been a blast to have on the trip and Atomic Jeff is alright..perfect visibility, icy sidewalks, maskless shuttle bus rides, lots of drinking...lots of sleeping...lots of riding the lifts with people from jersey and Canada. That’s your update for now. More to come and maybe some powder late in the trip. Stay tuned. Gotta take off my pants and check out the blue webcams.1 point
1 point
They need to blast this on the speakers when anyone drops into Stalins stunt ditch on CS1 point
Ride, nap, sixers, bed, ride, meat in your mouth, probably another nap.1 point
Probably due to staffing shortages. 9am open to 4pm close every day lets them have no more than 1 shift at every position even with a little set up and clean up time. Roundtop has night skiing so they have to run 2 shifts and can open earlier.1 point
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