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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/22 in all areas
I really wanted to sleep in this morning but knowing what is coming weather wise I figured I better get at it before it's Friday and I'm wishing I went. Heavy heavy fog had socked in the top 1/2 of the hill but I was still able to spot the volverrari of root and brother though after boot up I never saw them again. Quad only but with the crappy weather maybe 1/10th the crowd of yesterday. Challenge is closed as the are working on the electrical tower so first run is razors. It's a perfect carpet just a touch softer then yesterday at least I think because until about half way down its total Stevie wonder skiing. It was hero snow that was fast and effortless but you had to be wiping the Goggles off to see any of it. Main, switch even raceway were all super super nice gorillas in the mist skiing, hyper fast effortless carving where people just appear on the horizon. Some crumbles coming through on upper razors at 1040 or so when I left but most stuff was as good as opening. I'm sure the super good snow won't be gone for long but if it has to go it was a good morning to send it off. Also I got you all these dope ass pics of how awesome the snow was and all the cool stuff I saw.8 points
Took out the new xc skis for a short cruise around the local park before the rain storm. Plenty of open soccer fields and a nice trail loop there. My dog joined in on the fun too, and took a nice shit mid ski. These things are FAST and fun. They glide so well and grip on inclines fairly well too. Even managed to go over the trampled footprints just fine. The Alpina boots fit perfectly and are so much more comfortable than I expected. I estimated well on the pole length too. Truly™️ excited to take these out with @Mixilplix @mbike-ski and others the next chance we get!7 points
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Starting to keep an eye on the weather for my trip in a few weeks. Based on the completely buried snowstake this morning, I'm jealous of whoever's there right now!7 points
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Planning to check out Magic Mountain this weekend. As of right now the forecast for friday is 8 to 12 inches ending Friday evening, put in a reservation for Saturday, might do Sunday too6 points
i love it and wish i were there. god bless phil gus can burn in hell6 points
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My instinct is to be a total degen and do nothing but ski all day everyday. As an adult I filter that a little but lately I've gotten lucky with work but it is nice being friends with the 70+ crowd now4 points
Sun's out guns out now. Gonna RAW later. Edit...love given for the Monkees reference.4 points
I hope you like it, I ordered one for everyone for next weeks montage trip. Not sure where that ad came from though, my search history is mostly fishing, snowboarding, beer, and boobs4 points
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I guess I should login a but more often to see if anyone else might be here. I arrived last night and we went searching for good snow. Not much pictures today. Central Chute wasn’t good but I don’t think it was bad. the snow on this section (trail name evades me) under tram I thought was pretty good thanks to wind buffing. Interesting to see what the rest of the week has to offer.4 points
Quick jaunt by the state game lands off 322 between Brickerville (501) and Cornwall (72) on this sunny afternoon. I drove through here numerous times the past few weeks and noticed how much snow was still there as of yesterday on this north side of the ridge. Lebanon valley got a lot more snow than us here on the other side in Lancaster county and it seems to have not melted as much especially on this ridge in the valley 322 goes through. Driving from home there is basically no snow except from piles or drifts and I was beginning to think I'd be hiking but sure enough as soon as you roll through to the other side of this ridge holy smokes it's winter again. More snow here than in Stroudsburg. I made my way up the hill following some footsteps and deer paths to the Horshoe Trail but the trail itself running along the top was melted out in the middle from exposure and foot traffic. Snow disappeared as soon as you get tocoming over to the South side, really night and day demonstration of the north face effect. Brush was pretty heavy in spots it was a good thing I was wearing work pants and gaiters, had to sit on me bum a few times to check my speed with not enough room to maneuver. Trees had been thinned out towards the bottom and I found some remnants of logging roads then which were quite a bit better.4 points
Oh yeah? When? I was looking at it this morning.....but i didnt see those amounts. I need to find a "local guy" that knows the area for weather. Paging skiitoolives.3 points
Was also up yesterday...wtf was going on with all the kids? I think I watched at least 3 kids die in the park, one of which took a slam to the neck/head after sending the jump full speed, doing a half backflip and completely overshooting the landing. Stood there at the drop in with his dad (on rentals), as he laughed...and WE went to check on him. Glad to see BC hasn't changed one bit. Hands down, best day of the year though (even better than 1/31). Sun, smooth snow, bumps were primo. 11/10 on the JADIP scale. Skied from noon-4, it's rare I stay out that long, so you know it was good.3 points
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@Johnny Law was talking about that on the lift yesterday. Should have made a PASR day and a Blue Knob visit out of it. I think they are "close"?3 points
I’ve heard it’s a hell of a party scene out there. Should have made it out in my younger days. I do love that the actual site of the groundhog den is called Gobbler’s Knob.3 points
not so sure, Sunday afternoon it was letting peeps through at the quad who were def not SP holders, NGlenn was gonna go all Ken on 'em lol3 points
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Lift lines were pretty Epic for a Tuesday morning. The issue seemed to be people thinking that the vip line was the singles line. We bounced back and forth between quad and doubles til about 10:30, then when we realized that the bulk of the “vip” line was people without season passes, started to strategically maneuver through the line and never took more than 5 minutes after that. Razors, paradise, widow maker, and lazy were possibly the best snow I’ve skied them with all year. It was awesome to ski razors at 100% and know your edges were gonna grip no matter how hard you pushed. Don’t get to do that too often, given that I don’t run a 3° side bevel like [mention=2]AtomicSkier[/mention] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Excellent night. Great snow...sorta crowded. It's probably a shit show now. Only bummer was the quad breaking down causing huge line at one point. I rode the dubb once but prematurely went back to the valley...so waited in one more stupid long line before the quad reopened, then hit TCS a few times which was fun. It'll be interesting to see what the next few days bring2 points
Yup pretty soon medium aged democratic women won’t even wear masks at the grocery store anymore and they’ll be back getting Botox2 points
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@CaptDave Riverton Bowl ... key today was to stick to north facing stuff. Wind was 50mph yesterday and deposited anything fresh onto north facing slopes. Softest stuff will be things like Hoops Gap, Expert Chutes, Bivouac, Ten Sleep, etc. Even heard Paint Brush was skiing nice today...but we were in the pow mood so shallower angle was key 😃2 points
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Ski Essentials out of Stowe. They were great to deal with over the phone and seemed to have really knowledgeable xc reps to get me into a decent intro package.1 point
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Pizza at Matterhorn. It was delicious but I had to take some slices home in a doggy bag.1 point
Definitely staying, I would never pass up an opportunity to ski the perder.1 point
I heard the take a load off Annie song multiple times, the acoustic version of Eleanor Rigby twice and shakedown Street at least a half dozen times. I thought they started playing 90s music here as I heard Breakfast at Tiffany’s but it was coming out of somebodies portable speaker in the lift line. I’d rather have breakfast in the Blue mountain parking lot than at Tiffany’s...word Lyfe!!1 point
At least 6 untracked pow runs today..maybe 8 if you count shallow pow..a few groomers..zipping through singles lines, meeting a single mom, pow wow..Atomic Jeff still having white shit in his beard in the parking lot..face shots...first civilian gondola again..being watched on the webcam..$22 bacon steezeburger @ the mangy moose came with free pickle..frozen face top of sublette..and took some pictures today. 7 days at Jackson hole including first three days and four nights here with NMSki...no falls, only yelled at by ski patrol once but he was stern. Saw a guy in line at thunder get his pass scanned by the yellow jackets but I flew by them a half dozen times today no cap was low key speeding in a Whoa zone..No falls on ice in town either...still a few walks around town left to prob jinxed myself..and so many good songs waiting for the gondola..my favorite was probably Wilson Phillips,”Hold On”..that song hits hard..has me feeling some type of way.1 point
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2-1 TR- great snow and kiddy city; rolled in at 8:40 to a beautiful day. Blew snow again last night and the slopes looking great. Kodiak was a delight, only issue (minor) was some uneven spots between groomer runs. Bear Pass was nice and fluffy. Timberline may have been ROTD whether on the right or left side. Broadway and Polar Bear nice smooth snow. Grizzly bumps have matured into real bumps now. Sasquatch was really nice also. About 10:30 there was a population explosion of kids. A little bit of human slalom gates ensued and we decided to call it a day a little after 11.1 point
1 point
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