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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/22 in all areas

  1. I really wanted to sleep in this morning but knowing what is coming weather wise I figured I better get at it before it's Friday and I'm wishing I went. Heavy heavy fog had socked in the top 1/2 of the hill but I was still able to spot the volverrari of root and brother though after boot up I never saw them again. Quad only but with the crappy weather maybe 1/10th the crowd of yesterday. Challenge is closed as the are working on the electrical tower so first run is razors. It's a perfect carpet just a touch softer then yesterday at least I think because until about half way down its total Stevie wonder skiing. It was hero snow that was fast and effortless but you had to be wiping the Goggles off to see any of it. Main, switch even raceway were all super super nice gorillas in the mist skiing, hyper fast effortless carving where people just appear on the horizon. Some crumbles coming through on upper razors at 1040 or so when I left but most stuff was as good as opening. I'm sure the super good snow won't be gone for long but if it has to go it was a good morning to send it off. Also I got you all these dope ass pics of how awesome the snow was and all the cool stuff I saw.
    8 points
  2. Took out the new xc skis for a short cruise around the local park before the rain storm. Plenty of open soccer fields and a nice trail loop there. My dog joined in on the fun too, and took a nice shit mid ski. These things are FAST and fun. They glide so well and grip on inclines fairly well too. Even managed to go over the trampled footprints just fine. The Alpina boots fit perfectly and are so much more comfortable than I expected. I estimated well on the pole length too. Truly™️ excited to take these out with @Mixilplix @mbike-ski and others the next chance we get!
    7 points
  3. Perfect timing on this delivery. Just enough daylight and snow to head out to the park for a test before the rain 👌🎿
    7 points
  4. Starting to keep an eye on the weather for my trip in a few weeks. Based on the completely buried snowstake this morning, I'm jealous of whoever's there right now!
    7 points
  5. Bailed right after work as the sun descended for the next 2 days. Snow is remarkable. Lines were minimal till the quad did it's thing and broke down. Back running now. Coming soon coming up...
    6 points
  6. Planning to check out Magic Mountain this weekend. As of right now the forecast for friday is 8 to 12 inches ending Friday evening, put in a reservation for Saturday, might do Sunday too
    6 points
  7. i love it and wish i were there. god bless phil gus can burn in hell
    6 points
  8. Just one year ago we were blessed with experiencing this trail.
    5 points
  9. My instinct is to be a total degen and do nothing but ski all day everyday. As an adult I filter that a little but lately I've gotten lucky with work but it is nice being friends with the 70+ crowd now
    4 points
  10. Sun's out guns out now. Gonna RAW later. Edit...love given for the Monkees reference.
    4 points
  11. I hope you like it, I ordered one for everyone for next weeks montage trip. Not sure where that ad came from though, my search history is mostly fishing, snowboarding, beer, and boobs
    4 points
  12. What an ugly hoodie. edit: my apologies if you bought it. I love it.
    4 points
  13. I guess I should login a but more often to see if anyone else might be here. I arrived last night and we went searching for good snow. Not much pictures today. Central Chute wasn’t good but I don’t think it was bad. the snow on this section (trail name evades me) under tram I thought was pretty good thanks to wind buffing. Interesting to see what the rest of the week has to offer.
    4 points
  14. Quick jaunt by the state game lands off 322 between Brickerville (501) and Cornwall (72) on this sunny afternoon. I drove through here numerous times the past few weeks and noticed how much snow was still there as of yesterday on this north side of the ridge. Lebanon valley got a lot more snow than us here on the other side in Lancaster county and it seems to have not melted as much especially on this ridge in the valley 322 goes through. Driving from home there is basically no snow except from piles or drifts and I was beginning to think I'd be hiking but sure enough as soon as you roll through to the other side of this ridge holy smokes it's winter again. More snow here than in Stroudsburg. I made my way up the hill following some footsteps and deer paths to the Horshoe Trail but the trail itself running along the top was melted out in the middle from exposure and foot traffic. Snow disappeared as soon as you get tocoming over to the South side, really night and day demonstration of the north face effect. Brush was pretty heavy in spots it was a good thing I was wearing work pants and gaiters, had to sit on me bum a few times to check my speed with not enough room to maneuver. Trees had been thinned out towards the bottom and I found some remnants of logging roads then which were quite a bit better.
    4 points
  15. Oh yeah? When? I was looking at it this morning.....but i didnt see those amounts. I need to find a "local guy" that knows the area for weather. Paging skiitoolives.
    3 points
  16. Was also up yesterday...wtf was going on with all the kids? I think I watched at least 3 kids die in the park, one of which took a slam to the neck/head after sending the jump full speed, doing a half backflip and completely overshooting the landing. Stood there at the drop in with his dad (on rentals), as he laughed...and WE went to check on him. Glad to see BC hasn't changed one bit. Hands down, best day of the year though (even better than 1/31). Sun, smooth snow, bumps were primo. 11/10 on the JADIP scale. Skied from noon-4, it's rare I stay out that long, so you know it was good.
    3 points
  17. Damnit for beating me by 5 seconds
    3 points
  18. @Johnny Law was talking about that on the lift yesterday. Should have made a PASR day and a Blue Knob visit out of it. I think they are "close"?
    3 points
  19. I’ve heard it’s a hell of a party scene out there. Should have made it out in my younger days. I do love that the actual site of the groundhog den is called Gobbler’s Knob.
    3 points
  20. not so sure, Sunday afternoon it was letting peeps through at the quad who were def not SP holders, NGlenn was gonna go all Ken on 'em lol
    3 points
  21. 6 more weeks, according to the fat rodent.
    3 points
  22. Lift lines were pretty Epic for a Tuesday morning. The issue seemed to be people thinking that the vip line was the singles line. We bounced back and forth between quad and doubles til about 10:30, then when we realized that the bulk of the “vip” line was people without season passes, started to strategically maneuver through the line and never took more than 5 minutes after that. Razors, paradise, widow maker, and lazy were possibly the best snow I’ve skied them with all year. It was awesome to ski razors at 100% and know your edges were gonna grip no matter how hard you pushed. Don’t get to do that too often, given that I don’t run a 3° side bevel like [mention=2]AtomicSkier[/mention] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  23. Excellent night. Great snow...sorta crowded. It's probably a shit show now. Only bummer was the quad breaking down causing huge line at one point. I rode the dubb once but prematurely went back to the valley...so waited in one more stupid long line before the quad reopened, then hit TCS a few times which was fun. It'll be interesting to see what the next few days bring
    2 points
  24. Yup pretty soon medium aged democratic women won’t even wear masks at the grocery store anymore and they’ll be back getting Botox
    2 points
  25. It slaps hard and the tambourine in that song is pure sex
    2 points
  26. I was checking Virgil, which I think is one of the closer towns:
    2 points
  27. I was considering a drive to Greek Peak. 9-12" predicted there for this storm. We'll see.
    2 points
  28. I think they will open if the ticket is a Buddy Pass though
    2 points
  29. If you push hard enough it will….
    2 points
  30. @CaptDave Riverton Bowl ... key today was to stick to north facing stuff. Wind was 50mph yesterday and deposited anything fresh onto north facing slopes. Softest stuff will be things like Hoops Gap, Expert Chutes, Bivouac, Ten Sleep, etc. Even heard Paint Brush was skiing nice today...but we were in the pow mood so shallower angle was key 😃
    2 points
  31. @saltyant There is a sorta cool ski and snowboard museum in Stowe...Check it out if you have some time... I had a Backhill and a Snurfer ..My intros into snow surfing...I'm surprised I didn't die on that Snurfer
    2 points
  32. No more need to worry about this lol
    1 point
  33. They open the sixpack about 945, but if anything, the fog closed in a little until when I left at 12. No lines, but the slopes except Razors got pretty crowded.
    1 point
  34. I got the same kind. They came last Thursday for me. Way faster than I expected.
    1 point
  35. just got the govt issues tests in the mailbox today (maybe it was yesterday or the day before, i don't check it often). faster turnaround than i expected. It's two binax boxes (4 tests total)
    1 point
  36. I thought about taking the dog skijoring one day, she loves it on the longboard
    1 point
  37. I'm going to have disable Tapatalk since @mute1080 and @Justo8484 struggle to [mention] people.
    1 point
  38. That place was soooooo dope for what it was. It was like if Magic had a sister, great looking just like Magic but a bit softer, rolling where Magic is pointy. Slow lifts but a lodge filled with racers and their parents, Spring Mtn like vibe, alot of locals and their kids. Far skiers left was a section of glades called Dark Side of then Moon, tight ass VT shrub pines kinda entrance led to wider powder slots of deciduous trees. About 1/3 way down was an old blown out cabin people smoked weed in and made out. If you went hard left out of bounds you'd end up in a section of super big perfectly spaced pine trees. Unlike everywhere else in VT it was hyper clean like where they must test DR power mowers clean and at the end you could traverse hard right back to the condo return trail and the lifts. I slept in my car in their lot at least twice with no bother but for as cool as it was it was the anti Okemo/Stratton/Snow and in VT that means your dead. Super cool to see it come back in a sense it's a cool mtn with alot of potential. Outside of a fabled mystical section of trees in what is an orchard or at least trees that don't belong in VT off some number road in the NEK I never found a cleaner set of trees in the NE.
    1 point
  39. Wilson. We had been alternating between Wilson and the Juicy but today was 2x Wilson.
    1 point
  40. Thanks, I might check it out tomorrow since I'm going to take a break from skiing 8-3 and hit up the local scene, or maybe go look for a mint to tour.
    1 point
  41. Upper Toll Road is closed but I skied parts of the bottom onto the Toll House lift. I agree, it's a nice relaxing nature "walk" and I made it a point to ski there at least once this trip. Last time I skied down there after a snowstorm and there was still untracked snow on groomed runs - though not crazy fun due to the low pitch. Cliff Trail was pretty icy since they haven't groomed it. Thanks for reminding me it's an option to get back to Mansfield side - I keep hoofing it on the flat part near the base and it's exhausting. Crowds are super low, I've never waited more than a minute for lift or gondola ride after opening.
    1 point
  42. This is the way, Stowe maybe has the best breakfast places in skiing though the Ritz at Northstar is at least as good. No shame in that sometimes it's absolutely brutal but Steep is free on Amazon and Doug Coombs in it describes it best as skiing on the trees. It's what makes the east the east. Did you ski toll road ? The chair down their is slow but that and great eastern at killy are some of my favorites. Long, mostly flatish, winding stand on your skis nature walks through the woods. Upper Perry Merril or Cliff trail whichever is the crossover from the goody to 4runner is sometimes the most technical skiing on earth it's gets hyper beat. How are the crowds ?
    1 point
  43. Any benefit to the VIP line? This quad thing is a mistake..run the six pack on weekdays. I voiced this concern on Facespace and the first reply was that you can’t get to Coming Soon with the quad...honestly the fair thing to do would be to keep Coming soon closed except when @Johnny Law@RidgeRacer@indiggioand @tarponheadAnd if all four of you happen to ride the quad at th same time without it stopping, titty sparkles will fall from the sky. Sheesh maybe should have had a third pitcher of beer
    1 point
  44. @saltyantI believe there’s a chinese buffet in Stowe which means seconds and thirds of cream of sum yung Gai..
    1 point
  45. Because if you're not woke AF you're going to get cancelled.
    1 point
  46. Was just about to post. Conditions were fantastic today and Razors was probably the best it has ever been. I also thought Sidewinder was fantastic. I'm not sure I have seen that many people on a Tuesday morning, though. The line was nuts but the longest wait we had was maybe 3-4 minutes. The VIP line looked massive but went by quickly and was a time saver compared to the general public. They had the maintenance cart on the rope for the 6er doing work throughout the morning so I'm glad to hear that it is up and running. Saw three ambulances comes in and out while packing up. Must have been wild out there. It was nice of the sun to come out and when we were getting ready to head out there was a military chopper flyover done to celebrate how good of a month of skiing we had before this upcoming rain storm. Barb sure knows how to celebrate the good conditions!
    1 point
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