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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/22 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830am and it was in the lower 30s under sunny sky’s. In the house were C1, Toast, Atomic Jeff, Johnny Law, TP4, Charles and Bethlehem ford guy. Lining up by the scanners a ski patrol came around the corner and noticed the guy standing next to me was drinking a beer and wow he and another patroller went off on him and called security, it was the very friendly security guy who’s also a campus cop at cedar crest. The funniest thing was the beer drinker turned out to be a Delco cop. First civilian quad and first two runs were on Razors which was very nice and smooth fast snow. Switchback was 9 out of 10 and upper Main Street was an 11 out of 10..better than the Jackson hole groomers. I mainly skied Main Street with one run on sidewinder which was ok, there were some chunks churned up and a lot of goobers. I skied until 1030 and then hungout in the lot another 15 minutes or so with increasing clouds..even a few rain drops on the drive home. The six pack also opened around 10am which erased the short line on the quad. All in all it was a pleasant early spring morning with winter snow.
    8 points
  2. Main Street was great but my ROTD was Lazy to Falls. Great snow the entire way and the lip on Falls was super fun. Sunny morning but ever since we left it’s been cloudy.
    8 points
  3. 7 points
  4. Figured out that Catamount is not far off the route to Magic for our trip next week. They still make you pay $5 for a RFID card but looking forward to checking it out next Wednesday. $42 for Boo plus $10 in reloadable cards isn't a bad afternoon.
    7 points
  5. Fucking wild to find a bunch of people that ski PA on paskiandride.com
    6 points
  6. Here are some final pics from the last day at Keystone. I hiked out above the Outback Express lift with Skiincys Brother. Such a beautiful day. We dropped into Puma Bowl together and then I lost him in the trees. He got down to the chair just a few minutes after me though. I liked Keystone but it skied a lot smaller than it looks. The 2k very runs off of the front are great but realistically since it hadn't snowed most of the black trails were ungroomed, sun baked, bumps with some questionable troughs. Great cruisers though. If I had more time I would definitely hike the bowls more. Loveland Pass on the way back was amazing to see.
    5 points
  7. couldn't be any further from how it went 😂 besides drinking the parking lot, those guys did nothing wrong. the patroller(s) were standoffish from the beginning. it's all about attitude and approach, and the patrollers approached them all wrong. how it should go: "Hey can you throw that out? We don't allow drinking on the slopes" vs how it went: "Really?! Do you think that's ok?!"
    5 points
  8. He also has a tattoo of the Notre Dame fighting irish mascot on his calf and enjoys hanging out at the Elks club on the boardwalk in Wildwood.
    5 points
  9. Probably Saturday for some spring weather and beers
    4 points
  10. Sorry to hear you got wrecked on the Chute tonight. Hope you’re okay.
    4 points
  11. lol they've probably already determined a closing date regardless of coverage.
    4 points
  12. Can’t get caught drinking a beer in the lift line*
    4 points
  13. wait what you can't drink a beer in the lift line?!?!?
    4 points
  14. Another beautiful and relaxed sunny day at Belle. When I got there, all trees were covered with a thin layer of ice, but snow was A-OK. No ongoing snowmaking due to warmer temperatures, and I guess that was also the reason for more people today - hard to resist going out and skiing when the weather is so nice. Still, no lines, just a sudden déjà vu of quad periodically stopping for no reason. Chuckled at one mom sorting out heaters, gloves and helmets on the table and mumbling to herself: "it's ok, there is plenty of time, this is not a race". Oh yeah, it seems like there is never need to race anywhere at Belle, plenty of time for everything.
    3 points
  15. I'm heading out for a night sesh later. Gonna wait till the crowds taper off and probably just ski till close
    3 points
  16. It's just for nostalgia and a change of scenery. I skied Roundtop at night a lot when I was a brand new skier because I worked in the area. I haven't been there in several years and cant wait to bomb Minuteman... used to struggle going down it. Also I've never skied the black diamonds there and AtomicSkier says Gunbarrel is rad.
    3 points
  17. No boot, it was honestly nbd except it was two respect my authority types. I swore he said Newtown Square but steeze thought he said something like New Hamilton which I have never heard of. If there is any takeaway it's evidence 9399949399292 that cops lack higher level brain power to understand the Golden rule but I do wish vtmark would have been there to call him out on his taticool plate holder. Snow on main was 11 out of 10, just perfect but everything else you can start to feel those freeze thaw cycles coming through. Razors was really good, switch has alot of weird lips and shit where the ski drops but is otherwise good. I have been impressed generally when I've expected shit snow they've done well so here's to hoping.
    3 points
  18. Dear God yes. It's not summer. They'll be just fine.
    3 points
  19. Good evening all- been lurking here for a while. 1st - you guys do a great job keeping the forum "entertaining" and always have solid trip reports for Blue Mtn. Tomorrow will be trip 4 for me this season to Blue - last year went mostly to Elk and (1) sorry trip to Camelback. I've wanted to join for a while and saw something today on another forum that gave me a kick. The poster said freinds at Blue told him plans are permitted and approved for project this summer to add new lift at Blue. Maybe I missed it in another topic on this forum - if so sorry for the repost? I like the idea of the lift servicing the Western top as its a PITA to get accross when crowded and you want to change it up...dont like they are taking both chairs away mid mntn as that is fun to loop sometimes espically when crowds suck in the valley. Thoughts? The lift will have it's bottom terminal at the Valley Lodge. It will extend in a western direction to the very top of the mountain to where both Main St. and Burma twin double chairs end. , The existing Burma and Main st chairs will be removed, a good thing given their age.. Also removed is the short Valley lift starting just below the Mountain Lodge and going to the western summit.
    2 points
  20. Starting to clear out. This is when it gets fun. I like it when you can hear the quad roaring in the distance. I like to make pretend it's avalanche bombs. Salty where you at
    2 points
  21. Wow. You must have spent a lot of time in the sun today. Looking good buddy!
    2 points
  22. That’s the guy who was calling me about getting an extended warranty @RajeevGuptaSucheeta
    2 points
  23. Law nailed it. Conditions are definitely starting to deteriorate. Little sugar a little spice a little everything nice tonight. Far from the worst, not close to what it's been over the past month or so however. That's based on one run on coming soon so far. who knows what the rest of the mountain is like. Have a feeling it's going to be a bit worse everywhere else we'll see
    2 points
  24. It's as good as any night skiing sesh 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm just spoiled from skiing mornings 99% of the time and of course the recent foot of Perder in Vermont so of course I'm like "meh". It's probably a 9/10 for night skiing fans.
    2 points
  25. Was thinking of hitting that Sunday on the way out for the Indy Trifecta. Just not sure how much time I'll have yet.
    2 points
  26. Bolton is cheap too and still a ton of snow in the trees there. Worth a visit for sure, not far from Stowe.
    2 points
  27. Have fun driving double as far for half the mountain. Post a report.
    2 points
  28. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to wait until I'm on the lift to drink my Yoohoos tonight.
    2 points
  29. He’d be sharing that little coffee cup with his bestie..
    2 points
  30. There's even pretty good base in the trees off the base of White Lightning headwall.
    2 points
  31. It’s been windy with on/off rain, sleet, or snow ever since I’ve been home. We lucked out with mild morning sun today at Blue.
    2 points
  32. Gotta fly that Delco flag on the wildwood beach like BenM’s aunt Mary Pat. God she’s gorgeous...she even called me Hun
    2 points
  33. He only skis further north unlike us PA peasants
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Yesterday was perfect. Only run we didn’t take was Challenge, looked horrible from the lift. TCS definitely run of the day, some new soft bumps were forming, making it lots of fun. Skied 9-230, out for more until about 5pm, then off to CBI for snacks. Didn’t get home until about 10 pm. I’m feeling it today at work.
    2 points
  36. or on the lift. who tf cracks a beer in the liftline anyway lol.
    2 points
  37. Maybe Clifton heights. He’s a season pass holder I’ll ask next time. So just a heads up drink in the lot not on the snow.
    2 points
  38. I don’t know how you made it through law school.
    2 points
  39. No, but it’s definitely worth getting one. I think early bird weekday pass was under $400 last year.
    2 points
  40. I had an existential crisis today… Pulled in 8:45 booted up , wallet phone in one pocket pass by itself in pants, keys in small pocket? Keys ? Fff . I was only planning an hour but my subconscious decided otherwise. I’ll call AAA in an hour 😁 TCS was awesome I was first few down. Sun at my back and could see nice smoky shadow trailing behind . I don’t roam if I find good snow that’s not boring. The bumps on the lower section are reforming. One run on Barneys as I noticed last night that they blew some refresh . Barneys was firm and fast.Back to TCS then my phone rang $&&@! Wish I could have stayed around longer! Beautiful day!
    2 points
  41. This is really cool 😎
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Liquid bread [emoji506]
    1 point
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