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12 points
Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. While conditions yesterday were alright but not grate, today was much better. The grooming was excellent and snow was made in various areas around Mont Bleu. Temperatures were in the low teens to start but the sunshine made it feel slightly warmer. Challenge was excellent to start as was sidewinder and especially Main Street. Coming soon was hot and cold but there was some pixie dust blown overnight. Early in the day somebody was seriously injured and had to be life flighted our by a helicopter. I also thought Paradise, switchback and midway were good. I believe I skied 10 runs by 940am and then hungout in the parking lot for about two hours then went to point Phillips for lunch with enjorales, Pops, Salty, Atomic Jeff and Johnny Law. Excellent lunch complimented by a double jack and coke which was more like a triple. Anyway you slice it and dice it, it was just another day in paradise. I’ll be back tomorrow morning for the 8am opening..gotta get it in before Tuesday’s rain.10 points
Later start then I wanted since we had a goodbye breakfast with the wedding crew. Got to Bolton Valley at 930, slight delay from the ticket line but on the lift by 950. Couple squalls yesterday plus wind overnight refreshed everything. Conditions were awesome. Squeaky chalk had us laying over edges with ease. Bolton had a lot of trails still closed from the melt last week but what was open had full coverage. Cobrass was closed so everything lookers right we couldn’t get to and didn’t get over to the Wilderness lift. From what we could see, it wasn’t running. Lines kept get longer after each run but the crowds weren’t Blue bad. Steeper pitches started getting scrapped off and after we did everything open, took off at 1130. Favorite runs were Vista Glades and Enchanted Forrest. Grate way to finish the trip. Stop at a farm for maple syrup in Monkton on the way out. It was an honor system store but was able Venmo the money. Surprised it wasn’t cash only but grabbed some cheese with it and happy we stopped.9 points
Super fun morning on the skis....Besides the great conditions, when I was riding the six I got to hear @AtomicSkier yell "you ski too f#cking slow" at someone...and then saw @saltyant have a slight mishap at the top of challenge...Also saw some guy skinning up Homestretch....Long morning sesh made my legs tired,but it's always fun to get on the skis..Would have liked to have made lunch at Point Phillips but had some family stuff to do....You don't give too much thought when the ambulance rolls in but when the choppa comes in you know it's prolly some bad stuff...Vibes to whoever was getting flown out....Life can blindside you pretty quick.8 points
Today was sooo dope I've just arisen from my post pph nap. Snow was light-years better than yesterday, switch second run the skis were just all gas where you can get nice air off the two ledges and come out to main feeling like you couldn't possibly go any faster. Side was so nice full width where you can really push on the lower section. Pph as always was most excellent though it was a little bit like taking Wayne Gretzky to play at the rink in Vorhees with Enjo. Super super super good day and another super reserection of the snow. Mad vibes to the person getting flighted, super sobering and I feel like it's been awhile.7 points
7 points
Skied Sugarloaf Monday 2/14 through Thursday 2/17. First 2 days were crazy cold, minus 11 in the morning, so no one rushed out for first chair. It did keep the snow nice. Day 3 very windy, managed to get one run down before they shut down due to wind holds. So we proceeded to The Bag for drinks. Day 4 was warm and threatening rain. We were lucky, had first run in a spotty drizzle that stopped until 345, when they start shutting the lifts down. Made for some nice hero snow. Really loved Bullwinkles, a mid mountain bar/ restaurant. Stopped for a break there every afternoon. Great ski trip, we had a lot of fun, but just way too long a ride. If I go again, it will be more than 4 ski days, and will check out Saddleback6 points
6 points
Good skiing today. Baby bumps on tcs were fun, upper main was very nice, lower was just a notch below. Best run for me was widow-midway.6 points
Nice turnaround from yesterday’s conditions. Really enjoyable morning all around. Vibes to whoever that injured person was who took an early morning life flight.6 points
It was one of those days where you had to hunt for the goods. Quad gates popped open early and we all went straight for the chairs, fully expecting to be stopped at the corrals but nobody said a word so we just cruised onto the chairs. Quick time check showed it to only be 7:50! Oh well! First run down Coming Soon was blissful fresh man made. However, stray too Far East or West of center and you were out of the snow gun sweet spot and you were on dusty crust. Barney’s also had some fresh blown on them but again, too close to the guns and you got boiler in the troughs. Later in the morning a nice squall came through to add to the fun. @tarponheaddiscovered the right side of Main had some very nice snow that we lapped a few times. Broke for the parking lot when the lines got too long. However after a few beers everyone’s phone went ballistic with a snow squall alert. Not wanting to miss the fun, we all dashed back out and headed for Coming Soon. By the time we got near the top, we could see the squall line inbound. On the way down Coming Soon, the squall was in full effect producing almost whiteout conditions. Lapped Coming Soon too many more times and headed for the lot for mas cervezas. Squall hitting6 points
5 points
5 points
Today was excellent. Glad to hear that Charles and @Mixilplix heard my mid-Sidewinder BMR rant 😂 Day 50 for me4 points
Took the quad up looking for a repeat of yesterday’s early run, but as we passed overtop Razors, decided that looked prime for a rip. As we got off the quad and headed for Razors, a couple of SP waved us off saying the trail was closed for race training. Oh well, Challenge was smooth and fast regardless. Took the quad back up again headed for CS, but as we came up to the Falls, saw people coming down Razors, WTF?? Just as we hit the corner of Razors, we saw someone in the trees and someone else yelling for SP. Other BMR coaches at the top of Razorback seemed to be telling at the people coming down Razors. As we got to the top, we saw BMR w/ poles at the top of Razors so we figured it closed, but stopped at SP shack to find one already getting the toboggan out and heard about the person in the woods. A quick run down Sidewinder and back to the quad. As we rode up and over the scene, SP was working to extract the person who had gone off the trail right below the hump in the corner. Later, another person we know saw the whole incident. Evidently two people were going down Razors and hit the hump and their skis came off and skidded into the woods. The person following also hit the hump and lost their skis but didn’t go off the trail. After that, they stopped loading the quad until they removed the person. Later on we heard from another SP that the person had regained consciousness and was breathing ok before being flown out. Hoping for the best! Main and Lazy had some very nice snow on the edges. Coming Soon was meh as they didn’t seem to have blown much on it. Barney’s were bulletproof. Switchback was fast as usual and probably run of the day.4 points
4 points
We had a lot of fun, thanks for asking. I’ll post a report and pictures at some point today.4 points
Got a late start. If you ask Schif, he’ll say it’s because there’s a 0.0% of me ever waking up on time … putz’ed around Philly area and did a late afternoon ice skating session at Bleu as we past BMDI, there was a string of cars coming down from the mountain it was sugar and ice. And lots of people. But the sunset was was rad. The upper lodge was looking fun. headed back to the car and am enroute to Schifs Mamas in NEPA for the quintessential culinary experience of pizza and/or Gerritys.3 points
I don’t want to play message board dick swing fight tonight, but maybe tomorrow. But check out these gas rations that I found in my grandfather’s work bench. Everything was rationed during WWII and since he worked as an essential worker for an aircraft manufacturer he got extra gas coupons. Pretty cool.3 points
Stellar day today! They even opened the lifts a bit early which was awesome! First run top of Silver Queen down to East River. Snow felt really good. Then several off east river than we did 2 more from Silver Queen back to the base. Umbrella Bar for lunch then did some mellow runs from that side. Left around 1:30 and lines were getting busy (for CB). Natalie I’m the bumps this outfit did not look comfortable Umbrella bar looking forward to a stretchy yoga class in a few hours so I am ready for tomorrow.3 points
The lift opened at like 12, they just put it on hold again. They gave everyone a free hotdog earlier, partly sunny since then but still gusts of wind. There is actually quite a bit more "open" than the 6 trails indicated on the report this morning - basically you can ski anything down to the triple, although those not on the report are pretty icy. Dust on crust. They have been making snow all day up top. The scoop is Stembogan and lower High Hopes maybe could open but they can't run the double when it is this windy. Place is decently fun even without the blacks, trails are long lots of vert, they wind around every which way, nice view (highest ski area in the state). Some of the blues would be blacks in the poconos. They seem to be doing decent business today but I have not waited more than a minute for the lift, no crowd of epic proportions here.3 points
They have had a fantastic expansion plan. They've focused on a lot of rural areas where the closest grocery store can be 15-20+minutes away. I've never been to one before they put one near my brother's house. Driving 5 minutes beats 15 minutes to the nearest grocery store or Walmart for an immediate need.2 points
if you took 209, there are at least three between those points, with these three probably in a ten mile span.2 points
Drinking shoes, now that's progressive! Guessing @tarponhead would consider his daisy Crocs his drinking shoes.2 points
2 points
2 points
They do, but Biden made the price of them go through the roof, so i will have to slum it with the regular stuffed ones.2 points
2 points
Woke up to a fresh coating and had no issues getting to the mountain. Parked right by the Forerunner Quad and after a short line, we’re headed up at 835. Snow was grate. Fresh 3 inches at least made everything look better and kept snowing until we left. Less than half of the trails were open so not too many options down. Took 1 Gondy ride and mainly stayed off the FRQ. No lift lines at 1030 had me wondering were everyone was but a guy on the lift said there was a car accident on the access road blocking traffic. Shortly after 11 and the lines showed up. Finished with a couple Mountain Triple laps and headed out at 1145. Wedding is this afternoon so I have to get a shower and put on my drinking shoes. Fun day and felt great to have some fresh snow even if it wasn’t deep. Still nice to have some hit above the boot ❄️2 points
I'm new here but may as well contribute. Arrived with my daughter and her boyfriend at 9am almost on the dot. This was their first time at Camelback but not mine. Waited about 20minutes while my daughters boyfriend picked up his rentals and then headed directly to Sullivan. There was a small line but we were able to grab a chair about 5 minutes after getting on line. As we were riding the chair up we heard it. The sound of ski's and boards digging into really icy hardpack. Once we got up to we decided to take it slow and start on Birches. The conditions were quite icy on Birches and Meadows. At some points it was like snowboarding on an ice cube. I guess this is to be expected, since it had just finished raining a few hours before and the temp rapidly dropped. Conditions were mostly the same throughout the day, though things seemed to soften up a bit after 12pm. We started noticing real crowds at about 11 and by 1pm the lines were longish but mostly moving fast. However, the line at Stevenson was especially discombobulated. It got better once they started having a ranger direct the line and loading. By 2:30 we had hit 12 different runs and decided to call it a day. Especially the boyfriend who was using rental gear that was killing his feet. Overall, not a bad day but not a great one either, just sort of meh conditions but a bunch of fun runs were had.1 point
As everyone said.. hope the person flown out is doing ok. My 2nd lift ride up the quad ended up being with ski patrol. They got the call to make their way to Razors right as we got in the lift. Outside of the first patroller down with the sled, these were the closest patrollers. When we got to the top of the lift I hung on the chair as long as possible to give them free runway since I was on the right side of the chair. After doing a second run down Main St, I got to the bottom to see the quad closed. Since I hate waiting in lift lines, i made the decision to head over to the beginner slope. I don't have the discipline to ride switch on the rest of the mountain. I'm getting better at switch, but let me tell you it is really weird doing everything switch... even riding the lift and skating.. Too bad, I missed the good snow..Upper Main St was really nice, but the switch 'training' was long overdue.1 point
1 point
Nothing like drunk ripping down Coming Soon in the worst snow squall ever in PA!1 point
A bunch of the ski ladies were at Sugarloaf. And the guys miss us a lot when we are gone. We are pretty much the life of the party 😎1 point
I have IndyPass as well as Epic. Between them they cover at least 30 places I could make a weekend driving trip to, so there is very little reason for me to ski off pass. Blue Knob is further from me than places I still have pass days to use at that I like skiing including Hunter, Whitetail, Montage, Jack Frost, Roundtop, about the same distance as Catamount, and not much closer than Magic, Snow, Okemo, Sunnapee, Berkshire East or West. Given that, barring them getting a big snow fall there that the others don't get, I'm not making the drive to Blue Knob unless they at least have the whole vertical and some blacks open.1 point
1 point
Word on the street is Stowe is done making snow for the year. Accept the fact that Knob is rarely 100% unless its a big snow year for them. They dont care if you go or not. Ski where conditions are best, which may mean opening up the drawstrings on your purse, and skiing outside your pass.1 point
Salty it’s funny you go on 100 mile bike rides but walking up a small hill or some steps triggers you.1 point
In a half hour it will be sunny. This is the worst snow squall I’ve seen in PA.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Wow just wow he’s becoming a two planker wanker...I just think Mixil likes the challenge of skiing so I give him props for that. I’ve never wanted to be a knuckledragger...1 point
That makes a ton of sense, especially with inflation the way it is. I’ve never been to a dollar general before.1 point
Looks like Barb and Blue need to swap out some of their stock footage with these ones ^^ 🔥1 point
A girl doesn’t usually get excited about 4”, but since we haven’t had snow here in over 30 days it was very nice! The usual non existent crowds here on a weekday, got in line for the Silver Queen at 8:47 and was 3rd chair. They groomed Paradise Bowl, which I was surprised. No matter, the few fresh inches were a welcome change from the usual hard pack conditions. Few runs off Paradise then headed to East River. Good conditions down there too. Forgot to post this gem from the other day More snow on the way next week!1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Did a tour up Snodgrass this morning. Shedding layers early on and at 5 degrees in the sun it felt very warm. went about 1.5 miles up, realizing the snow was complete shit, we turned around. It was total boiler plate ice. Made me realize how good the mountain is doing with what they have. Overall a gorgeous morning, the sky couldn’t get any bluer. My goal today was to get some cardio in and mission accomplished.1 point
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