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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/22 in all areas

  1. Okay, cool debate about boards and skis... but lets talk about the superior Big Foot option. Small and versatile. Lightweight. Can walk across parking lots easier than in skis or a board. Ergonomic and anatomically correct shape with wide forefoot for added stability. Easily adjustable bindings. Go great downhill, can walk flats, and hike up without taking them off. Can fit in carry-on for ski trips. Rad fluorescent colors.
    11 points
  2. what a day. Started off by getting a ride to the mountain from Barbs neighbor in her suburban. Reminiscent of 7 dudes and gear for the ride to Jackson, since this time i had to sit in a childs car seat. It was snowing pretty good on the ride up, it let up just a little for opening but vis was really pretty low. Snow was lighter today, and did feel like there was more than the 5-6" that was on the snow stake. i did find where the snowstake is located, and its pretty low on the mountain, so that makes sense. i ran Paradise lift for some powder turns, then in and out of some trees, big powdery bumps, really beat myself up pretty good by 10:30 when i met Barb at East River, so taking a little leg break over by the umbrella bar was welcoming. after a few runs, we took lunch at the umbrella bar, since all of a sudden the sun came out. so things went from this, to this by lunch. That was pretty short lived, as we were sitting at the umbrella bar, the wind picked up, and in the distance you could see clouds rolling in, and when we were finished lunch, it went back to this. After lunch i ran some laps off the Silver Queen, vis on the trails was poor, trees were good, but my legs started telling me it was time to go. Once i got back to Barbs, it started just dumping when we took a walk up the street into town. some other random pics from today. Forecast is 8-16" overnight.
    9 points
  3. Whew, what a day! Snow cam showed about 4” overnight but it felt at least double that. Visibility was low so I headed down to East River and Dan went up to Paradise. We met up later and decided to do a few laps on the easy groomers off umbrella bar (although still lots of fresh there too). Snow was much lighter today and easier to navigate. At one point it was dumping so hard you could barely see. Then 20 min later the sun came out for a bit. Now back to cloudy and light snow. Supposed to snow all evening again. No action shots but the few pics I took. Dan still out skiing.
    9 points
  4. The absolute last thing blue needs is more people. Anyone who is there gets this and most importantly the people that run blue know this too. Value at level 1 is numbers, how many resorts, how many high speed lifts, how many runs, etc etc etc Value level 2 is experience management, and adding blue to ikon or epiq is all the lower category. Where blue is at now is trying to extract more money out of each customer not getting more people in the door. The infrastructure cannot support more people at peak times, from the roads to blue to the soda machines to the lifts, at peak they are max capacity. To make a significant change in when people skied required a global pandemic so good luck with that. Epiq resorts this year are all category one thinking, by the numbers having an epiq pass should be the best but it's actually probably the worst of the big three because that isn't actual value. So why does all my horseshit I just wrote matter ? Because pass and lift ticket pricing is a primary factor in business model. When we all went the mega pass route we signed up for snowsports being run like a business and the two current models of our Corp overlords only one does the value of the pass hit that second category or more simply rewards investment in actual good skiing. Ikon is not ideal nor KSL but at least they have to keep value in skiing and snowboarding at the actual hill even if its only to sell real estate and weddings. Again it's not ideal but right now VR has zero reason to put real money into JFBB or Steven's Pass or wherever because it doesn't really effect them as directly. There was a new lambo SUV in the lot last weekend from NY, there is money around and it's not driving past all those other places because the pass gets them time at Jimminy Peak. Look at Bears lodge for God sakes, at least 8 years ago the hotel and lodge pays for everything but the only reason you can get them to bum fuck Macungie is because of the hill. Blue needs to focus on that end, keep the skiing quality high and always improving as they have done of late, build out the shit where you make real actual serious money and build their brand as being different from Camelback not aligned with it.
    8 points
  5. Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. The temperature was in the low 50s under cloudy skies with some fog and some rain. In the house were Atomic Jeff, Johnny Law and Bethlehem ford guy. Razors and challenge looked brick..first run on Sidewinder wasn’t that good the solid base snow and not that smooth. Paradise was very nice, fast and smooth and I even skied lazy mile for the first time in well over a month and the snow was alright but that run is just too slow of a run to be fun for me. After atomic jeff left, me and JLaw went over to Main Street and were pleasantly surprised how nice it was..nice hero snow...cocaine white..fast and smooth. I skied that three times then peaced out. The quad was running and not many people out this morning. I might not be out again until the weekend. Tomorrow with the fast cooldown could be very bad and freezing rain Friday morning. JADIP.
    6 points
  6. Arrived around 5:30ish then had to retrieve my skis out of the shop. First two runs for me tonight were on TCS and got into skiers left ditch. Some soft snow mixed with some harder spots. No surprise that there are getting to be some serious brown spots in there. Even with the all the brown town, those two runs were for sure a 10/10 on the fun scale. After TCS runs I ran into the dude and rode with him. Had a few good runs on Barney’s with nice soft bumps followed by a fun single bump line down skiers right lower main. Also of note was one particularly fun run down raceway midway lower main with absolutely empty trails and hero snow the whole way. Challenge, switch, and side were also all excellent. Came out to an awesome gift from the beer fairy to top off probably night of the year for me. Cracked it open hung for a few with @mbike-ski then skidaddled.
    6 points
  7. 5 points
  8. since skitoolive passed on the purchase, i was more than happy to take his spot as a season pass holder. i am sure Blue is just up in arms about him not being a season passholder, but somehow they will get by.
    4 points
  9. so, 16 degrees and the snow was really heavy for whatever reason, maybe it was windblown. kind of snow where people were pretty much eating shit pretty regularly. Anyways a pretty damn nice day today all the way around. it was definitely some work to float this heavy stuff, but got actually easier to ski once it was cut up a bit. First runs for Barb and I were off Paradise bowl, and thats where i quickly found out how heavy the snow was, i skied off the groomer track and it kinda sucked me in, threw me around some, ending up skiing switch a little before i gathered things back up and got things going in the right direction again. played in some trees, but the overnight snow isnt doing tons to fill in the steeper areas which are pretty trenched out, and scrapey underneath from basically 30 days with no snow. The bumps on the trails were really better than most stuff in the trees. Barb and i split up for a few runs before meeting back up for lunch. Found some better trees around International, had no idea where i was actually going, got kinda lost, and ended up at the Umbrella bar. Managed to make it back to Paradise to meet Barb for lunch a little late. Ate lunch, Barb headed back to her place, and i was just gonna cruise a couple more trails. They had sent a couple couple bombs off earlier as they were working on the high stuff, both Tbars had delayed openings. The Tbars opened after lunch, even though i saw people standing in line before lunch. i rode the Paradise lift with an instructor who said the stuff off the high lift was kinda blown off, exposed rocks, but the stuff off the North lift was better, but still not great. i wasnt up for the line up at the Tbars, and since im solo, legs were telling me go home, so i passed on that today. Snow is supposed to continue until thursday sometime. It didnt snow too hard during the day, but looking out the window now, things have really picked up some, and its after 4 pm here, so things should get a nice refill, and we will be at it again tomorrow. pics in a few.
    4 points
  10. Nice night for sure, hit Barneys a bunch and TCS had some nice orphan bump clusters that were fun. The ditch wasn’t too bad as well. A little faster than I would have expected but maybe do to the wind? Up top things are starting to get solid. Second last run lifty put the sled hook on the chair in front of me up top. When I got back on the base lifty took it off the chair behind me. Nice they have a clock up top in the lifty shed I was averaging 10 minute runs on TCS side.
    3 points
  11. Shit was good bad or bad good I'm not certain on the lingo but paradise and particularly main where good to very good. Both Steeze and I were very surprised at how soft main was but it was super nice to be able to put the hammer down. Challenge and Razors are probably good now that it's 65 degrees but first thing they were a hard no. The fog was actually kinda dope as it was mostly down low so it didn't interfere with skiing but everything still looks cool. I love when's it's gorillas in the mist and peeps just disappear into nothing.
    3 points
  12. Conditions will be super trash tomorrow morning...I’m in!
    3 points
  13. may go up for a RAW spring like evening
    3 points
  14. Was just saying to Dan yesterday I am so happy I don’t snowboard anymore 😈
    3 points
  15. My brother is slowly making the transition from skiing to snowboarding. We discussed him purchasing a snowboard last week. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll banish myself from snow forever before I put on a pair of downhill skis
    3 points
  16. Better than the 50° and rain that we just had…
    3 points
  17. WTGAI. I hate it too when I get lost and end up at a bar [emoji6] [emoji482]
    3 points
  18. Skiing with the kid so limited terrain. All had the same soft snow so all good. Yes, did remember my pants but the tape on my D vent fell off. Time to upgrade from Duct to Gorilla tape.
    2 points
  19. HoJos in Williams MA - about an hour from either Magic or Catamount and 35 min from B.East. Gonna make the call after we see conditions reports from Sat. B.East is supposed to get the most snow on Friday. And staying right off the Interstate at Red Roof in Deerfield MA Friday for easier drive up on the snowy day.
    2 points
  20. I missed this thread today and calling a RAW sesh. My bad. On the snow at 430 and skied til 645. Had the spring coat and gloves on for a comfortable evening with the kid doing a lesson. Beer in the lot hoping @mbike-skiand @Dirtwolfstopped by they were getting after it. Good for them. Hope they had as grate of a session as we had!
    2 points
  21. False. Those bindings are not easy to adjust at all. You have to remove the decking screws used to attach the bindings to the foot, move the bails, then hope you get them back in the old holes correctly so they don't strip out. Requires at least two beers before such a complicated procedure can be attempted in the parking lot.
    2 points
  22. Yes and yes, i can recall discussing bakers record year and weirdos in Portland. I will say I have a huge soft spot for Bach so it's a little like asking me about boobs or switchback, I probably can't be objective. First and foremost it's skiing on a volcano and not part of it but the whole thing, including the summit. You can literally go around the mtn which is cool and pretty unique. Essentially it's a giant cone with lifts and runs that cut the pie and very loosely meet at the top They at least claim better drier snow than the rest of Oregon but I can't independently verify. Great terrain, tons of little pockets and hidey holes, very playful similar to the mili area at Brighton. Lots of family's and local family's so sort of like Snowmass in that they are trying to have lots of terrain for everyone. Vibe was super chill, like Tahoe but without the CA or Aspen without some of the $$$. Lots of rippers, lots of family's lots of travelers destination type mtn crowd. Summit chair is dope with a big bowl cirque thing and I recall the blues and greens near skyliner are prime family groomers. The views are spectacular in a heavenly way not like telluride mini alps. Lots of parking areas so alot more of plan your day around a lift or area than one main parking lot. I remember the map was not great and it was harder to get from x to y then it looks but not like pow mow throw that shit in the trash bad. I would say it's the best of Oregon though it has been along time and I have heard it's busier but nothing crazy. It's definitely one of the more cool setups for a mtn and with Bend nearby I would skip Baker before Bachelor on a PNW trip.
    2 points
  23. Could ski right onto the gondola at Stowe in those!!
    2 points
  24. One isn't better than the other they are different tools. It's like knives you can peel an apple with a butchers knife but it's dumb and stupid. Your just making certain things easier or harder. Skis up and across a mtn are easier as is pow or spins on a board. Shitty skiers will still be slower on traverses than a good boarder and the reverse. The key factor is the craftsman not the tool
    2 points
  25. yeah it is going to be terrible. See you at 8:45.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Ride or walk like everyone on skis does
    2 points
  28. there was a Bear wandering around one day early season for opening they had to poke with a stick to get moving.
    2 points
  29. I have boarded for a long time but decided to try a ski lesson with my wife yesterday at Blue. It was awesome, however while I was practicing on the beginner hill I had a raccoon run at me then pass directly in front of me just as I was getting up from a fall. It then ran towards a mom and her daughter who i yelled to and I think the mother hit it with her pole and it took off under the lift loading area. My wife was already back at the lodge outside having a drink. When I texted her to tell her about it she told me I was full of shit.....then the raccoon showed up there, drank a left over drink and ran inside. It was pretty wild. Did anyone else encounter rocky raccoon?
    2 points
  30. Blue seems to sell out of season passes and day tickets just fine, they don’t need a third party in there selling discounted passes w/ multi mountain options to put meat in the seats.
    2 points
  31. Exactly why we don’t want to be on ikon.
    2 points
  32. I can’t remember the last time I skied powder. First run I was all over the place and fell once. By run #2 I was sort of finding a rhythm, but going slow. After the 4th powder run my legs were feeling it and I didn’t want Dan to have to wait for me anymore so we split up. The snow got easier the more it tracked out but by then my legs were tired. Didn’t want to be all used up on day 1.
    2 points
  33. Just clicked the purchase button a few minutes ago.....I'm OK with this pricing.....Can't wait to see the Summit Safari lift to the top get installed.. The Camelback discount is just fluff....The only redeeming thing Camelback has going for it is they allow uphill travel...
    2 points
  34. Second time in 4 months. Sucks to be him.
    1 point
  35. Nice be sure to post a report!!!
    1 point
  36. I’m just in shock it wasn’t a troll post
    1 point
  37. Damn that looks incredible! It’s 65° and sunny here 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  38. Skied once a year on bunny hills growing up. Started boarding early 30’s because my son thought it would be fun if we both learned how together.
    1 point
  39. I may do a short afternoon session...probably like 4 to 7 if I go, otherwise maybe tomorrow night
    1 point
  40. I wouldn't consider any of us normal...
    1 point
  41. I'd get an Ikon pass if they added either Blue or Camelback
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Sweet! @toast21602- Have you ever skied to the ice cave? Good to know about Creekside and Spanky's Ladder. I've been watching the weather. Looks like wind is about 3-5 MPH and they're calling for snow, likely 1-3" most days.
    1 point
  44. Short of a powder day It really doesn't get much better than this morning was at Blue. It was that good
    1 point
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