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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/22 in all areas

  1. Great day at Blue. There at open conditions were great. Hit Challange first - soft and fast. Then over to TCS for many runs where conditions were even better. My boys found the trench on their own. Disappointed they were not running both doubles mid mountain. Skied til 12 then rolled booking our second day on next years pass. Crowds still coming in as we left. Interested to hear how the mountain holds up today, & tomorrow's high in the 70... Monday 67.
    12 points
  2. Oh yes! cut like butter. These are gonna ski great!
    9 points
  3. Back at jay today...601 trail and bonaventure glade Buckaroo bonsai glades with @enjoralas lunch from the ramen place
    8 points
  4. Finished up our time in Taos today and we had a great trip. Snowed 1 or 2 inches overnight which was a pleasant surprise and after 3 really warm days it was a little cooler on Friday. I skied with my kids all day Friday after they had done ski school for the first part of the week. They absolutely rip now and are going to pass me soon. Took them down Al’s run for the first time and they were both talking about how easy it was. Stepped it up after that to their first Taos double black (west blitz trees to spitfire chute to west basin) and they navigated it perfectly. Kids at top of Al’s kids skiing Al’s little man entering spitfire chute Daughter in west basin son in west basin son and I on Al’s
    8 points
  5. @enjoralas @Justo8484 @AtomicSkier
    7 points
  6. Wish me luck. Wish @toast21602 more luck.
    6 points
  7. Fun day with MrsSnoBunski at Gore, celebrated World Telemark Day in the AM and mountain tour in the afternoon with some mellow bumps, trees and groomers
    4 points
  8. Today was good. Special shout out to @Benm for diversifying our selection of parking lot treats and @mute1080 for continuing to be a generous beer fairy.
    4 points
  9. There was a skunk under the quad this afternoon which really made me feel connected with nature today.
    4 points
  10. I’ll add more later but this mornings conditions were very good. Razors, switchback, challenge and Main Street were all nice packed powder..midwinter conditions and me and Matt Edge even checked out the Ski-doo stand which was rad. The last time I was over in the overflow lot on the west side of the valley lot was when I woke up Johnny Law when he was camping out for a Perder day.
    3 points
  11. doesnt that make them even better?
    3 points
  12. Been awesome so far. Bolton valley tomorrow, probably Berkshire east Monday Met @tarponhead and Paul for beers again to end the day, been great to hang out with some PASRs after riding.
    3 points
  13. yup. If the cost of gas is a factor when purchasing a snowmobile, jetski, or boat, you shouldnt even consider it. My waverunner burned 12 gallons an hour at full throttle. Zero fucks given on the price of gas, just a huge grin. Back on topic, good ski day today. First runs were great, and then of course it didnt get better, but still good skiing and parking lot stuff.
    3 points
  14. Some other glade and then Timbuktu again...rode most of the day with Enjorales and pops, then cut over to the Jet lift a little before 2. Was gonna do saddleback tomorrow but calling for freezing rain in the morning. I'll make a last minute decision in the morning but probably hit Bolton valley and then stay in Burlington and hit some breweries.
    3 points
  15. He’s just mad that his tits are the same size.
    3 points
  16. Thursday, checkout was at 12 so we put the baggage in storage and went skiing. I skied my atomics and I’m glad I did. They’re a bit wider underfoot and made floating down Whistler Bowl more fun. I skied the runs off of Peak Express including Whistler Bowl and Peak to Creek. my legs were burning. On my way down from Peak to Creek I saw a lil’ reading rainbow 🌈 while @Schifis in Dubai looking for a lamp with a genie, I was looking for a pot of gold. after the top to bottom, leg burn .. I did the Whistler Bowl. It was fun but the pitch was steeper than I usually like. Glad I did it though. At one point, it was super foggy and couldn’t see anything. ROTD was Grand Finale / Doom & Gloom in Whistler bowl although I about shit my pants. Had The Rolling Stones song stuck in my head 👅 skied from morning through 3pm. I rushed down to the bottom. Freshened up. Got my bags, heated up some ‘noods, and lugged my bags to the 4pm shuttle. again, the skylynx shuttle was clean and easy. Unfortunately it was full so I didn’t love sharing a seat. the views on the drive were incredible. If I were to do it with a bigger group than just me & brother, I would definitely rent a car to see the sights along the way. got settled into a hotel near the airport. Brian’s flight was at 8:30am on Friday and mine was 7am on Saturday morning.
    3 points
  17. No need to crap on the report Salty. It was a great today. You can take your sour attitude back to Colorado. Fa la la.
    2 points
  18. Great day. First challenge run was a 10 out of 10.
    2 points
  19. Please pardon my formatting and grammar. I'm posting from a phone. In the fall, I started a new job that has turned me into more of a semi-weekend warrior, for better or worse. This, coupled with a shitty snow year, has really impacted my plans to wring every dollar and then some out of my indy pass. I was able to use my two days at montage in January, and was finally able to branch out a bit in February. no trip reports from montage because they were pretty basic. random fact: this is my second year in a row of not riding a high speed lift. Greek Peak 2/5/22 This was the best day of the year. There was the gnarly ice storm in PA, but greek got 8-14 inches of the good stuff. It was interesting to see the changes on the drive up. It went from bare ground, to ice covered trees, to a ton of snow. When I got to greek it was still snowing and the roads were still covered. Last time I went to greek, I was unable to ride their longer stuff off of lift 4 and 5. And that would be the same today. They really got a late start opening the lifts, and lines started to build in an "epic" fashion on their main quad. Thankfully the double next to it and lift 3 opened shortly. Conditions could only be described as the epic that vail wishes they were. It was one of those point your board in any direction and your fine days. Fresh tracks in the glades, fresh tracks under the lifts. I even had some completely untracked trails off of lift 3 as I was one of the first people up after opening. So that was it. I rode a ton of pow, and left. And on thew way out i realized lift 5 was open (without access from lift 4) by way of a shuttle from the base lodge (not advertised). Oh well. Bosquet 2/20/22 I found myself in the Pittsfield area and knew I had to stop. Its not on the indy pass and super small, but I like the idea of checking new places out. Bosquet is operated by the berkshire/catamount people and you can tell some improvements have been implemented. This trip was right after the great new England blowtorch event so conditions were spicy. The mountain feels like a larger bear creek, with a montage-esque setting. to get onto the access road you turn right into a large shopping plaza, and there's houses and condos and whatnot. it also overlooks the city of Pittsfield and you can see the trails from many spots in the city. the parking lot is easy to get into and right off the road. The lodge is new and nice. They were using the overflow lots, however i never waited in a line. not bad for presidents day weekend. none of the trails were anything to write home about. the owners also clear cut a ton of trees (they did the same at catamount and Berkshire east) to install the new summit lift. you can tell this is causing a conditions nightmare/snow retention issue near the summit. Despite being small and not really interesting at all, I would still be psyched to have a place to go an scratch the itch right in town. If you want something better, Vermont is really close too. Mohawk 2/27/22 Mohawk is the smallest of the 3 mountains, but it was super fun. The lodge is old school, right on a large pond, and the staff was awesome. Busy day but short lines. The snow was absolutely perfect (except for one spot that looked like someone forgot to shut a hydrant off). My favorite trail was chute. it doesn't look like much going up the lift, but its narrow with some great rollers and small twists. on the lookers right of the mountain there are some short, but winding trails through pine trees at the top. Speaking of the summit, it is heavily wooded with pine trees so views are not really a thing here. Mohawk also seems to have a really large uphill following. There were multiple uphill routes with great signage, and i would see at least 10 people skinning every time I was on a lift. There was also a "mid" mountain lodge that had a lift going right over it. the only annoying thing about the day was the racer kids. I forgot how much i hate groups of racer kids. There was an entire trail closed off for them, which i understand. But they rolled in groups of over ten across the rest of the mountain, would stop in the lift lines to group up and were impossible to pass, and would just block off trails waiting for the rest of their group. Hopefully I can squeeze one more day in before the season is over. I need a miracle march to keep magic as a viable destination for my final day of the season. Hopefully the weather is better next year. on the way home i saw ski lifts that appeared to come out of nowhere. the ski area is thunder ridge NY. The photos make it look mellow, but the trails seen from the road are really steep in person, and apparently there's a whole backside and separate ridge than what's visible from the road. I am really starting to enjoy smaller areas, so i added it to my list for next season. Okay. These last two photos. The website keeps adding them to the end of the post, despite deleting them and editing multiple times
    1 point
  20. Yeah, they probably won't even reopen. Might as well not come.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Ah ok. I'm doing Bolton valley tomorrow but would possibly shoot over to Gore Monday. Monday doesn't look great either some snow and rain further north and all rain to the south. Gore looks awesome. They were sold out last month when I was here but I'd like to get there next year
    1 point
  23. Because I’m not a stoke stomper
    1 point
  24. Today was sooo good, even better snow than yesterday everywhere except coming soon which was still pretty good. Excellent crew two chairs deep formation flying is tits Mcgee and you could put the hammer down all over the place. I hope this slop coming doesn't do too much damage as it is skiing so good right now.
    1 point
  25. Im not done with them yet. You are gonna look fabulous on them.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Looks great. Hope you guys had/have a great time!! @PSUFly @enjoralas
    1 point
  28. I honestly don’t think it matters to slednecks...if they’re dropping $10k+ on a snowmachine a couple extra gallons of gas doesn’t matter.
    1 point
  29. Mac and Cheese, Chili, Chicken & Waffles. 1st two were above average ski slope quality.
    1 point
  30. Great pics! But ... they almost need a caption contest over all them......
    1 point
  31. Afternoon was much better. Conditions on WL got real nice. Soft bumps.
    1 point
  32. That's so weird. I'm going to quit PASR now. You're back to like 2 other females on this site - Barb & MamaSkis
    1 point
  33. Doug is on one today good god 😂
    1 point
  34. What did you have for lunch? Blue blew snow on almost all the runs and did a great job grooming and was just semi crowded. Also you’re a bit of a fagtard for saying it’s not worth the drive considering that didn’t have to buy a lift ticket. If you didn’t go skiing today what would you be doing??? Let me guess rubbing your fat girlfriends floppy titties.
    1 point
  35. $4.39 here. I can only imagine how much airplane fuel costs. Pray for those with their own airplanes, it’s tough out there
    1 point
  36. Ski-doo probably wished they did this earlier in the winter before gas hit $4.29/gal for regular
    1 point
  37. On Wednesday - Got the day started and my brother was scrolling Reddit. He saw this guy at Whistler when he was on peak express yesterday. The entire chair lift was hyped for him yesterday. Check out this link below! Reddit - Whistler skiier On Wednesday morning, I started up on Excalibur Gondola - Excelerator lift. The Tbar wasn’t open yet so we were doing laps on the Blackcomb side for a bit. When it opened, we headed over to Glacier Express. It had a sign that shows the length of the line and visibility which I really think is wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ Did the TBar. Met some guys from West Chester & Hershey in line. This was probably the longest line of the trip. Hiked up a short bit and looked down at the Blackcomb Bowl. I take a similar pic at every resort so I had too 🤷🏼‍♀️ It was fluffy, deep, and you could really float. It felt like the backside of Snowbird on a powder day. The snow in Blackcomb Bowl was amazing and the ROTD. Loved it ❤️ We stayed to the right, kept our skis high, and hiked went down. It was wild. I overheard a guy show how much it’s receded in recent years… yikes Continued to ski down and bounce around on the Blackcomb side. it was humbling and yet another awesome day in Whistler.
    1 point
  38. If you buy it early it's $100. I got mine last Aug for a hundy
    1 point
  39. Thanks for all the replies! No love for Camelback and I am not a fan either but was curious to hear others thoughts. I am heading up to Sugarloaf next week and will get a Blue pass when I get back. 😄
    1 point
  40. Toast is a legend. He wrote an Op-Ed in the morning call recently about Transvestites..kinky
    1 point
  41. Cameltoe isnt my fav. Nothing kills the vibe of skiing a mountain like when the lift takes you over the sesame street water park stuff. Its no where near as prevalent at Montage. The lure of low crowds at Montage.......that will wear off quick, a trip down razors, challenge, or Nightmare/Dreamweaver (before it gets all fucked up with park crap) will most likely have you reconsider the low crowd deal at Montage. dont get me wrong, im a fan of montage. i would pay to go there, before i got a free ticket, close up parking space, and gourmet lunch at Toe. Who made snow last night in the area?
    1 point
  42. Skied the Blackcomb Glacier and checked out the ice cave today.
    1 point
  43. Just back from another great day at the Creek. About 35 degrees at 9, snow was nice and buttery, smooth fast runs. No ROTD as all trails were really sweet. Did 3 runs off of B chair then hit the F chair side. Nice smooth snow everywhere. Grizzly was a bit firm as it is shaded. No crowd at all, never had anyone in line with us. Around 11:30 spring conditions ruled. Beer on the deck was perfect ending to the day.
    1 point
  44. Dumb & Dumber shooting location in Breck. Top is from an hour ago, bottom is from the 90s. Other shooting locations I've visited throughout the years were the Seabass Diner, Stanley Hotel, and the giant blue bug on the side of the Interstate in Providence, RI @Johnny Law
    1 point
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