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Wasn't raining when I woke up and was expected to hold off until 9:30ish so I headed up and enjoyed a glorious morning with @JFskiDan @Dirtwolf@Johnny Law@mute1080 @boobear @theprogram4 @Benm @bethlehemfordguy and the rest of the boomers. Snow conditions were a carpet. Creamy snow all over the place and nobody there. Rain picked up around 9:30 when we retreated to the lot for a beverage. I thought I was done for the day until it stopped raining and the sun started to come out. We went back out around 10:30 and skied until 12:30ish when we could still ski onto the chair. Everything was perfect from Razors, Challenge, Sidewinder, Switchback, Main St, to Midway.10 points
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Nice! ForeCast aGore looked good after 9 so we had a nice breakfast, as I’m getting ready to head and load our tix it started pouring. Radar was a big green and pink tie dye so we headed south to Shawnee to see Niko get his PSIA level 1 pin #whirlybird15 points
Notice the friendly @toast21602 on that map too. I had a different hotel booked but canceled yesterday morning since i didn’t know what my plans were, booked the Hilton for $50 less and got an upgraded room5 points
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Video of my quite difficult run off E-Chair thru the woods, trying to traverse the double blacks. Kudos to those of you that can slay this kind of terrain!!!5 points
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Awesome day at Blue. Didn’t get behind any car on the way up so knew crowds would be light. Glad we hung out in the lot because round 2 was full of soft serve and sun with no lines. On a Sunday at noon, I’ll take it.4 points
I didn’t even have to zoom in to know that was the Hilton...that’s where I stayed when I first visited Burlington with my parents in high school. You used to be able to go from the back of the Hilton through the Burlington square mall and pop out on church street. Back in the days when Bernie Sanders was mayor, the whole city was redeveloped...buildings and streets were removed for the mall and church street marketplace, designed by the same guy as Pearl street marketplace in @Barbbeloved Boulderado and the old industrial areas along lake champlain were removed to create a greenway.4 points
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Yeah staying downtown at a Hilton...price was actually reasonable and walking distance to some breweries. Burlington seems pretty cool3 points
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Some other glade and then Timbuktu again...rode most of the day with Enjorales and pops, then cut over to the Jet lift a little before 2. Was gonna do saddleback tomorrow but calling for freezing rain in the morning. I'll make a last minute decision in the morning but probably hit Bolton valley and then stay in Burlington and hit some breweries.3 points
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Thanks GSS. You can be such a jerk.2 points
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Definitely getting worried about how much skison we have left at our day trip areas. Glad I got out yesterday. Time to take the snows off the SUV and check the tire pressure on the bike.2 points
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I may suggest Gore for our girls trip next year. Was there once about 15 years ago, had a lot of fun. They’ve put tons of improvements in since that time.1 point
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That's so weird. I'm going to quit PASR now. You're back to like 2 other females on this site - Barb & MamaSkis1 point
Thursday, checkout was at 12 so we put the baggage in storage and went skiing. I skied my atomics and I’m glad I did. They’re a bit wider underfoot and made floating down Whistler Bowl more fun. I skied the runs off of Peak Express including Whistler Bowl and Peak to Creek. my legs were burning. On my way down from Peak to Creek I saw a lil’ reading rainbow 🌈 while @Schifis in Dubai looking for a lamp with a genie, I was looking for a pot of gold. after the top to bottom, leg burn .. I did the Whistler Bowl. It was fun but the pitch was steeper than I usually like. Glad I did it though. At one point, it was super foggy and couldn’t see anything. ROTD was Grand Finale / Doom & Gloom in Whistler bowl although I about shit my pants. Had The Rolling Stones song stuck in my head 👅 skied from morning through 3pm. I rushed down to the bottom. Freshened up. Got my bags, heated up some ‘noods, and lugged my bags to the 4pm shuttle. again, the skylynx shuttle was clean and easy. Unfortunately it was full so I didn’t love sharing a seat. the views on the drive were incredible. If I were to do it with a bigger group than just me & brother, I would definitely rent a car to see the sights along the way. got settled into a hotel near the airport. Brian’s flight was at 8:30am on Friday and mine was 7am on Saturday morning.1 point
Finished up our time in Taos today and we had a great trip. Snowed 1 or 2 inches overnight which was a pleasant surprise and after 3 really warm days it was a little cooler on Friday. I skied with my kids all day Friday after they had done ski school for the first part of the week. They absolutely rip now and are going to pass me soon. Took them down Al’s run for the first time and they were both talking about how easy it was. Stepped it up after that to their first Taos double black (west blitz trees to spitfire chute to west basin) and they navigated it perfectly. Kids at top of Al’s kids skiing Al’s little man entering spitfire chute Daughter in west basin son in west basin son and I on Al’s1 point
Hello everyone. Long time passholder at JFBB and not enjoying the new regime. Looking for thoughts on where to get my pass for next season. I am 40 minutes from Camelback or 45 minutes from Blue or Montage. Primarily a midweek rider and maybe a few weekends. Try to avoid the crowds if possible. I always enjoy Elk but at 1hr 15min drive it makes it difficult to blow off work in the morning for some riding and back to work by noon. Thanks in advance for any recommendations.1 point
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first - I wouldn't go to camelwhack if it was free. I'd scratch that off the list right away. like many have said, montage is a well kept secret. every time I've been, it was pretty dead and the lower half of the mountain is all "expert" terrain, so it funnels the crowd even more. the terrain is also a bit more interesting (IMO) in comparison to blue. in your specific case though, being equidistant to montage/blue AND primarily skiing off-peak, I'd go blue. the lifts and snowmaking capacity are just far superior. you'll get a longer season, and probably twice as many runs on empty midweek sessions due to the high speed lifts. that long haul lift at montage is agonizing...and at blue, you can ski top to bottom runs with a high speed chair back to the top every time. if you said you only skied weekends though, I'd probably say go for montage. blue can handle the crowds OK, but at this point they're operating at like max capacity far too often. you'll have much shorter lines at montage on a weekend which cancels out any gains you make from the high speed lifts at blue. if you are considering blue though, I'd jump on getting a pass ASAP. they have been restricting the quantities a lot. I missed the boat this year, and was PISSED.1 point
you forgot to mention your most important criteria... you live 5 minutes from blue 😘1 point
Welcome to PASR. Honestly if midweek low crowds is your only criteria Montage is probably going to be your best bet. That said....all things considered Montage is great but however there's way less variety, terrian, slower lifts etc than blue. North face is fun but skiing solely that for a whole season would probably get old and skiing the full vert at Montage is sorta cumbersome. No sidewinders, paradises, switches or NMDW (RIP) at montage. Also going from JFBB to blue is going to feel like you're going from pop warner to high school...trust me, I've been there. To me there's only one option. Follow the light.1 point
I'm hoping Ikon is not going to make SLC busier...maybe just spread the Ikon passes out more across Snowbird, Solitude, Brighton, and now Snowbasin.... Sorry I don't count those Ski only resorts. In th end, Ikon seems like a no brainer for SLC area1 point
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My thoughts exactly. I will buy a day pass for an Epic resort before i buy the pass, at least until they have undone what they did.1 point
Snowbasin and Sun Valley leave Epic for Ikon. https://www.stormskiing.com/p/ikon-pass-adds-snowbasin-sun-valley?s=w&fbclid=IwAR3ZWrpThNpsaMizl5ljEaN6lwIVRXwar4VB1Nx1Z27Y7KGL6ReqLsPSE9M and Ikon released info, pass goes on sale sometime in March. All this makes my head spin like crazy. Im not the biggest fan of having my pass (other than Blue) dictate where i ski, but i am very interested as to what Epic does for next year. They gotta get their shit straightened out.1 point
Day 3 - Even warmer Arrived at the base to partly cloudy skies and 28 degrees. Following yesterday’s warmup and puddles frozen seen in the ride over, we knew the lower half of the mountain was gii oh no to be firm. Decided to take the 8-pack out and look for some groomers on Andesite side. At the top of the lift, it looks like about an inch fell, which should make for some fine cruising, not! We couldn’t find a groomed trail over here at all, just frozen crud from yesterday. Back down to the base and up to the bowl, which should have better snow and visibility was far better than yesterday and the bowl didn’t disappoint. Lapped the bowl until everyone else on the mountain came up and the liftline became unbearable. Headed down through the woods to the one smoke shack nearby for lunch but it was occupied, so we took the Challenger back up and down to the base for lunch. After lunch we found a nice pocket of snow on Buffalo Jump but the snow has turned to mush and the run outs were becoming unbearable. Took a run down the park to check out the hump line but the snow was so slow that you could barely make it over the landing edge. Time to call it a day. Back at the house, hot tub, beers, grilled chicken & potatoes, nothing to write home mom about. Another warm one on tap for tomorrow. In the bowl… Found another one… Tagged… Chatting with Daryl…1 point
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