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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/22 in all areas

  1. I’ll bring homemade biscuits for the gravy
    11 points
  2. I've been getting less bang for my buck the last couple years from my Blue pass, but by making the investment in the pass it makes me have an incentive to get out there at least once per week when I'm not traveling somewhere else. It would suck to show up and pay $100 bucks to ski there. If things are cranking in early December and they keep open all the way through you can make it really worth your while. The shutdown in mid-december and some family stuff cost me 2 or 3 valuable ski days this year. I have blue + Ikon for 2022-23 and I think its gonna work out great.
    7 points
  3. Rode this morning, C1er, BenM and BFG crew in the house. Stiffer frozen cord first thing that was 30% rattle your bones, oddly some of the trails had pockets of 3d snow that was considerably softer but it was probably tough grooming last night. We followed the sun and as it warmed up the snow went to a super nice fast soft serve ice cream. Widow-midway/chute-main was rotd, excellent huck your meet soft snow. Sidewinder too was most excellent down to the turn as the top had baked up nice fast jump off everything snow. Quad only but light crowds of mostly slow skiers so I didn't notice them. We were a bit early on the cut over to soft snow, it was good but my guess is the c1er and those that could ski until later are getting primo corn harvest. Coverage is most excellent, deep across the hill with no spots I saw anywhere. My guess would be anyone thinking about the twilight session would get classic blue super spring skiing.
    6 points
  4. At least another week boys and girls.
    6 points
  5. If tonight is anything like last night it's going to be springtastic later!!!
    6 points
  6. i think when you compare the price of the pass to a similar hill, like Elk, its actually on point. I dont find $650 this overwhelming amount of money considering. I mean, yeah, ski sawmill, montage etc will have lower priced passes. No disrespect to Montage, i like the place, but i just dont think its, well, somewhere i could spend every weekend. I think everyone should really stop comparing any season pass to an Epic pass. Its a different product/model. Plus, i think Blue out performed all of the local Vail resorts this year in snowmaking alone.
    5 points
  7. Are you really comparing blue to roundtop and whitetail here?
    4 points
  8. Edge is bringing the nose beers.
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. Thanks Antman. I'm truly humbled that the members of the pasr community like my posts and pictures. I don't do this for me. I do it for all of you. It's my life's work...and I will continue to provide the best reports that I possibly can so long as I have no one to talk to on a lift and / or do not drop my phone while riding said lift. Thank you. I am honored
    4 points
  11. Fun night. Chatted with @momskeeztoo and Marty on the walk out. Sounded like they had a grate day and we’re still there after 5. Rain held off but it did get quite dark before sunset and was hoping the lights would come on. Razors was my ROTN with a close second to TCS after skating for it since only the 6 was open. Ending up with a full chair after meeting up with @mbike-ski, @Dirtwolf, @NMSKI, and mini @NMSKI. Mini NM is quite the ripper and hopped right into Barney’s without even a pause at the top. 59° when we left at 745 so hopefully they have some magic to keep the snow around.
    4 points
  12. After skiing we hit up Big mountain creperie for lunch. Bailed at 2pm. My wife and wanted to see if we could make it home before dark. Mission accomplished and in record time! Left LP at 2pm. Rolled in at 7:18. 5hrs 18min with one stop for gas. 3200 vert hill in 5 hr total travel time. Works for me. Great time as always up there.
    4 points
  13. Nice night Barneys was pretty nice. Spring peepers serenade on my way out.
    3 points
  14. certain people wouldn't be happy until everyone skiing blue made 100k+/yr
    3 points
  15. I think it's incredibly dumb ... to suggest that more people use things like credit cards, especially for non-essentials.
    3 points
  16. not surprised. personally, and i get that it's not as easy now with the online only purchases, i'd rather give that pass to a family so that it doesn't evaporate into the ether.
    3 points
  17. My thought is if you don’t have a Blue pass, it will dramatically hurt the number of days you ski next season. You have 11 days so far at Blue and I’m sure you’ll have a few more so this years pass was worth it for you even though you got off to a late start and were away quite a bit.
    3 points
  18. It's time to buy a pass and honestly it's not as easy to do this year as in past years. I think $650 is the tipping point for people like me that live farther away. $650 is still a no brainer for someone within a 30 minute drive of Blue but it starts to get untenable for someone like me who's a weekend warrior and hopes to not be too busy for a few RAWS. Especially with all the other pass options out there for New York, Indy, Epic and Ikon it actually is more to think about than I thought. Any thoughts from the Philly and Philly burbs guys?
    3 points
  19. Was a very fun night! I always enjoy the sporty slush. After skiing in those conditions on his tiny little season rentals my sons legs were cooked.
    3 points
  20. I think so. She's a fan of LP...already wants to go back.
    3 points
  21. Thanks. I was on the fence but I heard there was dark mode. Really classed the place up
    2 points
  22. yo gabba gabba is a kids tv show that brought us wonderful things like Biz's Beat of the Day:
    2 points
  23. I’m bringing champagne and sausage. @AtomicSkierusually brings OJ.
    2 points
  24. I'll be up in NEPA this weekend, would we want some pizza? I know it's already been done once.
    2 points
  25. Today was the most delightful skiing day at Blue. So relaxed and completely void of the usual anxiety. Skiing directly to the lift, warm and sunny, and yet with pretty good snow. Too bad I have to work sometimes, otherwise I'd just stay there all day. Nobody at the rope drop, and the pic of the pool under construction as a bonus.
    2 points
  26. i'm surprised you're not selling it on craigslist. you're leaving money on the table doug heresy
    2 points
  27. FWIW.... Awesome!!
    2 points
  28. blues SP money train is dunzo. 529 was a great value during the pandemic for people to get out and do something. too big of an increase for people who are casual skiers, remote work diminishing, safe/social distancing activities are an afterthought now. i don't think they'll come even remotely close to selling out of passes. it'll cap at 749 and be available throughout the season.
    2 points
  29. I did think about that actually but realistically how long/how many times can I head up to NEPA for a weekend and ski a smaller, less diverse mountain with slow lifts and really enjoy it? Montage was/is amazing if you live really close and can pop in after work, ski the whole North Face once and head back home for dinner. Not sure it's a week after week destination if you need to drive. My goal next year is to enjoy my weekends here in PA and do at least one decent sized western trip, maybe two.
    2 points
  30. He could go epic and be at frost for local stuff. Not ideal at all as Schif belongs at blue and blue belongs with Schif, plus Vail. But it's an option for him. Blue is definitely forcing people's hands with the price hike so early.
    2 points
  31. You crushed your Indy Pass this year. Saved about $150 off of window prices compared to what I paid for the pass. Maybe there is still a day left for me to use... Next year it will be even easier since I paid ~$250 with renew discount. I think I have a better understanding of how to get the most out of it this year after watching your epic (Indy) adventures.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Any table is collapsible after 8 ipas.
    2 points
  34. I can bring blueberry bagels that no one eats and then bring them home.
    1 point
  35. Left side of TCS was sweet early on. Also left at 10:15, glad I got my fill of Razors yesterday, top headwall was kind of a mess of puffy piles. Main St and switch were nice.
    1 point
  36. I can bring some cups and oj too
    1 point
  37. How so? Works beautifully for US government. And did Biden just approve some $13.6 billion in Ukraine aid?
    1 point
  38. I can bring orange juice and have some beer that'll mix well in mimosas. Also bringing bloody Mary stuff
    1 point
  39. if you need it sure.
    1 point
  40. https://freewillbrewing.store/products/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-charcuterie One of my favorites
    1 point
  41. Lol we gave her the option for skiing or grandparents and now it’s a date night. Making her ski tomorrow night though since we have a lesson set up.
    1 point
  42. Just so you know there is a line today to tell me to fuck off. I meant it as a compliment but regardless I'd rather do 18 runs on razors.
    1 point
  43. All of Rehoboth is rejoicing ! Fuck the free drinks alone ! All you need to know about those dudes is they think gay is an insult and somehow color auto makes you gay, like it's rona. Fuck dude I wore purple and now I love dick. 🤣🤣🤣 Massively insecure, particularly in their sexuality and totally afraid to express themselves and fashion. Plus their wives, mothers and gfs loooove my color, they tell me all the time.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Could you bring a collapsible table?
    1 point
  46. Mark is worth several million on bitcoin...he can afford it.
    1 point
  47. I’ll probably be there Sunday.
    1 point
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