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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/22 in all areas

  1. Liftie Bob out shredding with MBike.
    8 points
  2. Reminds me of @toast21602 favorite song. +++++VIBES+++++
    2 points
  3. Good snowmaking temperatures Sunday and Monday nights.
    2 points
  4. super fucked up my neck/back. hoping to be able to ski but ill have the edges on 2x4s
    1 point
  5. I'm still fucking pissed I couldn't be there. Would have been my last day at Blue since we're going to Vermont this weekend. Glad everyone had a blast however I am very jealous.
    1 point
  6. I have a couple minutes before my 1pm appointment so might as well make some more additions to this thread. Spanakopita was bomb as always..like three different crews enjoyed it. NMSki was missing but there in spirit let’s hope he’s out this weekend. Toast was very giddy, was a normal ski day for GSSucks cracking a cold American beer at 7something in the AM. Root was there got to follow him down lazy mile. The root he takes is more like a mile and a half lol. Customers here TBC
    1 point
  7. oh yea you were stealth alright when you flew by us on razors! 🤣
    1 point
  8. lot's of good one's of the bumpers too but I couldn;t find one of @indiggio
    1 point
  9. nevermind i found some laying around the house.
    1 point
  10. It’s a money saving tactic they know it’s not supposed to rain until tonight. Some years they’re weekends only at the end of the season so at least they were open on Monday and Tuesday. It was like 90% season passholders.
    1 point
  11. Rumors are that since tubing won't be open, they're going to farm snow from there. The word too is that they're going to seed Razors with bumps!
    1 point
  12. maybe they stayed open because it'd have been a bad look to close when they have more snow than JF and maybe Camelback - both are still alive. if they opened a day in april for passholders, that'd be pretty cool of them.
    1 point
  13. Cool shot. The contrast between the upper part of the shot vs the lower is neat. Good seeing you too sir. Same sentiments here. If yesterday was it I'm more than happy with the season that was. Not writing off the weekend but the snows going fast. The weekend is going to see a reduced trail count at the very least. Let's see what the next few days bring. I will say this. It's obvious that Blue stayed open this week for it's passholders and that's pretty cool of them. Props to blue no doubt.
    1 point
  14. I think for a PASR panel of judges you should only need a few pairs of 6’s and 9’s
    1 point
  15. At party day, I was chatting with @Johnny Law So i made these for pond skim day and jammed out to Here Comes The Sixers while painting 🎶 As unofficial pasr judges of pond skimming…. 1) does anyone want numbers? should I make another set? 2) do I add glitter? … and if we don’t get to use them for pond skimming, I’m just going to hold them up to rate @GrilledSteezeSandwich’s dog jokes or @enjoralas’s cooking 🤷🏼‍♀️🎉
    1 point
  16. What a day yesterday. Hard to beat times like those. Next level fun coming at you from all sides and just when you thought you could rest you get hit with the best bacon wrapped poppers I've ever had in my life. 12/10 day, might have been 15/10 if the weather was like Saturdays but still one of the most fun days ever. Now we've got a week to hit Lowe's and get some good lumber put together for Pond Skimming. Also important to note that all tables survived yesterday.
    1 point
  17. Fun for a couple mid day runs. Great weather. Not sure what they will have next weekend, but i will give Vail some kudos for even being open. things are thin, nobody, and i mean nobody was there. From a past passholder point of view, Peak would close with a shit ton of snow, in March when day pass people stopped showing up, Vail has the place open, but skiing on/around grass at times. i remember skiing the Elevator with @phillycoreand @RidgeRacer on more than one closing days. Looks like alot of trails werent full width all season. if you could combine Peaks model on snowmaking, with Vail staying open later, like i mean skiing on some sketchy shit, you might have the perfect happy meal combo, with a toy. it is kinda sad to see the place just isnt the same it used to be.
    1 point
  18. Take it to the Blue Mountain thread.
    0 points
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