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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/22 in all areas

  1. Mrs SnoBunSki and I hit Belleayre yesterday, morning was a fun mix of firm cord, ice dirt and corn. By the time we finished up our sea-cuterie break the bumps were soft and the corn was ripe!
    11 points
  2. Bachelor is soooooo dope, like Highlands or Palisades, for me it's exactly what I want in a ski area. From the moment you are about 15 miles out it looms large in the distance and as you get closer and closer you can't believe they ran a lift to the top. I was expecting firm cord at opening so I started an Sunnyside which gets first light. Surprisingly there was some light chalk around and first run it was nice cord. I ran groomers off cloudchaser and pine marten until noon with zero lines and jump off everything super soft. Super playful constant action kinda terrain where you can work in endless airs. After lunch the summit lift was turning and a 15 min walk later and I was standing up top to harvest some corn. The wind had blown the top arm to rotten terrible sastrugi so I zipped around to hit the morain face I had scoped from the lift. I was mostly trying to get to the gully to farm corn but why not get there via a more spicy route. The cut in on the cornice was over medium shark fin but one tech turn and it was an apron to milk turns. I was for a second in my head thinking this is a super bad idea so I was stoked it worked out. Looking up you can see its more chalky snow and I thought I had fucked up on the corn A tech entry means low traffic and staying up on the Ridge I wondered into perfect super baked up corn untouched. It was pure Nebraska corn harvest and I milked the fuck out of those turns all the way to the lift. The rest of the day I ran groomers under the skyliner lift which is busted. It was super nice zero traffic groomers though the slog out sucks hairy ballsack when it's 65 degrees down low. Now I'm eating pizza hut breadsticks from an actual pizza hut restaurant. Super super dope spring day, peeps are so nice with zero pretentiousness and almost no Jerry's. I could spend a lifetime their and be super super happy but there is a potential for 30+" at baker Monday/ Tuesday so I may start making my way up there and hit meadows on the way tomorrow. Seriously though for a 1000 reasons Bachelor is le tits, it's a volcano you can ski all the way around, the terrain is endless.
    6 points
  3. I was just a little behind, I'm trying to get to Tacoma or Glacier maybe before it's late late. Be it dating or skiing i appreciate a fine view and with that in mind I left Bend around 6 to hoof it up to Hood Meadows. Common to the west right about where the land goes from green to brown you find a rez and shortly their after a casino and mad rv peeps do 23 all the way to govt camp who for some reason need to gamble there at all hours of the day. Sun was shining in the lot but up high the peak danced in and out of sight through dark foreboding clouds. The way the snow was being blown over the Ridge and swirled across the upper face made the smart peeps grab their mittens and the upper lift never opened which was likely a blessing. 30mph winds 2/3 the way up steady from the bell to when I left at 3. Cold AF in the wind and grey. That's not to say it was a bad day, coming across the top of the far left groomer you are treated to a sublime view of hood and the glacial morain it's fury gauged out of the earth. The run is two football fields wide and medium pitch, not another soul was on it, snow was nice soft leftover bake from the previous days sun with an Ansel Adam's back drop. You put the hammer down to 110 and do whatever the fuck you want. Ludicrous speed full trail width arcs to floaty air rollers with minimal speed control. The runs where for a second at least your a golden fucking god to feel so alive, to be so lucky to experience that, lucky to be a skier. I ate the most dope fish for lunch and explored some more runs while the weather progressively got more crab fishing and less skiing. Driving graupel bullshit and only a dozen or so soft groomers and I peaced out around 3. If I can get back to Tacoma in time I'm going to eat my weight in Sushi before deciding what the fuck to do about tomorrow. Big dumps in the forecast but super high winds will likely shut down the game pretty much everywhere. Baker is the super gamblers choice for Monday but Tacoma puts alot near by.
    5 points
  4. @Benm https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cb1oR2poiKE/?utm_medium=copy_link
    3 points
  5. I knew that was you! I checked the webcams yesterday to see what conditions were looking like and I went hmmm that looks like Mike. Lol
    3 points
  6. Got a good laugh out of this, someone in public works has a good sense of humor.
    3 points
  7. Johnny Law keep the report going..this is when we need stoke the most and we all appreciate your elequent writing style.
    2 points
  8. I really want to go to the Snowbowl. I can’t convince anyone else. But I’m gonna keep trying.
    2 points
  9. There is something super cool about the prominence of the volcanos and driving up it feels very large. Not in a telluride way where it's like the alps, I'm not sure any other place can be judged by that metric but it is super pretty in its own way. The summit terrain is legit but the rest is just fun groomers. Everyone is hyper nice and not in a Mormon way. I'm in bend right now at the campfire hotel, I'm riding with some friends in the area but today was solo as I was the only one who wanted to make the trek to Oregon Baker is on my list too, 60% of why I went PNW was because of talking to Charles who went early in the year and you and I were talking about baker and bachelor at some point in the lot.
    2 points
  10. They're still open.... got 14 inches last week.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the report @momskeeztoo I lived in Bozeman from October of 2002- March of 2004. I had a season pass at Bridger bowl and a frequency card at Big Sky which entitled me to free skiing early and late season and I believe 25-50% off mid season. My friend Tom still lives in Bozeman and the house he bought a decade plus ago which was like $150k is now worth over $500k and it’s essentially a starter home. He said there are a lot of Chads moving to Bozeman from California but who is he to judge..he’s a chowdah Head from Boston. Thanks MomSkeeze for taking the time to post pictures.
    1 point
  12. Heading for home today. Was a fun week.
    1 point
  13. Was quick. Just got the season pass in the mail. 25% off buddy passes too... if any PASR wants to hit up Arizona Snowbowl next year
    1 point
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