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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/22 in all areas

  1. Few more from one of the guys ... I tried to annotate (to the best of my memory) our route down from the top (climbed/toured up right, skied down left).
    8 points
  2. Damn good trip, weather was perfect. My face is still sunburnt from all of the light reflection off of the snow. I have some GoPro footage that Ill try and throw together, we shall see how that works out. I think Jeff nailed the TR pretty well so I dont really have much to add. Pumped to get back up there again next year!
    3 points
  3. Tucks has always been something I wanted to do if the opportunity came along, but never pulled the trigger. After seeing the 50 Episode from Tucks, and this report, it quickly moved up my list. I graciously joined the boys @Justo8484 @GSSucks this year for the adventure and it didn't disappoint. Due to weather concerns on Saturday, Tucks was moved to Sunday, with a Stratton skin on Friday, Killington on Saturday, and then the big event on Sunday. It proved to be an awesome decision. We did a T2B skin lap at Stratton with great conditions as a gear test. Did a few beacon searches, crampon tests, etc. A skiff of fresh snow on top of corn meant you could let it run top to bottom. Awesome snow. Killington was skiing great on Saturday with temps in the mid 50s and 22ish trails. @mbike-ski happened to be camping in the area that weekend so it great to see him at Killington about to enjoy his first May ski day ever. Was pretty hard to sleep in anticipation of Tucks so we were all up pretty early, geared up, and hit the trail a little after 7:30am. Hiked for about 1.5 miles, switched to skins for another 1+ miles up to Hojos, put the skis on the pack and finished the hike up to the bowl, where we donned helmets, crampons and ice axes for the boot up Right Gulley. After a steep climb up, we were greeted by low winds, and great looking snow fields up to the summit. We threw back on the skis and skinned up the summit, climbing over 4000ft from the parking lot to the summit in 4h 45m ish. Celebratory pictures, beverages, a snack, and we plotted out descent down the snowfields with Hillman's in mind. The snowfields were very interesting snow. Super smooth, but I'd call it slippery spring snow. Fun route down through rocks, where we threw the skis back on the packs, and hiked to the top of Hillmans, stopping to have some charcuterski, and then gear up for the descent down Hillman's. I dropped in first to perfect spring conditions down through the choke. We all worked our way to the bottom, rock scrambled to the Sherbie, and then skied down to rope 7, where we put crampons on to descent the slippery Tuckerman's Ravine Trail 1.6 miles back to the car. The weather was perfect, the snow was great, and the cherry on top was getting up to the summit. No action shots from me, as I really didn't want to be pulling out my phone in some bad places. Others do, so they may end up here. Was a great experience and hope I can do it again some day. Overall, it was 10.5 miles of hiking, booting, skinning, and skiing, climbing ~5000ft in 8.5 hours start to finish. Rolled out of the visitor's center parking lot just after 5pm with 8+ hours of driving ahead of us.
    3 points
  4. Nice! It was a beautiful day - I saw you guys from the top of skylark!
    1 point
  5. @AirheadD8 and I went gliding today. It was grate!
    1 point
  6. For the photo recon pepes
    1 point
  7. Bought the Epic NE Midweek (Sr) value pass, $291. Already booked 4 days at Okemo, doing Mt Snow on same trip. Throw in some Jack Frost and maybe Stowe and can't beat the deal.
    1 point
  8. things a bit more pronounced from the valley.
    1 point
  9. Nice CSI work. All very interesting stuff. If it seems like they are in a rush, here is my bet. They have the footings for the towers being dug and poured by another company, but they chose to clear the line in house, and its taking longer than anticipated. Of course there is always some type of time table they have to be working backwards from. i am pretty sure this project is being watched closely for permitting and whatnot, so there are most likely some time frame as far as how long the concrete footings have to cure before bolting on some big old towers, lots of core samples, and inspections in between i would imagine, and then of course there is everything that happens after the towers go up. Its a huge pain in the ass to dig some big holes in the side of a mountain, and get them filled with concrete. it should be interesting to watch, as access for concrete trucks isnt great, but i think most of it is likely to happen with trucks and pumpers. It might seem like there is a lot of time between now and black friday to get this done, but if i was working on this, i think i would have some sleepless nights. Hopefully the cams stay online.
    1 point
  10. if it's not a secret, blue should just tell ppl if something is happening. i dunno about hiking. it's a lot steeper when it's grass than when it's snow.
    1 point
  11. lets just say i've been eavesdropping and 2-3 days ago, they'd been trying to round up what sounds like every chainsaw that exists in PA, chaps (presumably chainsaw) arrived and a lot of chainsaw noises in the background in the last two days. this is what prompted me to take still shots of the cams and start paying attention. there is a lot of work being done near come around, so all outside of cam view with the exception of the valley cam where there is a very slight difference - but it is noticeable. it's hard to piece everything together, but you can see add'l lines cut - near the top, i'm guessing skier's right of come around - from the main st cam. i don't know what it means but it sounded like maybe blue mountain rd was shut down to traffic this morning - could be irrelevant, could be heavy / oversized equipment, might not have been blue mtn road at all. it sounds like they're in a time crunch, like they are anticipating doing something very soon. the location of all things happening would fit the narrative about a lift originating at the bottom and ending at the top of the doubles. after looking at the satellite view, it does look like a pretty easy route wiht the exception of cutting a line through the woods next to come around (which they could just leave in the woods anyway and not clean up). does it mean anything? not really. is it piquing my interest? absolutely. i wouldn't be surprised if some camera feeds stopped working soon.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
    1 point
  14. Lets not lose sight of the fact that R2 made the Timmy bus driver find his way out of the woods using the app. Well done R2
    1 point
  15. yup...battery destruction device....on both my blueberry and the iphone. occasionally i turn it on, and would have really liked to use it in Utah, but i decided a charged communication device was better than knowing how many runs i did.
    1 point
  16. the main reason i deleted that dumb app. and it just isn't very friendly to use. there are much better apps out there. plus i would rather listen to spotify while on the hill.
    1 point
  17. Yeah, I have Phresheez and It destroys your battery. I haven't been using it lately, I prefer to rock out to some pandora, and realistically you can't expect to use both for very long.
    1 point
  18. they've rented season lockers for as long as i can remember. my parents have had one for the last five or six years now, super convenient when you're going inside to grab food and not have to wait in the ski check line.
    1 point
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