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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/22 in all areas

  1. It would work down to the Midway but further down the double fall line won't work for gapers .
    2 points
  2. Re-seeded and fed the lawn in Virginia when I closed back in April, finally moved in this weekend and gave it the cut it deserved and it took well to the seed and feed. No dandelions or weeds anywhere.
    2 points
  3. Did you at least enjoy the view?
    1 point
  4. Good week in Utah! Indian Creek is an iconic rock climbing area near Canyonlands NP. There is the greatest concentration of splitter crack routes anywhere. Absolutely no cell or WiFi in the area so the main parking area and all the BLM campgrounds have message boards where people hang notes to find climbing partners, and let their friends know where they are. We camped at SuperBowl campground about 10 miles from supercrack parking lot. The skinny tower on right in the distance is south six shooter that we climbed in the fall. Crack climbing is hard! I did 2 out of my 5 day climbing trip last fall on splitters. The first day she had us on a 5.8. There was a section of 5.9 in the middle that I absolutely could not get past. I tried for about 20 min, taking breaks, hanging in the rope and finally gave up. You are trying to put your feet on the tiniest little nubbins for leverage and giving everything you have to gain a few inches. It’s exhausting. The next day we did another 5.8 and it took me about 30 min but I topped out. It was so satisfying since that’s the first route she took us to last fall and I only got about 6’ off the ground Several ways to ascend but a popular method is to “scum” your back against the wall for some of it. You notice the worn white line where my back is from people doing this Almost there my colors blend w the rock so you can barely see my white helmet at the top Some other random pics
    1 point
  5. I agree . Not sure, grounded today. Guessing top station either between old stations or West side.
    0 points
  6. No I just laugh whatever works for you lol
    0 points
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