I think Abasin was the winner with 18”. Hard to say how much we got here, it’s like cement. Still lightly snowing.
after our morning walk my weirdo dog just wanted to go in the yard and take a nap in the snow.
I don’t like that option because it’s often overlooked. A wet switch in the pan is better because it lets you know about a problem right away . https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-WS-1-Wet-Switch-Flood-Detector?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=search_dsa&utm_campaign=Dynamic_Search_Ads&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_Ofnkdnw9wIVQ_7jBx1AUwGCEAAYASAAEgL5dvD_BwE
i had mine serviced last year, which is when they found where its leaking refrigerant. so, of course "i need a whole new system due to its age". Pricey. luckily, i have a big jug of refrigerant that i will give it a little shot of every year until if finally explodes.