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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/22 in all areas

  1. I have a new dress shirt and shoes as of this past Saturday. Just as we were pulling into the hotel parking lot in Conshy I remembered my garment bag was hanging on the basement door. 🙄 When I brought it downstairs to put in the car the wife wasn't back yet from dropping the kids at my parents so I hung it up there and then walked right out without it. Everything for the wedding we went to was in there, suit, shirt, ties, pants, shoes, dress socks. Had just over 2 hours until the wedding, lol. Had stashed an extra pair of black dress pants in my regular bag in case I decided against the suit I'd rather wear the plain black instead of the gray, so I had those. Ran out to DXL at KOP for a shirt, tie and shoes, and ran into WalMart and grabbed undershirts and socks. Made it to the wedding with about 5 min to spare. Definitely not buying a season locker after that unexpected $250 outlay. 🤣
    7 points
  2. What remains of the oldest ski area in New Jersey. Craigmeur opened in 1937 and offered Jersey skiers a place to learn for sixty years before closing in 1997. Some cool relics remain including an old snowcat, rope tows and a very 70s looking sign in the woods. This was one of the last small beginner operations in the region to close.
    4 points
  3. Had a nice time. Wedding took place down the hill from the lodge. Nice view and breeze on a very hot day. Haven't been to Blue in a few years and pleasantly surprised at the nice remodeling done upstairs in the main lodge. Food was very good too! Blue did a nice job!
    1 point
  4. I don't know how they can do a promotion and sell these things for less than the initial price without huge backlash or at the very least a good drubbing online. I think they will just have them for sale all summer long until they absolutely have to scrap them at some point. All in the name of not leaving money on the table. I think the move should have been to sell chairs but include something along with it from the start. Buy a chair get free parking all next year; buy a chair get a $100 gift card for the restaurant; buy a chair get $X off of a season pass. Literally anything but "Haul away our trash but leave us over a grand on your way out".
    1 point
  5. Nidecker now owns flow. They expanded on the rear entry and are now have something called the supermatic. It looks more promising than burtons step ons because you can use any boot.
    1 point
  6. I think PASR is more likely to start a GoShunMe for ya, Salty
    1 point
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