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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/22 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Do you think they will set towers with a helicopter? If that's the case would anyone have interest in a bike ride the day they are doing that, ending at the lower lot to tailgate and watch the construction?
    4 points
  3. no, chute is very narrow. that is just clearing for the new lift line i believe.
    3 points
  4. is blue actually throwing us a bone and moving the valley cam towards construction area? or is it all just an accident...
    3 points
  5. Pup enjoyed her first day at the beach on the bay side, she’s not a fan of the ocean and the waves there but was a huge fan of the bay, which is fine with me as this beach was dead empty at noon on MDW Sunday.
    3 points
  6. im prety sure they're doing tower removal. and yes, when it's time to set the new towers, they'll do it in a day most likely.
    2 points
  7. At basically the same time Schiff posted Blue posted these to IG.
    2 points
  8. Something bumped into it. Happy accident. Im in for a little PASR Parking Lot lift tower assembly tailgate for the Summit Safari Super 6 Pack Supreme. However, i dont think this will be for a little while, but planning ahead is always important.
    1 point
  9. thats not the chute ... the chute and midway are nearly perpendicular to that clearing.
    1 point
  10. That is some wild timing. I doubt they will set them all today so maybe we have a chance.
    1 point
  11. This is so PASR. haha
    1 point
  12. no, i do not believe so. looks like the large chunk missing is to the right of come around. it seems like the small bit of tre es separating the two are still there. see here just an edit - i coulr be wrong -- i'm not able to recall the whole layout all that well and how much vegetation was between the two. one interesting thing i found (after reading a the trail report that said the chute bike path was closed) is a video from last week from that bike path. maybe someone with a better memory can compare (i believe xing starts at 3:44) --
    1 point
  13. I’m sure it’s to appease your curiosity. Blue lurks PASR.
    1 point
  14. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of the Bald Eagle that came in really close for a couple turns. I didn’t see any excavation yet for poles or terminals.
    1 point
  15. Ceiling is fixed, just needs to be sanded and painted. Debating on whether or not to remove the rest of the texture coat throughout the whole ceiling or try to replicate it on the new drywall
    1 point
  16. Here’s a pic I got on my Blue group email
    1 point
  17. I'm plantin some trees right now, if you know what I mean.
    1 point
  18. What remains of the oldest ski area in New Jersey. Craigmeur opened in 1937 and offered Jersey skiers a place to learn for sixty years before closing in 1997. Some cool relics remain including an old snowcat, rope tows and a very 70s looking sign in the woods. This was one of the last small beginner operations in the region to close.
    1 point
  19. May daughter has been sending me pics from Iceland. The last pic is where the N American and Eurasian plates split. Neat stuff
    1 point
  20. Good week in Utah! Indian Creek is an iconic rock climbing area near Canyonlands NP. There is the greatest concentration of splitter crack routes anywhere. Absolutely no cell or WiFi in the area so the main parking area and all the BLM campgrounds have message boards where people hang notes to find climbing partners, and let their friends know where they are. We camped at SuperBowl campground about 10 miles from supercrack parking lot. The skinny tower on right in the distance is south six shooter that we climbed in the fall. Crack climbing is hard! I did 2 out of my 5 day climbing trip last fall on splitters. The first day she had us on a 5.8. There was a section of 5.9 in the middle that I absolutely could not get past. I tried for about 20 min, taking breaks, hanging in the rope and finally gave up. You are trying to put your feet on the tiniest little nubbins for leverage and giving everything you have to gain a few inches. It’s exhausting. The next day we did another 5.8 and it took me about 30 min but I topped out. It was so satisfying since that’s the first route she took us to last fall and I only got about 6’ off the ground Several ways to ascend but a popular method is to “scum” your back against the wall for some of it. You notice the worn white line where my back is from people doing this Almost there my colors blend w the rock so you can barely see my white helmet at the top Some other random pics
    1 point
  21. I’m surprised they haven’t sold out of chairlifts yet....Not
    0 points
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