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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/22 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. It really is amazing the difference between eating from the garden or the store. I've noticed it most significantly with lettuce/greens of any sort, our carrots, and blue/raspberries. Just incredibly fresh.
    2 points
  3. It's mostly just cause of how fresh it is. One year I had corn in the garden and it was amazingly good picked and eaten that day
    2 points
  4. Crane been onsite for awhile on the Camel cams. Concrete truck pouring today for what looks like the lower house.
    2 points
  5. Up in Marble all day checking on the progress. There was a wicked wind storm a few weeks ago, up to 85mph. Blew down trees all over the neighborhood including 8 on my lot. Luckily none hit the house. my builder suggested I keep a chain saw up here as he had to use one just for get to the property that day. I will definitely need some lessons on how to use it. They kind of scare me. Drywall up and being “mudded” if that’s a word. Still shooting for an end of July completion date. some pics from the neighborhood. My dog loves swimming in this pond. Now he smells like funky pond.
    1 point
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