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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/22 in all areas

  1. Did you know that Blue mountain let's PHL use the lower lodge during the off season? Really nice of them if you ask me.
    1 point
  2. How awesome would it be to have a train crossing in your driveway? This house has 5 train tracks crossing their driveway
    1 point
  3. Of all the people here, you are probably the one that i assume could dispose of nuclear waste. I just needed to bust your balls since its a slow PASR day. toss the seat, and get to work on your 1968 hall double chair. if you insist upon still trying to give it away, i suggest jazzing it up with some my little pony stuff.
    1 point
  4. Have you really looked at those pics? its all busted the fuck up. @mbike-ski trying to get someone to cart away his garbage. Besides, a true Blue Mt. "Brat" would have lawn chairs in the back.
    1 point
  5. A hitch mounted bike rack, a torch, and a welder and it could make for a nice and easy hitch mounted tailgate seat
    1 point
  6. mount skis to the bottom pray for a pow day be towed around the lot like a king on his throne
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a golf bag mounted to the back of a Harley until now…
    1 point
  9. I saw on FB..happy 65th bday Drew..I know you lurk...and what up Slim and Donny and Rick!!!
    1 point
  10. Summer stoke! Stolen from the book of faces, some Blue Mt bumpers celebrated a birthday and ski’d in a bump line!
    1 point
  11. …that’s going to be expensive. shout out to Verizon though for bury a fiber optic cable 2 inches into the ground. In an area that makes 0 sense to have it in.
    0 points
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