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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/22 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Earplugs/earmuffs are recommended but both My cousin and I didn't either and were "okay" at pocono and dover. But we were also mid-upper sections. When I went to Richmond solo I didnt bring either with me. When they started pace laps I was like "uh oh this is pretty loud". As soon as they announced it was the last pace lap and they were going green next time by. Damn near EVERY SINGLE PERSON put on earmuffs/plugs. It was at that point I knew I made a BIG mistake. Fortunately I had my Airpods with me and I put those it but it was still really bad. My ears were ringing for a couple hours after the race.
    3 points
  3. True but 100pct chance of drinking
    3 points
  4. The racing at Richmond hasnt been very good for a few years now. And unfortunately the NextGen car hasn't improved based on the first race there in The experience at the track was great though. Like most races right outside of the track is essentially a small carnival, food stands, merch trucks ect ect. But the best part was you can walk around the entire track within 10 feet of the fence and great views all around the track. Pro tip: Park on the other side of Laburnum Ave. I parked in the redbox at the bottom right. I watched the end of the race the burnout, tv interview and the second burnout. Walked out of the track thru a sea of people and then went for a light jog back to my car and was on my way. Being stuck on the track premise wouldve been a nightmare.
    2 points
  5. what about crocs. i forgot to announce that i joined croc nation like a month ago and i'm loving it.
    2 points
  6. I’d prefer to wear shorts today, but I only own cargo shorts and since I have a social event tonight, I can’t wear them as Ive been told they will drive women away faster than my personality yes, I’m not a fan of men showing exposed toes. Socks with sandals is fine
    2 points
  7. the paper bag one? that's not it. you're right tho, it does have a very distinguished history related to nascar -- i got it at the sept 2013 dover race from the skoal tent. it was meant to be. i've tried and failed to find an identical one to replace it.
    2 points
  8. I’m okay with crocs. They are not my cup of tea personally, but I have nothing against them
    1 point
  9. Also got a front row seat to MTJs burnout.
    1 point
  10. Just on website, pool nights just ended. Mountain Activity pass is $15.00. Frog Holler playing this Sunday outside for free.
    1 point
  11. actually i lied, short of the tippy top where the spotters sit, this is probably the best seat in the house. maybe 4 years back, we managed to convince some kid checking tickets that we were allowed into the 'victory club'. it's maybe a 4 story building with seating at victory lane. we had weird tickets that we got for free from a vendor that just had a big ass A on them and nothing else. no one staffing wise knew what it meant (we did, it was just a general admission ticket). so that kid let us in like whatever. so that was cool. shaded area up close, open bar, free food. then we saw a stairway that said 'media only'. naturally, we tried to sneak up. got denied. that guy had to run down for some security thing, so we ran up quick. no one bothered us, private bathroom, fuckin FOX camera crew all that. it was the most amazing thing ever. and i got a pic with richard childress. the other randos were dudes that also snuck up, there was only a handful of other people. we were all beyond hype. we also found out that they had some truly fuckin bizarre velvet room at the bottom of the building. we were hammered and just started opening doors and walked in. a couple people were in there like uhhhhh. we were like uhhhh. then some pit crew member ran in to use the bathroom. we did a 180 and went home.
    1 point
  12. Did you get jibits? Let me guess the pizza slice jibits?
    0 points
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