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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/22 in all areas

  1. What better way to spend a 100’ day than skiing bumps indoors? A bunch of us got together and headed over to Big Snow and of course had to set up a bump line! Snow is quite good as there’s no moisture but the base below the cord is firm. Bumps didn’t get very big and the underlying “snow” was solid but edgeable which made the run very fast.
    2 points
  2. Good morning climbing. The heat was sucking the life force out of all of us. I think it’s supposed to cool down tomorrow. Even in the high 90’s for a week.
    2 points
  3. Yup, first time slot. Prettt much no traffic on the ride over, smooth sailing. Rumor was that they can support up to 500 people, but we estimate only around 200 or so. It didn’t feel crowded, but there were always people coming down either the slope or park. There were some annoying people who insisted on riding up solo. When they did make people fill up the chairs the line dropped fast. Also the platter lift was down, so the quad had to handle all the load
    1 point
  4. Let us know how the new lift is coming along.
    1 point
  5. When the cabin’s a rockin don’t come knockin!
    1 point
  6. The racing at Richmond hasnt been very good for a few years now. And unfortunately the NextGen car hasn't improved based on the first race there in The experience at the track was great though. Like most races right outside of the track is essentially a small carnival, food stands, merch trucks ect ect. But the best part was you can walk around the entire track within 10 feet of the fence and great views all around the track. Pro tip: Park on the other side of Laburnum Ave. I parked in the redbox at the bottom right. I watched the end of the race the burnout, tv interview and the second burnout. Walked out of the track thru a sea of people and then went for a light jog back to my car and was on my way. Being stuck on the track premise wouldve been a nightmare.
    1 point
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