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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/22 in all areas

  1. I can't imagine how big and heavy a quad chair is. Just wait though, in 30 years someone from PASR will be trying to figure out how to get a 6 pack chair home on a flatbed
    1 point
  2. After all this time Salty is still quite an enigma to me. If I didn't know him I would think he's this badass airline pilot, bike riding, hard core dude. But then he posts about drinking yoohoos, eating fruit by the foots in the parking lot while using a jitterbug phone with a 256 megabyte data plan... and I can't believe he's actually an airplane flying, bike riding, world traveler. Good on you Salty for being you and not fitting the mold.
    1 point
  3. Looks like construction is well-ish underway at frost. Old east mountain lift and the triples are completely gone, the bullwheel is off the load station on the quad and the haul rope is just tied off to the station. wonder how many of the chairs will go to auction, figure there’s got to be 500+ of them total that have come down or will come down soon
    1 point
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