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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/22 in all areas

  1. Only on PASR do we get pilots to personally fly their aircraft over our home mountain for real time aerial off season improvement updates. This is why PASR is the best ski forum on the internet.
    3 points
  2. Thanks! Timing is weird that I got into remote work as most others are heading back to the office but I think its going to be great in terms of getting more days at Blue and the flexibility to travel for longer periods.
    2 points
  3. Think of it this way....if you ski 8 hours it's only around 30 something bucks an hour.
    2 points
  4. I was thinking they would do this primarily for opening. They already blow on that when they start early season, it would be way less ground to cover than shuttle/homestretch or whatever that trail is that is the first left coming off shuttle.
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. I know it did, but none of us really expected it to. I was just messing with ya. But yer not fooling anyone. You’ll be there for opening day even if it’s just the Vista lift
    1 point
  7. I’m not getting out of bed for the vista lift.
    1 point
  8. I would never ski if it was just Vista lift. I know you and @jfskierDan would be devastated if I'm not there for opening day, but I just can't do it.
    1 point
  9. Pumped for some early season Vista lift without all of the haters who say they won't show up if it is just that 👌
    1 point
  10. He stopped talking to me after I said it was wrong to riot and loot in honor of a man who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach
    1 point
  11. No need to protest for a man who just yesterday took a picture with a radical leftist politician
    1 point
  12. Root used to delete some of my posts. It’s all good he gets my respect cause he’s the fastest PASR on home stretch.
    1 point
  13. It's been 3 weeks since they poured the concrete. Depending on how long they plan to let it cure before the towers are on it we could potentially see choppers as early as next week but worst case scenario they will bolt down the towers the week of the 26th.
    1 point
  14. Yeah it’s so soon you’re almost at 10,000 posts.
    1 point
  15. Can you believe my 5 year PASR anniversary is coming up soon? I wonder what @ridge is going to write on my anniversary cake.
    1 point
  16. @saltyant@ridge doesn’t have @Timelessfor your @Games @gahskier
    1 point
  17. I don't have time for your games Salty.
    1 point
  18. You’re just asking for a strike two. Behave or no dessert.
    1 point
  19. I'll text you some links. What's your preference (sound quality, active noise cancellation, comfort etc)? Best of everything IMO - Sony XM5 but they're expensive at $399. You may be able to get a pair on eBay for $50 to $100 less. Sound quality and realllllly long battery life - Sennheiser momentum 4. Good ANC but not as good as Sony. They're new so every place has em at $349 Great sound (slightly below the XM5) and ANC (again just slightly below the XM5) - Sony xm4s. You can get them for around $249 If it's your first foray into Active Noise cancelling and want great sound and great ANC - highly recommend the Cleer Audio Alpha. They're $219 but I found a pair for $149 so I picked them up and did a full on comparison with my XM5s. It was really close but I decided to keep the 5s and gave the Cleers to my wife. They're a great start up company based out of San Diego that is focused on Audio
    1 point
  20. Hey PASR, I've got a new job with more flexibility now so it seems like a pass would now be a good idea. Anyone planning on a Western trip this year, or want to plan one? I snagged a 4 pack of tickets to use for 2 days at Loveland and am thinking maybe Epic day pass would be the way to go. So who wants to go west with me and @skiincy?
    1 point
  21. Looks like they are doing some grading around the top.
    1 point
  22. I was telling atomic Jeff I only have 3 months to find a new helmet. After 17 years time to retire the Giro Fuse.
    1 point
  23. Yessir.. 2019 I believe. Not a hair outta place.
    1 point
  24. Nah salty no circle jerks.
    0 points
  25. I saw your post got deleted today
    0 points
  26. Then don’t go there. Pebble Beach costs $600 to play a round of golf there and that’s only 4 hours and you have to pay a caddy and tip the caddy $5
    0 points
  27. 0 points
  28. Would anyone actually pay $247 online or $275 at the window to ski a single day? The only person I can think of who would pay these prices is @Ski2Live Live2Ski.
    0 points
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