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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/22 in all areas

  1. https://nyskiblog.com/winter-storm-riley-at-plattekill/ I was there on Saturday, storm totals were close to 45” My best day on skis ever! An awesome place when the woods are in play!
    2 points
  2. Always wanted to do a low level Ultralight run through the gorge , although there is one yuge high tension line that crosses it a little north east of Glen Onoko . Almost leaf peeping season when those New Yorkers migrate west and jam traffic in JIm Thorpe.
    1 point
  3. Amtrak cancelling long distance routes in anticipation of the freight train strike
    1 point
  4. I’m guessing the current 6 pack will be the back up lift. Weekdays the new 6 peck and quad will be running
    1 point
  5. Even JFBB has a vid on FB about their new lifts. FYI, all of the chairs at JFBB sold. They dont have any left that are "going quickly".
    1 point
  6. Does your old ass iPhone have google? https://civiltoday.com/geotechnical-engineering/foundation-engineering/219-difference-between-footing-and-foundation
    1 point
  7. They should hire you but also hire somebody to filter you.
    1 point
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