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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/22 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Not going to crack 70 degrees here in the western Poconos today. I'm wearing a hoodie. Room booked in Flagstaff in January. LFG
    3 points
  3. But the pass price went up like the beginning of sept, so to me its just a way to get people to buy the pass at a higher price, but make the customer feel like they are getting a bargain at 0%. “Might as well get the undercoating and upgrade those rims to 20’s since its 0%” also this is after they announced they are limiting day pass sales.
    2 points
  4. They are 150 pounds. I’ve put more weight in kayaks on my roof. Just can’t lift solo.
    1 point
  5. I’m guessing the current 6 pack will be the back up lift. Weekdays the new 6 peck and quad will be running
    1 point
  6. Cool, let me know when we are taking off and I'll be there.
    0 points
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