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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/22 in all areas

  1. The row of footings off to the side are for the chair parking rail. Mid Atlantic = ice storms. Western lifts usually don't need parking.
    5 points
  2. Notice the answer isnt just yes, or absolutely? They expect it to be ready. Enjoy your Friday.
    3 points
  3. I think they definitely still intend to expand east. In the board meeting where they discussed buying that farm a few years ago Barb mentioned they wanted to add slopes over there. A hotel is going to happen of course. I think with KSL in charge it’s likely to go at the base. I get the feeling Barb was super emotionally invested in having it at the top and KSL is more likely to go with common sense. Will probably have an indoor waterpark unless they think the market saturation is too much and it would cannibalize Camelback too much. I’ve got even money odds on a mountain coaster next year. That a quick, relatively cheap addition. I wonder if there are any mountain coasters that load at the top then cart the rider back up to unload? Seems like that would be the most logical way to set it up and lump it in with the Summit Adventure stuff, unless they add more base activities at the same time.
    2 points
  4. What do you expect from the mountain that called coming soon "free fall". Free fall is a ride I went on at six flags great adventure in the 90s.
    2 points
  5. Definitely tiers below Fogo, but also much cheaper. On par with Rios over in Nazareth. The meats at both are all good and tasty, you aren't going to get the top end cuts like filet. The "sides" bar at both is also very minimal and *nothing* like at Fogo. I need to go back to Fogo, lol
    2 points
  6. There's a new Brazilian Rodizio in Palmerton that we ate at once this summer. It was pretty good.
    2 points
  7. No, she was quite clear. It's in Pall Merr Ton
    2 points
  8. Let’s make sure it’s not Blue mountain Ontario lol
    2 points
  9. New name leaked? Main Street Express. By the news reporter in the clip here, so take it with a grain of salt: https://fox56.com/news/local/blue-mountain-resort-begins-lift-renovations Another interesting read, confirms that tower footers were set 8/15: https://fox56.com/news/local/blue-mountain-resort-begins-lift-renovations Of particular interest is the last line, Blue Mountain still has some lift chairs available for anyone who is interested.
    2 points
  10. If steel starts showing up, I think they can get it together pretty quickly. Like Dan said, Blue is probably mostly out of the picture at this point. If they were building it in-house, I think we'd be ready to welcome it for the 2024 winter season. But contractors wanna get paid. The footers are all in, the site looks pretty well prepped, just need the lift to show up.
    2 points
  11. Blue just posted a 30 second video on FB about how the new lift is "moving along" The overhead view does put things in a little better prospective.
    2 points
  12. Ian really bitch slapped Florida...Some of the footage coming out of there is wild...
    2 points
  13. Yeah but there is a hallelujah hands emoji. We're good.
    1 point
  14. "Blue Mountain Resort in <where????> is getting..."
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Perhaps the chair storage rail supports? With the chair rail going something like this around the building?
    1 point
  17. Definitely does. In this pic it's obvious that the station will go to the left of the building, the foundation downhill of the building is probably for the pre-fab operator house, and some (or all) of the footings on the right are for the chair storage rail @Lift Blog mentioned. They appear to be two separate rows, I wonder if they are for something else as well. And I still wonder what the three really large footings are for that are downhill of all of this picture, the zoom was too close to grab a shot of all of it
    1 point
  18. Fuck off. Tell that to my family who is just getting over it, specifically my daughter who needed her nebulizer to help her breathe.
    1 point
  19. I'm mad about things and stuff. @GrilledSteezeSandwich if you move back to Burlington you can pay $450 for a Stowe parking season pass which does not guarantee a parking spot!!!
    0 points
  20. Covid's over, mods please lock this thread. Thanks
    0 points
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