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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/22 in all areas

  1. Too bad you didn’t fly in the late afternoon. It cleared up in time for my Mt Pisgah hike. I’m anxious to ski some lines up there.
    4 points
  2. Blue doesn't use diesel snowmaking equipment. They used to have some Hedco gear but it's all long gone now. Gallons per minute - the new guns max out around 45 GPM, fans are somewhere between ~70 and ~180 GPM depending on capacity and input pressure. The guns like on Paradise or Razors can do over 80 GPM. Blue can move a lot of water, there's almost always more water capacity. Air - you can work the math yourself, but there are nine 1000+ HP Centacs. If you ask nicely you can probably get the same tour I got and see for yourself - they're loud as hell.
    2 points
  3. Traffic was pretty light on the turnpike today. What a freakin' time to be alive.
    2 points
  4. Thanks AtomicJeff for the hospitality last night and good seeing all the PASRs last night especially Salty and Johnny Law. The Ribs Enjorales brought were on point and i enjoyed plenty of other good food and beer.
    2 points
  5. Nice day out on the rock. approach hike Natalie Jeff Me. Didn’t tip out any any of my routes, but arms already sore so good workout at least.
    1 point
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