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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/22 in all areas

  1. Blue doesn't use diesel snowmaking equipment. They used to have some Hedco gear but it's all long gone now. Gallons per minute - the new guns max out around 45 GPM, fans are somewhere between ~70 and ~180 GPM depending on capacity and input pressure. The guns like on Paradise or Razors can do over 80 GPM. Blue can move a lot of water, there's almost always more water capacity. Air - you can work the math yourself, but there are nine 1000+ HP Centacs. If you ask nicely you can probably get the same tour I got and see for yourself - they're loud as hell.
    2 points
  2. Sweet I was hopeful PA would go legal but ran out of patience so got my medical card two years ago. It’s amazing
    1 point
  3. The Almanac only gets quoted when it predicts a good snow year πŸ˜€ Yeah, Blue still sends me season pass sales pitches this time o' year and it reminded me of PASR. Legal recreational weed up here just in time for ski season!
    1 point
  4. I use a space heater in the bathroom for when I get out of the shower. Turned that baby on this morning, but I'm not going to light the pilot light for the heater until i'm at my breaking point. Gonna try for no-heat November again this year.
    1 point
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