KSL will temporarily let us use our passes at camelback in December as blue will have a delayed opening*
*I doubt this will happen, and have zero proof. But in case it does happen, I need a paper trail
Seems like they have been making snow and watching it melt for about 2 weeks now. i dont know much about K, but i think this is what they concentrate on first. I wouldnt be canceling any plans thinking this is gonna be a go for this weekend, but its nice to look at.
The Almanac only gets quoted when it predicts a good snow year 😀 Yeah, Blue still sends me season pass sales pitches this time o' year and it reminded me of PASR.
Legal recreational weed up here just in time for ski season!
If opening day is at Camelback instead of Blue that will be so rad. We can all ski Honeymoon 51 times in a row and take a 30 minute lunch break at the picnic tables to munch on sugar cookies and drink free hot cocoas.
I'm glad Blue has all the brand new snow guns they ordered set up and ready to take advantage of cold temps when they become consistent! in boxes next to the chairlift shaped hole in the ground.