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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/22 in all areas

  1. We left from the commuter lot in Golden at 9 and had zero traffic. Once we hit Berthoud Pass, the roads got icy and it was snowing hard. Winter Park allowed free parking I guess since it’s early season so we got a close in spot. My friend was not wearing enough layers. So since I made the last minute call to wear my insulated ski pants I took off my base layers and let her use them. We knew the lines would be long but when we rounded the corner and saw just how long we were both like, “fuck.” They had 3 lifts running. 2 were kind of bullshit lifts that didn’t get you very far, but I do appreciate their effort to spread things out. The Arrow lift was the main one, a fixed grip triple. I had never taken it before. The snow was surprisingly really really good! A few icy spots but mostly about 2+ inches of fresh snow on whatever they had blown. One dicey spot where the runs come together onto a catwalk. Lots of people falling and for some reason just stopping here. We did 3 runs, the longest lift wait was 43 minutes. Overall I was just very happy to be on snow and the crowd had a happy vibe. Even spotted a microwave.
    4 points
  2. as @JFskiDansaid embrace the chaos. Will post a report later
    3 points
  3. Came across this guy in the middle of the fairway on hole 9 today, looks to be close to sheddding his skin with how light reflective it was.
    2 points
  4. And now for something completely different
    1 point
  5. Barb you are more hardcore that me…I don’t think I’d wait 43 minutes in line. Way to get after it.
    1 point
  6. Anything before Mardi Gras is a bonus.
    1 point
  7. Snowmaking temperatures return November 13th, could we be in for a Root Friday miracle? First weekend of December would be alright as well, I’m not greedy. One thing I’ve noticed is this fall overnight lows have been lower than forecast..I’m sure that will change as we get into inversion season.
    1 point
  8. Looks like we've got the start of a lower station going on!
    1 point
  9. Be sure to bring in your Patagonian Mara.
    0 points
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