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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/22 in all areas

  1. Fun morning. Snow was better than I thought it would be early on. Paradise turned to slop. Always fun with the PASR crew regardless. Good morning.
    9 points
  2. Today was awesome. Nice to see everyone and catch up. @enjoralas crushed it again as usual, thanks Walt. So, so fun to be back.
    8 points
  3. It was really great seeing everyone today.
    7 points
  4. Hey all, Im back from a fun morning at Blue mountain the true mountain. Everybody was in the house except for Toast and Schifdawg. The temperature was around 30 degrees under sunny sky’s. Second civilian quad and first run on Freefall was solid snow but smooth. Better than I expected. Paradise was firm sugar and Burma was firm not much sugar. Crowds were light and the most congested was lower paradise. I skiing a whopping 8 runs and then hungout in the lot drinking beer, eating chips and we also had our first sausage Sunday of the year which was Uber good. I had a slider burger, steak, burnt ends, chicken and sausage. I hungout in the lot until about 1 and back at work now but need a nap. JADIP
    5 points
  5. Mostly took our gear for a walk today. Boreas Pass from the Como side. First mile we kept putting skis on then taking them off. Then we had some good snow for the next mile. Then it all turned to shit so we turned around. Carried skis most of the way down. took one picture
    5 points
  6. First day on Head Kore 93s, 170s. Going wider and shorter for old geezer skis. Had demoed them at Tahoe last spring and liked the the most of the wider skis I tried. Did well today, relatively fast turning, handled the mid morning marbles and was able to do speed control skidding a lot better than my longer Rossi Experience 88s. Blue Mountain ski shop experience was very good.
    4 points
  7. Grate report and WTGAI JADIP!! My favorite part was when you said Burma was firm, and also when you capitalized the U in Uber because your phone autocorrected since you probably type the car share app name frequently. It's really nice to see some quality ski content for a change after 90% trash posts this week and maybe even the week before, so let me contribute also: I arrived at Blue Mountain the True Mountain around 1030 and sunny skys. It was nice catching up with everyone especially NMSki, he is a really funny and swell guy and asked me if I'm going to Jackson Hole. Afterwards I made my way to the Quad chairlift and skied on Trail Coming Soon twice, then Tuts Lane to Connector to Vista to Upper Burma to Lower Burma past the ghosts of the Main Chair/Burma lifts and then Homestretch. It was sick. Then I skied Trail Coming Soon a few more times as it was amazingly good... Mid winter quality good as the sun softened up all the powder. Plus there was no one on it and it's nice and wide. Soooo much better than opening with Midway, I hope they continue to open with Trail Coming Soon every year. The only part that sucked was lower Paradise as it was basically a mine field dodging numerous gapers and Uber choppy perder. They should make a new trail off to the right or something and around the snowmaking retention pond so it eventually connects to the Quad, so we don't have to dodge gapers anymore. I haven't checked a map and don't know if it's physically possible but I'm sure they can figure it out. After caught up with Grilled Steeze, Matt Edge and PSU Fly and we discussed dating and how being a pilot is basically like being a chick magnet. Also Enjoralas was finishing teaching his youngsters how to shred. Overall a great terrific second day at Blue Mountain the True Mountain JADIP WTGAI TFTI
    3 points
  8. Had something to do in the AM so didnt get on snow w/ kids & wife until after 1. Burma / Paradise were as mentioned very sloppy and annoyingly crowded at parts. Coming soon was still nice though and we lapped that 3X. Lift line started getting long with people still coming in when we left around 4. Happy to get a day in this early - Blue did good to get open with the limited snomaking temps they had to work with. They are blowing now hope they push it hard this week and open some more terrain.
    2 points
  9. Great seeing everyone today and getting back out on the snow. Pork belly burnt ends in the lot were awesome (as was the rest of the food)
    2 points
  10. Went Sat instead of Sun as it seemed the dry spot yesterday afternoon would be better than potentially icy conditions today. Skied right on to the express lift 12 runs down Pennsylvania in 90 minutes then called it a day when rain came back. Nice first day out. Smooth and carve-able with no bare spots.
    2 points
  11. This morning was quite nice. @JFskiDan and @Dirtwolf were there as well. Not sure of anybody else. The snow was nice, the crowds were low, the precipitation wasn't terrible.
    2 points
  12. Snow was pretty good for first day, with an appropriate level of rowdy. Super super sweet to see everyone and hang out, hopefully it gets cold and we can do this 7 days a week soon
    1 point
  13. The snowmaking cannons are fired up..gonna be some darn good snowmaking temperatures through late morning Monday. The snowmaking team continues to go full send.
    1 point
  14. Nice report and very nice shoutout to NMSki.
    1 point
  15. In for tomorrow. I'll probably be the one trying to get his bearing again on ski's. I ended last season with a badly bruised shoulder from a low speed fall so slow and steady wins the race here. Especially since this will be my first outing since March.
    1 point
  16. Woke up for opening but went back to bed after looking at the radar. On the snow 130-3 with soft snow, no crowds, and no rain.
    1 point
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