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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/22 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain. Everybody was in the house except for Root, Justo, Schifdawg, Shadows and ZZSlope. It was in the low 20s to start with a rising sun. The snowmaking cannons were blasting to the max on lower Main Street, midway and lazy mile. First run on Coming Soon was pretty decent but lower Paradise was bad. Solid cookies, ice and lots of people. Burma was also pretty slick and busy and the upper part of Paradise wasn’t that bad. Crowds were pretty light but the ski instructors and race team are back clogging up the terrain. I didn’t plan on hanging out in the lot long but put in a decent lot session with lots of PASRs and enjoyed cheese balls and chips. All in all it wasn’t the best skiing but was better than not skiing and got to hangout with Salty, nastar Glenn and Matt edge. JADIP
    8 points
  2. Mixed bag of everything today..Weather was on point with nice sunny skies .....Crowds kinda sucked at times but as someone said it's better than not skiing....
    6 points
  3. Display booth first floor in summit lodge. Pretty cool
    3 points
  4. Snow is....interesting....some good and some pretty fucking bad but we are sliding in early December and skiing plus lot time just feels so right
    3 points
  5. Two grate ski resorts seen from the air. If you look really close, you can view all the gapers, jerrys and herbs on Paradise:
    2 points
  6. Early morning conditions sucked, as they seemed to only put a skiff of new snow down on the existing trails and what they did put down wasn't good. They seemed to be more interested in starting to work on new terrain. However, later in the morning, the scraped off stuff on the edges of Coming Soon and lower Paradise turned into a lot of fun for some serious early season thigh burn.
    2 points
  7. Raisingarizona13 told me there are a lot of trails they don't groom at all , if you like bumps and glades you'll love it . I really want to get back there when the whole mountains open . If you hike there's a ton of terrain to explore .
    2 points
  8. Atomic and I went to MPO instead for less traffic so I could practice touch and gos, but there ended up being 2 in the pattern there initially. I'm always up for seeing Camelback, it's the best resort in North America.
    1 point
  9. Digging the coverage on Lazy. Looking forward to new terrain next weekend (likely sometime this week but not make it up until the weekend)
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. @GrilledSteezeSandwichsince you're counting down the hours until Camelback opens, here is a sneak preview of what trails have perder on them. Looks siiick!
    1 point
  12. and a skiff of straight up water in some spots.
    1 point
  13. it appears as though its on. They were blowing on lower main only. Lazy, and i think midway as well. Really hoping we get some new terrain for next weekend. When Midway isnt being used by everybody to get down, it sure can be a ton of fun.
    1 point
  14. Curious, they lit up Mainstreet pretty good does that mean they have the new 6 pack cable on?
    1 point
  15. Windy Ap , I know it’s 5-10 days away but could be a big dump for North and West. Elk should make out.
    1 point
  16. I was shocked with the amount of trees and ungroomed terrain I found. There's a run that's not on the map which runs under the gondola if I recall that was so much fun. They just got 7 inches or so with another foot forecasted for the new few days.
    1 point
  17. I really want to get to the Az Snowbowl. Be cool to ski there a couple days. Rent a car, drive to Phoenix, then fly to Utah for more skiing. 😎
    1 point
  18. Tomorrow will be grate. I'll ski for 90 minutes @eaf, drink Yoohoos in the parking lot, go look at model trains, tour a Yocco's and then go flying with my bro Atomic Jeffrey.
    1 point
  19. They survived the rain and warmth and fog and forecast is improving.
    1 point
  20. Jackson hole is deep and getting deeper by the day. They went from 112” of snowfall to 168” in the blink of an eye.
    1 point
  21. I’m trying to work on my skiing sometimes slow deliberate turns come in handy. Not everything is a rush Salty.
    0 points
  22. I’ve done double dip sessions a few times where I skied the fresh cord in the morning and then came back late afternoon/evening due to an incoming snowstorms and that’s still only counts as one ski day. Salty me, Law, Dirtwolf and AtomicSkier were called out for not being in front of the line at rope drop…might have been a half dozen chairs back maybe more.
    0 points
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