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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/22 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another quick before work morning session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I pulled into the lower lot at 830am and it was 26 degrees under sunny skies with light winds. In the house were Atomic Jeff, C1, Harold, Bethlehem Ford guy and Oz. Second civilian chair and onto Coming soon which was decent firm cord on the left side and a few icy darker spots on the left side. The ice crept in a little farther right at the lower part of coming soon and then transitioning into lower Paradise the surface went to straight ice..I guess they were blowing water again on paradise so the conditions were bad but at least fairly smooth. Me and Atomic Jeff skied the same Root six times then peaced out. It will be interesting what the weather does tomorrow into Friday..probably a mixed bag. Snowmaking cannons were blasting on tubing, lower Main Street, midway and Lazy mile. Despite variable conditions it was nice to get out. JADIP
    4 points
  2. First night sesh of the season on tap for this evening. LFG
    4 points
  3. Jan 1980 on a 2 day trip with a group of at least 20 kids from school that went in together to charter a bus to Elk. Took a beginner group lesson then hit Lehigh off the top which took me all day to make it down. Was too sore to do much beyond the lesson on day 2.
    3 points
  4. There’s nothing to hold up…
    3 points
  5. I remember my first ski day very well , 1974 Doe Mountain . It's amazing anyone skied a second time after dealing with those nightmare Spademan plate bindings , I probably spent a good hour of a full ski day getting the snow off the bottom plate to re attach my boot to the skis . The rope tow ,I managed to get up for 3 runs and my buddies are .."Yeah you're good" So up the chairlift to the top . They spot a jump and I wait my turn ....looks easy ,no problem . I plant both tips and windmill my face into the course granular , I get up and blow out the ice and blood from my nose , my tail is between my legs now . The first pitch was terrifying, but I navigated it very slowly . By the end of the day I could make a top to bottom run without crashing . I spotted another of my neighbors just ripping the place up and I set my goal to ski like him . He's my age and still rips ...I'll get there eventually .
    2 points
  6. Opening day announced for season pass holders and hotel guests is 12/22. Selling tickets for general public starting 12/26. Planning to be first chair or close to it on the 22nd and will have report.
    2 points
  7. I'll be there around 5 or so, I'll keep an eye out. It should be mad interesting and maybe pretty good
    2 points
  8. I love all of this so very much. Not gonna lie KSL is coming in and kicking ass. I give them a 9 out of 10 so far. if they build a strattonesque base village next I'll bump that up to a 10.
    2 points
  9. Tonight was actually pretty good, the upper part of coming soon was smooth fast with just a skootch on top. It was effortless carving and while the lower headwall had a few spots the star was the ditch spine. The sugar had piled up deep and made for a super fun bounce. Big credit to dirty and edge for that line. Crowds weren't too bad some annoying race kids but maybe the best conditions I've skied all year and I rode nearly 3hrs which isn't bad for 1 1/2 trails plus a ski tour. Blowing on lazy, lower main/midway, tubing and the big fan guns at all the intersections.
    1 point
  10. Hey All, I’m back from a quick morning session at Blue mountain the true mountain. The temperature was in the mid 30s under overcast sky’s and light winds. In the house were Atomic Jeff, Rodney, Root, Bethlehem ford guy, Harold and Oz. First civilian six pack to coming soon which had a delightful natural packed powder surface. Was really good conditions and smooth cord. The junky snow from the weekend on lower paradise was covered up and very pleasant although a little slow. Me and Atomic Jeff with Drew right in our tails lapped coming soon six times..debooted and I was back on the road headed to work at like 10:05. Here at work now already took one phone call…JADIP
    1 point
  11. Ok I forgive you Salty that’s understandable and the patrollers at Blue have been respectful we’re all brothers and sisters with a common interest hurling ourselves down frozen mountains on fiberglass wood and metal…at least that’s what Johnny law said.
    1 point
  12. Salty At the bottom of TCS For those who are “Merge ability challenged”
    1 point
  13. Wow I don’t even keep track of the medals…I’ve always been platinum in my mind except at Nastar and spelling bees. I did win a geography bee but only for the grade no big dealio. ski content. The guns are blasting at Blue and looks like fresh chalky man made Perder on the east side of the horseshoe and lower Vista.
    1 point
  14. When no people at the bottom of TCS or the paradise turn it’s alright. Just gotta milk the turns near the top
    1 point
  15. Extending Main St would make the new lift a move worth the price of admission and make Blue more legit 1000+ foot area.
    1 point
  16. Was thinking Elk Friday but I don’t want to drive in the mess.
    1 point
  17. Be nice to extend TCS to bypass Paradise.
    1 point
  18. Will be interesting to see how things hold up for tonight.
    1 point
  19. Opening Thursday with 5 trails. Tunk Bumps up quick early season.
    1 point
  20. I love seeing those snowmaking cannons blast. What a nice little recovery and terrain expansion Blue is having. Tubing will be ready they better have plenty of cocoa
    1 point
  21. They are still blowing on lower main, lazy, midway and tubing and it almost has to be too warm. Piles on lazy and lower are mid deep, it goes for sure this weekend. They resurfaced everything last night, upper dis was a mine field of cookies but the rest had a decent softness. BFG and crew said yesterday was le tits and forecasted a high likelihood of le tits tomorrow morning but today was a Ridge 10/ Jlaw 6 kinda snow.
    1 point
  22. I found out the reason for the new trail name Curzis Cabin. A man named Curzi has a cabin and property on the other side of the overflow lot at Blue and Blue has been trying to buy that land for years and Curzi finally sold the property as long as Blue named a trail after him. Apparently the plan is to turn the tubing area into a learning area, extend Main Street onto the current learning area and move tubing across the street.
    1 point
  23. Damn you’re going to get a hummmmmmmmmer from Dougie! i thought you said you were going tomorrow?
    1 point
  24. Yeah I never made it.
    0 points
  25. 0 points
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