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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/22 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at dark O’clock and it was in the low 30s under partly sunny sky’s with light winds. In the house were Johnny Law, PARidge, JFDan, Indiggio, Atomic Jeff, Mute, Ryan, Enjorales, Pops, Toast, Enjorales cousin, Mixilplix, Antman, Bethlehem Ford guy, MBike Mike, Harold, Salty, Dirtwolf, Charles, Falco, Gary, Rodney, Johnny Law and many more. First civilian quad to coming soon which was pretty good semi stiff cord. Lazy mile was pretty decent and th corners were slick. Midway and lower main were good and no cookies and it’s a bit of a mind fuck with the new lift going over it. Paradise also had good snow but it was next level crowd with all the race team Jabronies. I skied about 9 runs in an hour and a half then hungout in the lot for another hour and a half and enjoyed a few beers and some chips..in the lot the clouds took over and the wind picked up and even with an ambient temperature in the upper 30s it felt much colder. All in all it was a fun session and Blue is finally selling lift tickets which is good for their bottom line. JADIP and happy holidays.
    7 points
  2. Really great day. Best conditions I think of the season that held up fairly well. So nice to ski new trails. Looked and felt like winter today.
    6 points
  3. lol. liftline isnt bad, but whats with all the people just standing around?
    2 points
  4. Lower main turned out to be great as the morning went on and it softened up.
    2 points
  5. Today was … lol. Fun all the same though
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. We brought lots of food to cook dinners and make lunches. Today was a turkey, cheese and avocado wrap. I did break down and buy a pack of M & M’s for dessert.
    1 point
  8. Another cold one. -4 when we left our condo, 9 degrees at lunch. But the sun was out today! Gondola not working this morning, had to take 3 lifts to get to the top , that was chilly could actually see views from the top today Don’t think she skied, just sat around the lodge wanting to look cute Glad I made the last minute call to bring the compression recovery legs. Currently sitting by the fire with a hot cup of tea getting a leg massage, feels good edit-didn’t realize you had to make a reservation for Aspen. When we went in for lunch I had 8 emails from Ikon stating I had reservation violations. Lol
    1 point
  9. Both days. Meat everyone in the lot on Sunday!
    1 point
  10. Lazy mile, Main Street, and midway for this weekend
    1 point
  11. Great day at Assspen! The temps didn’t get above 10 degrees. We had a bit of sun for one run then most of the day was a snowy white out. Conditions are amazing. Lots of slow drills which I didn’t mind since I couldn’t see anything. not a lot of pics as it was so cold. Rinse and repeat tomorrow.
    1 point
  12. Opening day announced for season pass holders and hotel guests is 12/22. Selling tickets for general public starting 12/26. Planning to be first chair or close to it on the 22nd and will have report.
    1 point
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