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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/22 in all areas

  1. It was very good. Midway to Main ROTD. PASRs were here. Guns on. Sun out. Enjoy your day.
    12 points
  2. 12 points
  3. A Bluebird beauty 20° start no wind . Hit Seneca first for some lil bumps with cookies Tunkannock had a few icy spots. I was eyeing Lackawanna but didn’t poach it. It looked like there was plenty natural. I did some fast groomer cruising but eventually went back to Seneca after the E lift had lots of stops and starts. The few beginners I think migrated over there as there wasn’t any beginner terrain options off the East side of B lift and the only bumps I found were a little sliver on the East side of upper tunk. Left at 1:30 I wanted to stay longer but work phone blew up
    7 points
  4. Best runs of the season so far, main just keeps improving. Today it was colder faster snow and with midway perfect you could attack from the top. Just ludicrous speed arcs all the way down with full grip smooth snow. Big fucking grins at the bottom kinda full speed actual skiing. Last two runs there were other people so maybe peeps have started to figure it out but man were those good runs out the gate. Falls should be good to go soon, razors needs Friday night. New lift looks like all the chairs are on and when I left electric was on and they were doing something. Come around has some piles and there is a big whale up top of midway so maybe they are getting ready to run sooner than later.
    6 points
  5. Lol, I did the same yesterday after my post, found all those links by doing a reverse image search with google. Band is Philly based, I wonder if the van owner is an actual member or a groupie? I still say the inspiration/source is Keith Hernandez, specifically from the episode of Seinfeld he was in in 1992
    6 points
  6. Arrived at 630 to find out I forgot my kids coat and pass. Luckily family lives near by and had a coat. Went in for another pass after my second arrival and was informed it is $20 for a replacement pass. She was feeling festive so she waived it but said she’ll make a note so I don’t get it again. I asked if you could use the $50 e-gift card for it and she laughed and said “probably not.” Not sure if she thought it was a joke or she didn’t actually know about the $50 season pass credit. On the snow at 7 with the post dinner and the quad line was past the gates. Middle of the runs were scraped and the sides were Baby Bash Suga Suga. Line got smaller each time down until it was only a couple people deep. Had fun bumping around on the sides of Lazy and Paradise with the little one until 815. @GrilledSteezeSandwichsince you asked. Chicken nugs with ketchup due to the time crunch. edit: someone dropped off the quad to get first tracks on Falls WTGAI
    6 points
  7. 10"+ the last two storms. Slopes excellent powder conditions, no ice anywhere. Opening more slopes almost daily. Blowing Delaware, TP, Slalom, Lenape, Schuylkill, and Mahican. Quad is supposed to open Thursday, although they were grooming lower Tunkhannock and the snowbowl yesterday so it may open today. No crowds.. bar's open beer's cold... Edit.. the Herminator said there were a couple of icy spots on upper Tunk..
    5 points
  8. Glory hallelujah, guns on Terrain Run! This is the most important run on the mountain right now
    4 points
  9. @GrilledSteezeSandwich you can change the calendar to combine Dirtwolf and I for December
    4 points
  10. You not only went down the rabbit hole - you hunted down and skinned the rabbit! Holy moley...
    4 points
  11. Hi @saltyant- I found her. Please bring the yoohoo to the lot this weekend. Random church website in Vegas On a different chat bot website for Salesforce manufacturing On Kenya's ministry of defense website On an Australian mattress website On a translation service website I think we all know how much Blue loves their stock photos considering they had a picture of a bubble chair on their website for years.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Unfortunately the immutable laws of physics contradict the whole premise of your account. Back, and to the left
    3 points
  14. Yes free WIFI... Many peeps .."working from home"
    2 points
  15. @Johnny Law a band apparently. An Albatross.
    2 points
  16. Fast right handers on to Shuttle are money ...
    1 point
  17. The lift turnstile got me last year but that at least was partially my fault, they gotta get some mats down there or something.
    1 point
  18. Tits magee sort of shit this AM on Midway to Main St. Ate shit on some ice in the base area walking to the lift. Need new ski pants now as my skis cut my pants when I went down.
    1 point
  19. Bring your phone too and tether, in places where wifi sucks you can often get two bars at least which is enough to run teams with video.
    1 point
  20. maybe the timeline is reversed -- that print was a limited set in 2009. the art for the band cassette label (or it looks like the mailing package) was from 1999ish the artist has a history of lifting other designs. http://www.miketyndall.com/todd_goldman/
    1 point
  21. I'm glad to see you two getting along. Maybe we can all go to Verbier for a delightful day of skiing in the Alps and then head over to Munich in the evening to see The Beagles play live and find some Bavarian hot cocoa
    1 point
  22. going further down the rabbit hole, it looks like it was based off of an art piece - Todd Goldman - "Business in the Front". the similarities are there, like they took it and made it sharper / cleaned it up.
    1 point
  23. I think his name is greg but I normally call him Jskis guy or Darth Vader but he actually looks most like the Cylons from Battlestar Galatica. I haven't seen him yet this year but razors isn't open yet and that's his favorite.
    1 point
  24. No way in hell I was waking up to ski this morning so by the time I got my shit together it was 3pm. Only the quad was running and with the groups the line was busy, maybe 5 or 10 mins. Everything except main was riding the sugar berm. Where it's flat its very nice with a soft sugary toping but any turn of merit was cleaned smooth until a massive berm of sugar. Sling shooting it was fun but I was thinking the lines weren't worth it until I worked over to main. With only the quad running nobody was home and I ran that 7 times in a row a only had one person on a run. From the last wiggle on midway to the bottom was super nice smooth gripy snow where you can arc them to your hearts content. Most nice afternoon/early evening but I wish they'd run the sixer. As of 530 they were blowing falls to good accumulation, razors to about maybe 6" and the learning areas. They were loading chairs on the new lift and big news of the day tubing is galactic......I like the purple 💜
    1 point
  25. If you put it in your back pocket you can ski on your Epic Pass at Blue, Shawnee or Camelback. Even get a bubble at Cbk.
    0 points
  26. Forecast for the coming week. It keeps the crowds down,
    0 points
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