Back home from another fun day at Blue. Arrived in the lower lot around 8:15am with an outside temperature of 27' with calm winds and overcast skies. No guns were ablaze, but Falls looking groomed and shortly thereafter a SP cruised down, so yet another @RootDKJ down will be had. No precipitation had been encountered on the ride up, but temps on the South side of the Blue ridge were in the lower 30's, so hoping for the best. In the house was @tarponhead and Bethlehem Ford guy crew.
There must have been a newbie at the quad open because he couldn't figure out how to open all the gates and opened just one successfully which happened to be the one @tarponhead was in. He lucked out and obtained the first civilian quad solo by 4 chairs, while the rest of us complained. I skirted in front of others and entered through the only functioning gate to chase down @tarponhead down a glorious, grippy almost buttery Coming Soon run.
Midway to Lower Main conditions were just as good if not better than Coming Soon and the lack of crowds gave each run entirely to us. Lazy to the Falls was silently smooth and the Falls headwall was a bit slick but free of cookies and marbles. The bottom of the Falls was solid, frozen cord.
Precipitation started out as rain and sleet but later turned to some decent snow for a while until turning back to sleet that pelted all exposed skin.
Took a ride up the Vista chair to see what was going on at the top of the new lift. Some workers were mucking with the safety bars on the chairs, probably just final adjustments.
Also in the valley they were loading up trucks with various bits of equipment and one of the big diggers and driving them off.
With the gloves sufficiently soaked and the rain coming down harder, we bailed around noon to the bar coated in ice like a couple of glazed donuts.