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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/22 in all areas

  1. -3 when I left the house. 3 when I arrived at the lower lot. In the house were Atomicskier, NMSki, JohnnyLaw, Matt Edge, Schif, Skincy, Nastar Glen and many others. It was cold but nothing completely unbearable. Crowds were light but best of all conditions were really really nice. First run on free fall was most excellent with some nice cord to start off the day. Midway to lower main and p diz were also on point. Falls was open but closed for the race team (smh). Too cold to take the phone out for pics except for one from the car. Overall a really nice morning despite the cold. Happy holidays!
    5 points
  2. Fucking cold as a polar bears butthole, like 11 witches titties but lower main was good and it wasn't too crowded. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone, I hope you all get mad titty sparkles from Santa.
    3 points
  3. I need to start looking into using the Indy pass once more places and terrain open up after the holidays. Always looming forward to checking out some new places and old favorites.
    3 points
  4. I said the same thing. Fucking ridiculous.
    2 points
  5. Rode 2 hours and conditions were pretty nice, much better than I expected
    2 points
  6. I wasn't going to ski originally, but with no running plans, decided to keep my buddy @NMSKI company. 6.5 layer player up top, 4 on the bottom, and I was very toasty. Nothing was cold. Conditions were far better than I expected, too.
    2 points
  7. looking at the main street cam, there is no snowmaking on upper main. with last nights wind, snowmaking would have probably benefited Mt Mik, but maybe not so much their own slopes. Valley cam wont load, im gonna need you to go ahead and fix that for us.
    2 points
  8. im sure it could be colder, but damn, with the wind.......no thanks.
    2 points
  9. Kero has a way lower gel temp than diesel. years ago when diesel didnt have anti gel additives, truck drivers used to put kero in with diesel to help this. Add enough, and you could get flames to shoot out the pipes.
    2 points
  10. Maybe I'll meet up at Greek Peak, we'll see once it gets closer. I'm hoping to do Saddleback this year, Black Mountain in Maine is relatively close to there too and on indy pass
    2 points
  11. Booked Presidents Day weekend for Thursday at Magic and Saturday and Sunday at Greek Peak. Originally trying to get to Berkshire East at some point but realized it’s blacked out that weekend since I only have the base Indy. Killington on Friday with our passes that @Boo Bearwon at the Warren Miller movie. First time there so excited to check it out and hoping crowds are not too bad for a holiday since it’s a Friday. If anyone wants to split a place or ski together, the more the merrier.
    2 points
  12. Back home from another fun day at Blue. Arrived in the lower lot around 8:15am with an outside temperature of 27' with calm winds and overcast skies. No guns were ablaze, but Falls looking groomed and shortly thereafter a SP cruised down, so yet another @RootDKJ down will be had. No precipitation had been encountered on the ride up, but temps on the South side of the Blue ridge were in the lower 30's, so hoping for the best. In the house was @tarponhead and Bethlehem Ford guy crew. There must have been a newbie at the quad open because he couldn't figure out how to open all the gates and opened just one successfully which happened to be the one @tarponhead was in. He lucked out and obtained the first civilian quad solo by 4 chairs, while the rest of us complained. I skirted in front of others and entered through the only functioning gate to chase down @tarponhead down a glorious, grippy almost buttery Coming Soon run. Midway to Lower Main conditions were just as good if not better than Coming Soon and the lack of crowds gave each run entirely to us. Lazy to the Falls was silently smooth and the Falls headwall was a bit slick but free of cookies and marbles. The bottom of the Falls was solid, frozen cord. Precipitation started out as rain and sleet but later turned to some decent snow for a while until turning back to sleet that pelted all exposed skin. Took a ride up the Vista chair to see what was going on at the top of the new lift. Some workers were mucking with the safety bars on the chairs, probably just final adjustments. Also in the valley they were loading up trucks with various bits of equipment and one of the big diggers and driving them off. With the gloves sufficiently soaked and the rain coming down harder, we bailed around noon to the bar coated in ice like a couple of glazed donuts.
    2 points
  13. Have fun in England. My sister and her family are going to Amsterdam tomorrow.
    1 point
  14. Borrow Saltys heating blanket and wrap it around the tank and a regular blanket around that to warm up the tank . 😁
    1 point
  15. And fuck BMR for taking over Falls for their diddly amount of "training". They could have done that piddly crap on Midway.
    1 point
  16. It was... Blue not blowing with single digit temps? WTF? Rumor has it, but I don't buy it... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/pennsylvania/articles/2022-12-24/pennsylvania-warned-of-rolling-blackouts-asked-to-conserve
    1 point
  17. WTF is up with the lack of snow making? yes, conditions were better than expected.
    1 point
  18. I hate dealing with all the bullshit winter problems every year. Otherwise I don't mind the cold or snow.
    1 point
  19. I was up around 5AM and it appeared to me they were making snow on Upper Main at that time.
    1 point
  20. Thanks, we dealt with this all winter last year and I put in diesel 911 but it didnt resolve the problem. One plumber says the pipe must be moved higher since it's in the ground which will cost $2-$3 grand while another says that's not the problem. I can try an electric blanket next. We had kerosene delivered and filled the tank in the spring so moisture wouldn't build, so that was useless since it happens every single time it gets to 0 and then I have to pay a company $500. When I move I am NOT dealing with kerosene anymore.
    1 point
  21. You’re gonna hit 100,000 miles soon.
    1 point
  22. Does anyone know if they blew snow last night (or if they're doing it now)? I think they give their employees off for Christmas, which is great, but part of me really hopes they'll take advantage of this 48+hr of subtwenties temps.
    1 point
  23. Should've strapped your gopro on, I'd have watched that. Edit - I reread that and was wondering if there was a contraction for 'I'd have' that was valid. Apparently it looks like I'd've is. So I am noting that here and will be using it in future writing. I'd've watched it.
    0 points
  24. This cold can't be good for the lifts...
    0 points
  25. My kerosene tank is frozen again so no heat. I have to deal with this bullshit every single time it is 0 degrees out
    0 points
  26. That’s one heck of a list My powers out again today. 3PM tomorrow is the “estimate “
    0 points
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