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Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 7:17am and it was 24 degrees under sunny sky’s with a light to moderate south wind. In the house were JFDan, BenM, Bethlehem Ford crew and even Jack was in the house..one of the many Blue pass holders with a molester van. Second civilian quad as the full face helmet dark Vader dude was determined for first chair. First up on Coming soon was pretty decent and lower paradise was good although a little area of zero visibility. Paradise had the best conditions again…Lazy mile was variable..not that bad but some mini chickenheads. Widowmaker still chunky…midway was ok but a little firm and lower Main Street was good. Razors edge and Razorback are now open. Initially I didn’t even want to ski it as it looked like cookies on the head wall but riding the quad the lower 2/3 looked decent. Well looks can be deceiving and all of razors as JFDan described as hilarious. One and done on that. Crowds were similar to yesterday, maybe even a little more as a ton of people spilled in mid morning. Ended up skiing ten runs by 930 then hungout in the lot and drank some beer. They even had the parking lot attendants out. All in all a fun session but not quite as nice snow as yesterday probably due to yesterday afternoons warmth.8 points
I ran Razors twice....First thing and then maybe an hour later....It was pretty bad..Full on Chips Ahoy...But at least a consistent size cookie...I thought everything else was pretty good .....Some park stuff in...The lower sides of the last jump almost caught me out..Really steep down side....Still enjoying Midway/Chute/Lower Main...Conservative side of TCS was fun.....Good time on the snow this morning...7 points
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I thought first run might not be bad, but the odds were definitely against it being good. We opted for the safe bet, which was coming soon, which has always been good first. So yeah, on our second ride up the quad, maybe 5 runs in or so, we were looking at Razors like "actually it doesnt look that bad". So deceiving. i knew the first headwall was gonna be bad, but what the fuck, like baseball sized cookies. imagine Boulder Field at Hickory run turned on its end bad. i laughed the entire ride down it was so fucking bad, and it still didnt ski good even where it looked like it would further down the slope. Why on earth we saw people making multiple passes on that garbage, i have no idea what they were thinking. I guess it was the "gotta ski the steepest stuff even though its pure shit" crowd. Jesus.....go ski where the snow is good. But, other than that, everything else was good to decent. lower main skiers left was really nice. Another good day, sans Razors. My guess tomorrows Razors is brutally firm. We shall see. Blue Mt has no idea when the lift is going to open, so why would the guy working on it?.....lol.3 points
Day 1 on a new traill is typically this way unfortunately. Day 2 however can be $$. See you all tomorrow morning3 points
Lines were fine at 11…lines were awful at 11:15. Razors was amazingly bad lol3 points
2 points
Process? The groomers have a tiller on the back that's supposed to grind up the cookies, but the way they blow the snow (wet) causes the conditions we all know and love (to hate). Not entirely due to the temperatures, but the cheapness of the mountain to only make one pass with the groomers, putting down lipstick on a pig. Would be nice if they would just blow smaller whales and let the riders break them down naturally instead of using the groomers. The whales would drain naturally and the riders would carve up the dry, upper layer. For some reason (probably because of how wet they blow) they don't let anyone ride the new whales.2 points
2 points
I sure have..the perfect blend of sweet and savory with a bit of cream.1 point
Yeah and continuously lapped razors. He had his hood up at opening bell to be extra stealth.1 point
I just like that Darth Vader showed and was first chair on opening razors day1 point
If only I had a dollar for everytime the word ball was mentioned I could buy some cheese balls1 point
Very first run down Razors & Razorback wasn't bad at all, but knew full well that the mm or so grooming hid an explosion of cookies. Ran it about an hour or so later and sure enough, it was downright horrible. No wonder there wasn't any BMR people on it. Rode the 6 pack around 11 and it stopped for a good 15 minutes for no apparent reason. Took a ride up the Vista and passed the new chair landing and chatted with an electrician pulling wire for the idiot rod. He had no idea when it was going to open.1 point
Rt100 Hereford , they moved a lot of ground to shoehorn it into the hillside.1 point
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I thought today was prob one of the better days condition-wise all year. Only a cpl sketchy spots. I liked that the sun was out afterwards. It was nice for lot beers. Afterwards, I dropped off my trash and got Chinese food, 8/10. The card reader wasn't working right, so I paid a crisp 20 for my $21 tab since they wanted me outta there.1 point
crowds were rolling in today for sure. Good morning, maybe not quite as good as yesterday. Widoracecuz's went from yesterdays brick to cookies today. Should be good for tomorrow. Burma was hysterical. seems like Midway is everybodys least favorite trail, which is good. nothin like getting yelled at to slow down on Paridise..........when there is nobody on it.1 point
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