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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/22 in all areas

  1. It was a good day at Elk. First ski day of the season for me and the closest I have got to Vermont since March. Freezing temperatures in the morning warmed up to 40s for a blue sunny day, but not too the point of too warm I don't think. Snow surface softened up nicely on most of the trails and was quite good except for a few heavily trafficked or shaded spots. Generally the trails got slicker again in the afternoon. There is still natural snow cover in the area. I am not sure what conditions will look like later this week with the temperatures, they may or may not be able to blow tonight yet. It was busy but lines were not bad at all especially after they started up the north double next to the quad to get all lifts spinning. Ski on north lifts, lodge side was a minute or two wait until after lunch. Excellent snow surface for telemark skiing and there were a half dozen other guys I spotted. I switched over to downhill at lunch to avoid the slicker spots later in the day and to rip some runs. Also I did leg day tuesday for the first time in a while which was not a forward thinking move. Tunkhannock - nice snow, icy patches, not quite bumped up yet but it was getting there Lackawanna - ungroomed, bare spots, was somewhat icy Seneca - ungroomec, bumps starting to appear, bare spots Wyalusing - very good shape Susquehanna - mint 👌 Slalom - good Delaware - narrow spots got icy but it was regroomed mid day from like 2:30-3:30 and was pretty nice afterword Tioga - slick, crowded 🎳 West slope - soft, nice condition Lower tunkhannock/spurs - good soft surface Wissahickon - crunchy but not too slick Lenape - good shape in morning becoming icy in afternoon Natural cover has been poached and there seems to have been attempts to make snow on the yet to be opened trails. Terrain parks are not open. The ticket printer by the north lifts is convenient even if you order on your phone while already there. Just make sure you get the email because there is nowhere else with your qr code unless you talk to guest services... Also it would be nice if you could ski back to the north side parking lot at closing time rather than taking the shuttle since patrol ropes it all off like half an hour before although I do understand they need to sweep it.
    14 points
  2. Nice today. Lots of PASRs in the house and lots of new terrain to ski on. Snow was good but the trails were sorta off kilter with some divots here and there. First run on razors was nice. Other ROTD was Midway to lower main. Upper main was open but good depending on where you skied on it. Chute was also opened and decent. Free fall was also "multi leveled" so to speak (not sure how else to describe it) causing me to lose an edge and a ski at high speed. ..should've known better I guess than to go full throttle first run without seeing it first. Overall it was a really nice day with.good snow, comfortable temps and great company.
    12 points
  3. Warming temps brought excellent snow conditions with them. Warm enough to set a line of bumps on Main that got fast and deep quick. Crowds were manageable using the VIP lines and they were grouping at the 6 when crowds warranted it.
    5 points
  4. Projections are up for today, upper main and Xing added.
    2 points
  5. I like that if he was trying so desperately to get first tracks on Razors from the quad, it stopped and we on the 6 beat him to it. 🤣
    2 points
  6. I just like that Darth Vader showed and was first chair on opening razors day
    2 points
  7. Good day at Blue and a good day back home on the bike.
    1 point
  8. Nice fast mashed potatoes last night . More crowded than Wednesday night but a much neater crowd as they didn't leave behind as much trash in the lodge. Most runs were on Extreme and a few on Samsquantch
    1 point
  9. Yeah and continuously lapped razors. He had his hood up at opening bell to be extra stealth.
    1 point
  10. I get it, but it's gonna be above freezing temps all night. Unrelated, gave that person on fb my honest opinion.
    1 point
  11. oh, another big night sesh... Also, someone made a FB comment "good coverage on Razors" So, if you were looking for something nice to say about it, there it is.
    1 point
  12. I thought first run might not be bad, but the odds were definitely against it being good. We opted for the safe bet, which was coming soon, which has always been good first. So yeah, on our second ride up the quad, maybe 5 runs in or so, we were looking at Razors like "actually it doesnt look that bad". So deceiving. i knew the first headwall was gonna be bad, but what the fuck, like baseball sized cookies. imagine Boulder Field at Hickory run turned on its end bad. i laughed the entire ride down it was so fucking bad, and it still didnt ski good even where it looked like it would further down the slope. Why on earth we saw people making multiple passes on that garbage, i have no idea what they were thinking. I guess it was the "gotta ski the steepest stuff even though its pure shit" crowd. Jesus.....go ski where the snow is good. But, other than that, everything else was good to decent. lower main skiers left was really nice. Another good day, sans Razors. My guess tomorrows Razors is brutally firm. We shall see. Blue Mt has no idea when the lift is going to open, so why would the guy working on it?.....lol.
    1 point
  13. Should've strapped your gopro on, I'd have watched that. Edit - I reread that and was wondering if there was a contraction for 'I'd have' that was valid. Apparently it looks like I'd've is. So I am noting that here and will be using it in future writing. I'd've watched it.
    1 point
  14. It’s looking like our annual January thaw is on tap…not to fear more seasonable temperatures are in the long range forecast and there will be plenty of water in the snowmaking ponds.
    0 points
  15. I honestly think razors will be phenomenal tomorrow.
    0 points
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