I thought first run might not be bad, but the odds were definitely against it being good. We opted for the safe bet, which was coming soon, which has always been good first.
So yeah, on our second ride up the quad, maybe 5 runs in or so, we were looking at Razors like "actually it doesnt look that bad". So deceiving. i knew the first headwall was gonna be bad, but what the fuck, like baseball sized cookies. imagine Boulder Field at Hickory run turned on its end bad. i laughed the entire ride down it was so fucking bad, and it still didnt ski good even where it looked like it would further down the slope. Why on earth we saw people making multiple passes on that garbage, i have no idea what they were thinking. I guess it was the "gotta ski the steepest stuff even though its pure shit" crowd. Jesus.....go ski where the snow is good.
But, other than that, everything else was good to decent. lower main skiers left was really nice. Another good day, sans Razors.
My guess tomorrows Razors is brutally firm. We shall see.
Blue Mt has no idea when the lift is going to open, so why would the guy working on it?.....lol.