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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/23 in all areas

  1. I saw a break in the radar and corresponding forecast change and decided to head up. In the house was C1er, a guy who worked at little gap with dope stories and some guy who was way too excited to throw his boots in a tree. Snow was very nice, a soft carpet of shaved ice consistency. Very similar to yesterday but a bit softer and more water in the upper layer so it wanted to come off in sheets. But the best condition was absolutely nobody home, 4 runs on main all by lonesome and 10 runs in an hour and half. With the requiste fog covering half the hill vis was just ok but on Razors and Main it didn't matter one bit. Set them up, let them go and boom you've gone plaid. Lots of action over at the new lift and it looks like it should be ready to go Saturday.
    8 points
  2. Opening remarks? I really hope they hire @Johnny Law as the speech writer for this.
    5 points
  3. Some pics from Hunter yesterday. Got there for 9:30 as it's too hard to get up super early but it was a nice 4.5 hour session. Most trails skied nicely in the morning but the steeps turned to nasty pure ice later in the day so I moved to the Blue Squares. Overlook wasn't groomed so that was a bit rowdy skiing in man made perder... Not like skiing out west but still kinda fun, I guess. Never waited for a lift more than about 30 seconds
    5 points
  4. I donated my $10. I want the first ride!
    5 points
  5. Just kinda over crap conditions like cookies and sugar, snowcone what it is type of snow. But on the positive side, most blue mountain skiers can go anywhere out west and ski like a baller because of it.
    3 points
  6. Don’t remember anyone saying hi to me this evening. Sorry. I was probably in a zone. Lodge is like another world when all the school kids are in there! Trying to get out Sunday morning, maybe take some runs with you folks then. Y’all will probably leave me in the dust, I’m a slow skier. I actually enjoy turning my skis.
    3 points
  7. Definitely Saturday, probably Sunday. Probably not grilling. Monday is maybe.
    2 points
  8. I have a mental disorder clearly but I gotta pick my new old car up so I think it ends here. I wondered if you would be there and I almost bailed when it was raining decent and sleeping sounded so good.
    2 points
  9. It was pretty nice for the weather conditions everyone's been having. I think of Hunter as better than anything in the Poconos, but not as good as Vermont. It's the only place on the Epic Pass really worth day tripping to besides JFBB.
    2 points
  10. On Blue's Facebook they are saying opening remarks begin at 9:45. @GrilledSteezeSandwichif you sneak up and cut the ribbon early I'll give you the free Captains Wafer in my knapsack.
    2 points
  11. On my way up in Whitehall now, thought it was gonna rain and was worried they would be closed if I left at 7am for opening
    2 points
  12. Hmm. Sounds like a future BMR candidate...
    2 points
  13. Great session number two tonight. Very different conditions from this morning. Soft granular snow with push piles and excellent slush that was pushed in various ditches and spines. Happy the lines weren’t ever that long. Was super fun to open them up this morning on razors and main then slow it down tonight on the same trails.
    2 points
  14. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend. Is anybody planning on skiing or riding Blue mountain the true mountain this weekend? Saturday for me is a definite for me, I want to get at least two runs from the new lift and be there at 9:45 for opening remarks and the ribbon cutting. I’ll prob ski MLK morning especially with the 8am start time Monday and tomorrow Blue opens at 8am I hope the lifties know lol. Blue is lucking out with some nice weather this weekend and some nice overnight snowmaking..I think they want to get coming soon reopened and nightmare dreamweaver still has some mini whales.
    1 point
  15. Planning on hitting West Mt for a couple hrs Sat PM to break up the drive to St. Albans. Will ski Jay on Sun, then either Jay or Bolton on Mon.
    1 point
  16. I prefer Roundtop to JF. It has more vertical, steeper runs (Upper Gunbarrel has steepest headwall in PA) and smaller lines, and doesn't close at 4. Also a nice locals vibe. For me the extra 10 minutes of drive is worth it - especially times like now when JF has no glades or East Mt open. No interest in BB except maybe as a place to keep skiing when JF shuts.
    1 point
  17. Yeah I’m actually thinking about taking a spring skifari to Vermont and maybe hit somewhere in the Catskills on the way back. I used to mainly hit Catskills places early and late season when Blue wasn’t open yet. When I was in 8th grade my dad and I were originally going to go to Hunter but ended up going to Windham because it was supposed to be less silly. I skied two days at Windham that season. I also skied the rope tow hill at rocking horse ranch when I was in 7th grade while my family was riding horses. It was radical and the bindings were the old school safety strap ones and I needed assistance. Not the modern step in bindings like at blue. Back then Blue had Elan and Rossi skis. I still remember the rooster logo..that’s good marketing.
    1 point
  18. I believe blue mountain is mostly rock…
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Looks a lot more like winter there than it does here. That doesn't take much, though. Looks like a decent time.
    1 point
  22. WTGAI JLAW that’s seven days in a row for you!!!
    1 point
  23. WJW @RidgeRacer you always seem to see conditions through rose colored glasses, you must have gotten spoiled in AZ, lol! I thought tonight’s conditions were pretty good, some piles to bounce through but everything was edgable and fast’ish. I would have done more runs, the issue for me wasn’t the snow but the clusters of goobers skiing in every direction
    1 point
  24. Night conditions can be good a lot of the time, like in the spring. Tonight was not. I hate sugar with the burning passion of 1000 suns. And its a staple at blue unfortunately
    1 point
  25. I believe just a wax is about $25 or so. If they’re not busy turnaround could be enough time for you to get a vanilla latte. If it’s busy maybe an hour. I need a full tune..wax..sharpen and base grind before Jackson hole. 90% of the time I ski at Blue wax is irrelevant but today it would have made a difference on the flats. On razors and Main Street plenty of speed I wish a bit more hill sometimes lol
    1 point
  26. Did the chat this weekend(#12 in the queue) which they deferred to a 48 hour response from the correct person. Was then notified “it’ll be in the next batch dispersed.” Still waiting. Pretty sure I said hi to @momskeeztoogoing to the lodge/bathroom at 5:10 but got denied. Still determined to say hi and ride together.
    1 point
  27. Today were some of the best conditions in awhile. A bit crowded, they opened the 6 pack around 330. The new lift was spinning, I guess were testing it. Did a bunch of runs, tailgate, then back out. Total of 17 runs. I may come on Sunday morning to check out the new lift.
    1 point
  28. I'm strongly considering a no night sesh policy like @toast21602with the exception early and late season Btw props to blue for cleaning the trail of litter
    1 point
  29. Conditions are kinda shit. Mounds of sugar
    1 point
  30. Bought a 5 pack of group lessons from school for the kid and we had the first one tonight. We’ve had private lessons previously and wanted her to get to socialize with other kids at the mountain. Well they had 5 boarders, 3 skiers, and 12 instructors when we showed so the kid had a private lesson 🤦 Instructors were super nice and said they’ve struggled a little bit this week. They lost all private lesson reservations from 1/6-1/20. Ouch. The usual slick spots and push piles but it’s fun. Lines vary from nonexistent to a 5 minute wait so far. Having a hydration break and headed back out to find @mbike-skisince I see his truck.
    1 point
  31. Both 6 pack loading stations are pretty close to each other…might be crowding issues in peak season as there could be a bottleneck at the end of the old terrain run
    1 point
  32. i mean, yeah cool, but its just a ski lift. Theres two next to it that kinda do the same thing.
    1 point
  33. Some more photos from today. Will post more later but today was 11 out of 10
    1 point
  34. I guess this is a bad time to ask how Floyd’s is.
    0 points
  35. I don’t know about most, I’d say some 😉
    0 points
  36. I asked the bartender to slide me a cold one but I only drink space beer.
    0 points
  37. If you go on a ski trip and come back don't forget to put your blue pass back in your coat. It's $20 charge to give you a new one.
    0 points
  38. Wao what a great deal! @Jersey TomatoBetter jump on this, $118 to ski the brown perder on Saturday is a once in a lifetime opportunity you shouldn't pass up!
    0 points
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