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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/23 in all areas

  1. Arrived around 7:20 to somewhat heavy rain and fog about halfway down the mountain. Pleasantly surprised that the rain stopped and fog lifted just before 8. In the house were AtomicJeff, boomers, and maybe a few others for the whole mountain. Place was literally empty. Also, Bethlehem ford guy is famous now too. Snow was as expected. Not bad but not great with some interesting grooming in spots a few more shit stains compared to the past few days. Razors headwall was rutted up and seemed almost like the groomer was sinking in with how soft the snow is/was. After the headwall though it was nice and smooth. Main street and come around were closed. Patroller said that they are closed for load testing of the new lift and should be opening sometime later this afternoon. Due to the closures, ended up doing a run down burma which is silly because it puts you also under the lift... Lapped a few more on razors and pdiz then headed out alittle after 9. With the terrain open and current snow depth in some places this weekend is going to be interesting.
    9 points
  2. "we actually have more terrain open this year for the holiday weekend than last year" Did i misunderstand what Ashley said?
    8 points
  3. My favorite part is when BFG said the key to the weather is picking the right coat and then wears the same coat that he has everyday.
    7 points
  4. Had a great first day of the season in 10 years at Blue today. Made sure to keep it EXTRA SAFE at Blue the true with my rusty legs and PAs highest vertical available. Really love how the rfid tickets track your stats. Ended up with 15K Vertical "Metres"? In 15 runs. Looking forward to grabbing a early bird pass late Feb. Ski yall later
    6 points
  5. Thanks man, been lurking here for a long time , going to be up at Blue this weekend w the fam.
    5 points
  6. Found it. Ski resorts continue to battle Mother Nature's warm temps | Eyewitness News @ 11:00 (pahomepage.com)
    5 points
  7. I'm fully planning on day tripping to Plattekill this season at some point.
    5 points
  8. i was gonna say, boy they sure are putting a lot of faith in having the ribbon cutting ceremony, a raffle for first chair, Johnny Law giving the opening comments, and the Christening of the lift with some of Mute's beer, on Saturday. Imagine if this goes horribly wrong?
    4 points
  9. I was wondering if they did any barrel weight tests. Surprised they waited till the literally last day to make a test run.
    4 points
  10. Planning on hitting West Mt for a couple hrs Sat PM to break up the drive to St. Albans. Will ski Jay on Sun, then either Jay or Bolton on Mon.
    4 points
  11. Got my fifty dollar gc! Just in time for a tune.
    3 points
  12. It was WNEP I believe and no idea why they were there. They got some sweeeet footage of him unloading gear from his truck too.
    3 points
  13. The son is up there now, says it's all hands on deck to load up the barrels...
    3 points
  14. Opening remarks? I really hope they hire @Johnny Law as the speech writer for this.
    3 points
  15. Ohh that's cool. It provides a whole new perspective on what's going on below and less opportunity for people to throw trash under the lift because most of it is over actual skiable terrain.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Saturday morning...possibly sometime Monday too
    2 points
  19. Some pics from Hunter yesterday. Got there for 9:30 as it's too hard to get up super early but it was a nice 4.5 hour session. Most trails skied nicely in the morning but the steeps turned to nasty pure ice later in the day so I moved to the Blue Squares. Overlook wasn't groomed so that was a bit rowdy skiing in man made perder... Not like skiing out west but still kinda fun, I guess. Never waited for a lift more than about 30 seconds
    2 points
  20. @RidgeRacerwear an extra layer tomorrow..cause the weathers not hot..strong wind from the north…put on a hat rat a tat tat..and I’m good with Maths Blue picked up the trash saw a dollar under the lift…got picked up in a flash..
    1 point
  21. Thought you used it for your kids helmet. Tomorrow is gonna be a big historic day. They never had opening remarks or a ribbon cutting for the Comet Quad or the Challenge express. Will be worth it to hear all the woo woo woos…maybe some of the lower lot peeps will even give their cowbells a couple of rings.
    1 point
  22. Keep forgetting mine is sitting in my spam folder. May pick up some bindings there to replace the demo bindings on the 88s
    1 point
  23. All the rain coming will be good for the snowmaking retention ponds. Any skiing before Leif Erikson day is a bonus.
    1 point
  24. I saw a break in the radar and corresponding forecast change and decided to head up. In the house was C1er, a guy who worked at little gap with dope stories and some guy who was way too excited to throw his boots in a tree. Snow was very nice, a soft carpet of shaved ice consistency. Very similar to yesterday but a bit softer and more water in the upper layer so it wanted to come off in sheets. But the best condition was absolutely nobody home, 4 runs on main all by lonesome and 10 runs in an hour and half. With the requiste fog covering half the hill vis was just ok but on Razors and Main it didn't matter one bit. Set them up, let them go and boom you've gone plaid. Lots of action over at the new lift and it looks like it should be ready to go Saturday.
    1 point
  25. I like that they slowed the video down to give a good look at the skid marks
    1 point
  26. they posted a video of the lift ride. man it is so close to the learning hill lift. https://fb.watch/i1v7y54hBF/
    1 point
  27. Half? Used to be free! Thanks Biden!
    1 point
  28. Hahaha. So true. It's the principal of the matter..... There's Principalities involved here Smokie !
    1 point
  29. Skiers are the cheapest people ever…spend hundreds and thousand on gear and ski trips but bitch and moan about $80.
    1 point
  30. That was rad, I watched the whole thing.
    1 point
  31. Saturday with Becky Boo...maybe Sunday, too ?
    1 point
  32. They burned more driving out to you, lol
    1 point
  33. Yesterday the oil company delivered my first automatic winter season fill. I needed 4.2 gallons of oil to fill the tank @$3.999/ gal. This summer I replaced my old air conditioning system with a new heat pump system, and have been using that almost exclusively for heat. Temp set @ 68*. An hour after the fill up the oil company called to ask if something is blocking the fill pipe....
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Just kinda over crap conditions like cookies and sugar, snowcone what it is type of snow. But on the positive side, most blue mountain skiers can go anywhere out west and ski like a baller because of it.
    1 point
  36. Momskeeztoo we’ll ski a few runs with you if we see you on the slopes. The difference between a fast skier and a slow skier on a run is like 30 seconds for a run. Heck I was a solid 5-6 seconds behind atomic Jeff today and he still waited for me.
    1 point
  37. Anybody nervous how crowded the trails will be when all three high speed lifts are running and five major trails closed and another one closed for the race team? We will see this weekend..gonna be interesting. The valley base village is gonna be hopping…I can’t wait.
    1 point
  38. We saved First for last! All jokes aside it was super-tough picking a place to ski on the last day. We knew that we had to go high, had to be cautious of Sunday crowds and also beware of the cloudy weather with snow forecast. Will high be too high and get us into the clouds? Birg at 2600m was an obvious choice, but we lacked imagination to invent a third way of skiing it. Mähnnlichen is at 2300m, has many trails, but we’ve been there already, didn’t like occasional bare spots, and it’s a direct target for the crowd of Wengen… First is at 2500m, has fewer trails (half is closed actually), but is on the side, so less chance for crowds. Mähnnlichen is next door, and First is an hour away… We’ve been to Mähnnlichen but haven’t been to First… Do we want more yucky trails or less better ones??? This nightmare continued until one of us just shouted “I’ll go to First, and you can go wherever you want”. The rest barked back, but also exhaled and went out to get tickets. Woke up at 5:40, had breakfast, geared up (No rain? Cool!) and started for First. The commute was a train wreck. First bus - no show. First train arrives to the wrong platform. Display on the platform is in direct contradiction with the display inside the train. A human on the interchange station is directing traffic to Grindelwald to skip two trains and board the third one. It was fun! 15 mins late in the end. Got to Grindelwald… Such a contrast with the last year! When I was making jokes about lack of snow in Bern, I had no idea that Grindelwald would laugh back at us with its bare hills. Started our ascent… Went by a hotel with half brown kiddie slopes. What a disappointment it must be for some! Suddenly noticed that the peaks were not visible any more, and prepared for the inevitable… Higher and higher we went, passed two stations already, started to approach the cloud, and suddenly… snow! It was neither cloud, nor fog, it was snow, falling just over the peak! No precipitation whatsoever down below, and yet snow around the peak. Weird! Next thing we’ve noticed was that there was infinitesimal number of people on top compared to any of the past days. As it turned out, it wasn’t just because we came early. It was like that throughout the day, and for a few hours on one slope the lines were well in negative territory for we were the only people on the trail AND the lift. It was tough at first. Close to complete whiteout, worst thing were the rollers. That feeling of piste suddenly taking a dive from underneath you, and you brace for impact… But with every new track being laid, the contrast was getting better and better, and we could afford skiing faster. Today was the first day I regretted not taking warmers with me, got too relaxed. Yesterday’s basking in the sun with cocktails changed into “let’s take a quick break and go inside for a shot!” Speaking of breaks, I remember this place crowded so much that we couldn’t even get inside. Today - empty tables. It was totally weird feeling skiing Alps like you owned them. IDK where everyone was all day long today! Gradually the snow stopped and skies cleared. More people came, including the most remarkable group in the video. When I first saw them, I almost fell off the lift. Hey! Hah! Ein! Zwei! Drei! And chanting like this down they went moving in synchrony, regrouping and changing formations. The video sucks, from above they looked unreal. All in all, today was awesome! When you go skiing, you look for good snow, good weather, low crowds… I’d say that we got 3 of 3 today, for finally it felt like winter here. Left in the dark, skied for as long the lifts were spinning, came back in the dark again. And it’s the last day too. Bye, Jungfrau, it wasn’t ideal this year, but I feel like we’ve managed to get the most out of it. https://youtu.be/F1zb2HfG6qQ
    1 point
  39. Back home now. still on a ski high from yesterday. Overall great trip. Snowbowl, Flagstaff, San Francisco peaks, northern Arizona period is a special place. Hope more PASRs visit. Tha ks for reading.
    1 point
  40. Well, we figured that today we would build upon our yesterday’s success and revisit Mürren, this time skiing it the “right way”, i.e. starting from top. Took us unbelievable 50 mins to reach it via bus and three gondolas, yuck, started in the dark, and by the time we got there the sun was rising somewhere behind the ridge, still not visible. But even so, somehow reflecting off the white tops on the opposite side, it illuminated the trails just fine, and we had no difficulties seeing where we were skiing. Grooming was perfect, hardly any people, both allowing us to ski at top speeds, and we’ve done more runs in the first two hours than in the entire afternoon yesterday. Then it gradually became busy, but unexpectedly not as much as yesterday, despite the “Kids ski free” Saturday. It was a perfect half day on top. Took a couple of outdoor bar breaks while enjoying the sun and scenery. After lunch decided to shift lower to Winteregg and get closer to another exit point, which wasn’t as busy as gondolas yesterday night… Bad decision, should’ve stayed up top. It’s true that all the trails were now in the sun and there were no viz issues, but OMG, what a difference 700m in elevation can make! 1900m vs 2600m… Sugar coated boilerplate all that was left for us. Did perhaps half a dozen of runs, and left for the day. Tomorrow - clouds, snow late at night and colder… They’ve been helicoptering snow canons around Winteregg in preparation for the cold.
    1 point
  41. 0 points
  42. I guess I didn't win one of the coveted 6 seats on the first chair. Not sure how I go on after this disappointment
    0 points
  43. I think you mean Leif Garrett or Stein Erikson
    0 points
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