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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/23 in all areas

  1. If Saturday was a 3 or 4. Today was an 8. First run on razors was top notch. It was so nice we did it twice before heading to main street which wasn't as good but decent none the less. Another good one and a nice addition to the repertoire is the main street express to Curzis to Midway or Chute to lower main. Midway may have been the worst run today but chute was good. Overall a great morning. In the house were Ryan, Mute, Atomicskier, Johnny Law, Edge, Indiggio, Dirtwolf and many others. Fun day and blue is making a comeback (that is before the shit weather returns this week).
    11 points
  2. i have been having quite a productive PASR morning at work. Curzi's is/was a pretty neat place actually. I dont find it neat enough that they have to go renaming a trail after it though. https://gis.carboncounty.com/prcs/8-32-A10.pdf If you leave the lower parking lot, and start to head up BM drive, the first driveway you come to would be the access to the property. I would say you cant see the cabin from the road. i think it was like 10 acres, and it really did sit in the middle of a huge amount of land BMR Resorts owned. So, yeah, If Blue Mt wants to use across the street for tubing eventually, they got off pretty easy with just having to name a run after the guy in order for them to sell it to Blue. I cant find what the property actually sold for, records show it was transfered to Blue for $1. nobody is that nice that they would trade some property for a named ski run. They own an impressive amount across the street. At least 230 acres. From the entrance of the parking lot across the street, the rear property line is about 3,800' back. It appears they own the land they use for the Carbon County Fair, and this is propably the LZ (off Little Gap Rd) when they cant use the lot across the street. For those in the discussion as to how much land BMR owns on the other side of Freeballing, its roughly 2,900'. And for those wondering how much expansion that may be compared to what is currently "Blue Mountain", Blue is basically 4,419' wide, trail wise. like from the outermost point of Burma, to Para/Freeballing intersection. Also, the new lift appears to span a distance of 4,257'. The OG6 is 4,141. Quad is 4,414.
    7 points
  3. Back at 550 with @Dirtwolf in the house. Crowd was semi still there but most were headed to the exit. The usual slick spots with sugar piles but a pleasant evening with no lines. The kid accomplished her first black diamond with a full Raceway run and now she’s calling for doubles 😂 Beer in the lot and JADIP until tomorrow night.
    6 points
  4. Sigh, for the more computer disadvantaged. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4372f09hrfqqjku/Blue Mountain Resort renames ski run after late P’burg resident and avid skier D. Scott Curzi.pdf?dl=0
    6 points
  5. The search for Curtze Cabin today:
    5 points
  6. Fun morning with a light crowd and guns blazing. First couple runs on Razors were worth the price of admission. Top of it started falling apart after a couple runs but the rest of it stayed nice. Lazy was a complete marble field and Main continued to be v nice. Rode the new 6 pack at a crawling speed the entire way and at the top they said the button to restart it froze. big facepalm. Hopefully they got it sorted since we didn't try to ride it again. The area between the new and old 6 pack is becoming a popular standing location and hard to get through at times. Heading back for a double dip tonight and hoping no crowds with it being the end of the holiday weekend.
    5 points
  7. The frozen button thing would sound strange for any other resort……..blue mt? Makes perfect sense.
    4 points
  8. Frozen? lol Good thing it is a winter chair lift..
    4 points
  9. This morning was some of the best of the year, good crew, low crowds and good snow. Set it and forget it skiing where you can put the hammer down. The new lift so far has been running pretty slow but it has alot more buttons than the dirty double.
    4 points
  10. Started on the new lift, interesting perspective. rode it a few times, it stopped once and was slow a couple of times. The end of Burma in front of the patrol building is a little flat but doable. I like lazy but it was rough today, happy with everything else. wish they were blowing on upper sidewinder instead of lower sidewinder.
    4 points
  11. saw these on the tgrz and immediately thought of @Johnny Law
    4 points
  12. Whew, that was a close one.
    4 points
  13. Got out on the snow today at about 820. Took 6 runs and had enough of the crowd. Too many people with limited terrain, along with BMR. I guess I’m spoiled skiing during the week.
    4 points
  14. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/entertainment/2023/01/blue-mountain-resort-renames-ski-run-after-late-pburg-resident-and-avid-skier-d-scott-curzi.html Nice little cabin. Most of the article seems to be behind a paywall.
    3 points
  15. Matt Edge gave me a fist bump on the chairlift for being able to hang with the big dogs now. Atomic Skier on his Kästle skis used to disappear on the horizon like a tiny apple seed, but now I can sort of keep up so he looks like the size of a walnut
    3 points
  16. Three mile hike today through the finest of land, a treasure of natural space for terrestrial exploration. Afterwards men in tall hats and gold watch fobs will thump their chests and say what a great hike it was.
    3 points
  17. I just re read it. Sorry Dan. Hey @GrilledSteezeSandwich I heard Salty went looking for the cabin after skiing today and took a selfie with straw in his mouth. Maybe he'll post about it!
    3 points
  18. Also in the same edition, they mentioned that funding was assigned to finish the missing section of the D&L bike trail from Coplay to Riverside Park, so it will go from Bristol up to Wilkes-Barre.
    3 points
  19. All lifts open, almost all trails open today. 12 to 25 base. Base was around 6 to 10 with lots of mud on Thursday/Friday. Guns still cranking! Snowmaking is really doing the job!
    3 points
  20. Chicola Chute, Raceway, Widow Maker, Curzi's Cabin.... 🤷‍♂️
    3 points
  21. The new lift was fun, minus the stop and start for a good chunk of time time we were over school hill. My favorite run though yesterday was widow maker (curzis?) to chute... I honestly don't think I rode either of those two last year, but its nice having easy access now.
    3 points
  22. I forgot about razors, it looked bad from the lift but it was even worse than I imagined. It was so hilariously uneven about half way down I can hear indiggio dying laughing behind me. It was mad cobble stone skiing
    3 points
  23. Sounds like a perfect area for a fishing pond and bumper boats. They could set up some Adirondack chairs and a tiki bar and it would be like going to margaritaville without the jet lag.
    2 points
  24. That would be rad!! After reading the paywall article C1er posted, I realized the house I saw today must have been Curtze's Cabin. I didn't want to get close since it felt like trespassing but there are no signs anywhere. I guess Blue the True owns it now so it's fair game. There were some other people on the hiking trails. It's nice flat and easy terrain though I bet it gets really swampy after a lot of rain.
    2 points
  25. I’ll do that walk with you sometime. That’s an area I’ve never been. Maybe Ridge and JFDan and NMSki will also want to join.
    2 points
  26. That or make a porn flick...
    2 points
  27. the original build date on the house is like 1907. It is unlikely it looked like that when it was built. it has probably morphed into more of a house than a cabin over the years of renovations, additions, etc. Also, it appears as though there was someone living there from i think 2014 up towards the time of the sale. be neat to see it not torn down, and maybe made into a scrapple shack for the new tuning area. Being from 1907 (at least parts) i sure would like to take a peak inside.
    2 points
  28. Oh salty was I'm the house too. Btw salty I get partial credit for this correct? "Clear-air turbulence. Jet streams are, at their most basic, high-altitude air currents caused by atmospheric heating and the inertia of the earth's rotation—and they're the reason why flights from west to east are faster than the same route traversed in the opposite direction."
    2 points
  29. current view from the lodge at Aspen Mountain. Think I’m gonna call it a day unless the sun comes back out. Can’t see a thing. Got about 8 good runs in. No action shots unfortunately
    2 points
  30. We’ll be 5-730 with parents free 515-630
    1 point
  31. Just before where the two creeks merge is a state trout stocking point.
    1 point
  32. TP4 spoke it, and it occurred a few days later…
    1 point
  33. Digital camera, 2 shots, merged with an Android app called Bimostitch, then text added with Picsart.
    1 point
  34. Your wish will come through on Thursday. TP4 will be laughing
    1 point
  35. Blue owns all three of those parcels. The one directly to the left of then on BM drive is the one owned by PPL.
    1 point
  36. Half a million. I found it on a property transfer website somewhere, posted this in GSS’ 12/12 daily report thread when he started talking about it: Apparently D Scott Curzi lived in Pburg all his life until he died in 2009. Famous Pburg high wrestler and a historian. His son sold the lot to Blue in August: Justin Scott Curzi to BMR Resort LLC, Denver, Colorado, property at 415 Blue Mountain Road and Lot 1, Richard A. Person Subdivision, $500,000. EDIT: link https://www.tnonline.com/20220811/carbon-county-property-transfers-838/
    1 point
  37. Good one!!! Lo Qu Dijo jajajajaja Donde es senor Salty?? En la casa
    1 point
  38. Correct. I saw a house through the woods but didn't get close. Never found an actual cabin, though maybe Curtze used this building at some point for SUJOPO
    1 point
  39. QFT! Not to mention them putting the stupid fence up halfway across the base area, so coming down Trails End you have to fight through the crowds just to get to the entrance. Checking out the webcams in the late afternoon/evening, the place is packed! Hope crowds thin out for you, but WJW!
    1 point
  40. This reminds me of the maps that @Benm and I put together of land ownership. I can't find them at the moment...
    1 point
  41. Nice little article that can’t be read. Strike two C1er lol
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. At least if you can't see anything it looks like nobody is home.......I heard Highlands the other day had a phantom 10" that skied deep on the lower half of the hill and I would just be happy if it stayed cold a bit.
    1 point
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